where to buy sodium silicate-liquid glass?

Started by Tater Pickens, August 25, 2012, 11:30:23 AM

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Tater Pickens

Where do you guys buy the liquid glass(sodium silicate) to seal in the over shot card on your brass shot shells?


Tater Pickens


Please pardon my intrusion.....

Isn't sodium-silicate the main ingredient in the stop leak products sold in the automotive section for head-block-radiator leaks.... ???

Try the auto parts store or even the Home & Farm stores like Murdock's - Big R - Bomgaars .....
NRA LIFE Member     SASS #76620     SCAA #1    RATS #480    OUTLAW

"Lord, make me accurate, my aim true, and my hand faster than those who would do harm to me and mine. Let not my last thought be "If only I had my gun"; finally Lord, if today is truly the day that You call me home, let me die in a pile of empty brass." ...... Amen

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Forty Rod

I got a four ounce bottle at Gemmel's Pharmacy.  They are also my source for nitric acid for etching brass.
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Charlie Bowdre

Most pharmacies will carrt it or get it in for you . Ask for 'waterglass' they may know it by tha name.
"I'm too old to go soldiering any more , too stiff in the joints to ride point and too dam fat to wrestle drunks Any day they don't pat you on the face with a shovel is a good one"

BOLD 887 
Bvt.Major  Chaplain  GAF  502 
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NRA LIFE Member     SASS #76620     SCAA #1    RATS #480    OUTLAW

"Lord, make me accurate, my aim true, and my hand faster than those who would do harm to me and mine. Let not my last thought be "If only I had my gun"; finally Lord, if today is truly the day that You call me home, let me die in a pile of empty brass." ...... Amen

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Tater Pickens

Thanks gentlemen. I found some at a local pharmacy. Right pricey stuff.

I've heard of it used as a block sealant in automobiles so can't imagine what pharmaceutical use there may be for the stuff but my local auto supply didn't have any


Charlie Bowdre

ya don't need a lot to make the seal. I usually seat the over shot wad then ppour a very small amount , just enough to cover the card a bit and let it stand till it hardens.
"I'm too old to go soldiering any more , too stiff in the joints to ride point and too dam fat to wrestle drunks Any day they don't pat you on the face with a shovel is a good one"

BOLD 887 
Bvt.Major  Chaplain  GAF  502 
STORM 271 
SASS 87747

John William McCandles

I have a new sealed gallon jug that I saved from work when they were going to throw it out.
If it would keep I'd divide it out since a gallon is more than a life time supply. But have heard that once air gets to it it won't last long.

NCOWS #1792
SASS #963
Johnson County Rangers
The Old West Players
Alpine Outlaws (Inactive)
NRA Life
U.S. Navy Submarine Service Retired

Charlie Bowdre

also I found if it stands for any lenght of time , some of the compound settles to the bottom . Every  onec in a while I turn the bottle to keep it suspended,
"I'm too old to go soldiering any more , too stiff in the joints to ride point and too dam fat to wrestle drunks Any day they don't pat you on the face with a shovel is a good one"

BOLD 887 
Bvt.Major  Chaplain  GAF  502 
STORM 271 
SASS 87747

John William McCandles

I've also seen where re loaders use Elmer's wood glue in place of water glass. Not period correct but it will work.

NCOWS #1792
SASS #963
Johnson County Rangers
The Old West Players
Alpine Outlaws (Inactive)
NRA Life
U.S. Navy Submarine Service Retired


Skylighter carries it, and it can usually be found on ebay as well for about $20 +-  a quart.

Sometimes the powder form is available on ebay... a pound of it makes about a quart to 1/2 gallon or so when mixed with water depending on how thick you prefer it.  The powder version is usually cheaper when shipping is considered cuz you aren't paying to ship water.




I've got about 15oz of a 16oz bottle left. If you're willing to pay shipping, it's yours. Don't use it anymore.

PS - I found my bottle on eBay.

Tater Pickens

Thanks Cookie-wish I had heard from you sooner..I bought some the other day from a local pharmacy...right pricey stuff.

Thanks to all the others for your responses.


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