You know you are a reenactor when...

Started by Cash Creek, May 24, 2012, 08:50:40 PM

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Cash Creek

You have weapons stacked in the living room.
2. You can sleep through artillery fire.
3. You close the curtains to change at home, but dont mind getting into period clothing in the middle of camp.
4. Your holiday gift list reads like a Quartermaster's request for supplies.
5. Your decorating style could be described as "bookcase eclectic".
6. You make career decisions based on their effect on your weekends.
7. You can spot 100% wool at 30 yards.
8. You go out to eat during an event and people ask if you are Amish.
9. You suffer from post-event depression.
10. You're annoyed that the museum's orginal regimental was on a dummy.
11. You shop for motor vehicles with an 8 ft wooden tent pole.
12. Your back yard resembles a tent city on Monday morning.
13. You've worn wool when the temperature tops 100 degrees. Repeatedly.
14. You spend $300 on an outfit that went out of style 200 years ago.
15. You dont mind straight laced shoes.
16. You realize you've used porta-loos more often than "flushies" recently.
17. Your co-workers would be worried about the bruises if not for the sunburn.
18. No one will attend a historical film with you.
19. When you pack for a week long trip, you take 1 bag. When you pack for a weekend, it takes a trailer.
20. You know exactly how many days until the next event.

Hiram Ranger #100, Westside Sportsmen Club, NCOWS 3395, SASS 90169, NRA, Col. Bishop's Renegades... Cowgirls are like barbed wire...handle with care.


Those are great and beginning to sound like my life.  ;D
NCOWS 3384

Pay Dirt Norvelle

I resemble those remarks  ;D and in fact I will be going to a Civil War reenactment this weekend. 
SASS #90056
RATS #650

Cherokee Reb

21) You plan vacation days around the event calender

22) Midwinter you drag the reenecting clothes out just because you miss the "smoke" smell.

23) You're driving in the country and see an open area and automatically think that it would be a great place for a camp/battle/reenactment.

24) Your kids correct their history teachers.

25) You think nothing of spending $90 for a linen shirt but balk at $20 for a new shirt at Walmart.

26) Most of your furniture goes with you to reenactments

Member SASS,NCOWS and Knob Creek Regulators


With over 20 years in both WW2 and CW combined, I'll take a shot here....

27) You get so excited about scoring the correct beveled gas cylinder lock for your Garand that you call your girl friend at work with the good news.

28) You've woken up with ice on your blankets while camping Campaign-style.

29) Same thing with your spectacles.

30) You've spent 5 months and uncounted long-distance phone calls looking for an extractor for you Model 1912 Steyr-Hahn pistol.

31) You have blank-adapted a Model 1912 Steyr-Hahn pistol.

32) You drove 1400 miles one way in a '68 Fury with no AC to attend the 135th Gettysburg.

33) You can listen to gunfire in the distance and can tell what is being fired by the tone and cyclic rate.

34) You realize that re-enactors are really nothing more then 'Trekkies',....   just recreating something that actually happened.

35) You spend a weekend doing the Garrison impression at a CW fort that everyone says is haunted and everyone else in the unit experiences something strange except you.

36) You have eaten a piece of hardtack that has been in the bottom of your haversack for 3 years.

37) You actually know how to properly operate the T&E on a MG-42 Lafette mount.

38) You walk into the Winn Dixie while wearing your Brogans, forgetting that you have hobnails and heel plates, and go sliding on the tile floor about 30 feet and end up head first in the open top frozen french fry freezer.

39) You can open a beer bottle with the ejection port of a 1911.

40) You find out the ejection port on a Browning High Power works even better.

41) You've had to pour water into the top of your Henry repeater to free up the carrier block from binding on the powder fouling.

42) You have poured Dextron AFT onto the barrel of your MG-42 at a public battle just to get that smoke effect when it heats up. (the crowds love to see belt-feds smoke)

43) Your officers and NCO's ask you to load their revolvers for them because you can load them for 100% reliability and zero chain-fires. (blanks of course)

44) You turn out for morning inspection(CW) with a MP-40 instead of a musket. (hey, if they'd had them they'd have used them)

45) You do the same thing again with an AK-47 after reading 'Guns of the South' and telling everyone about the book the night before while sitting around the fire.

46) You spent $45 on a rubber Enfield bayonet and have had $45,000 worth of fun with it.

More to follow...
A lot of what is taken for engineering fact, if you dig into it far enough, is often just someone's opinion.

Steel Horse Bailey

Brother Cash, excellent!

Cherokee Reb, great additions!

Swampy , it sounds like some personal experience speaking there.  Good stuff!  '68 Fury, no less!!!
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

G.W. Strong

Quote from: swampman on June 04, 2012, 12:35:11 AM
38) You walk into the Winn Dixie while wearing your Brogans, forgetting that you have hobnails and heel plates, and go sliding on the tile floor about 30 feet and end up head first in the open top frozen french fry freezer.

Yep... except it was a Cabelas and I nearly took out a rack of hunting clothes!
George Washington "Hopalong" Strong
Grand Army of the Frontier #774, (Bvt.) Colonel commanding the Department of the Missouri.
SASS #91251
Good Guy's Posse & Bristol Plains Pistoleros
NCOWS #3477
Sweetwater Regulators

pony express

Quote from: Hopalong Strong on June 08, 2012, 08:34:28 PM
Yep... except it was a Cabelas and I nearly took out a rack of hunting clothes!

So far I've always remembered to change shoes before going in to Wal Mart on the way home...but then I only got those brogans a few months ago.

Major 2

You know your a reenactor when... you look back
and realized your first (In observance of the centennial of the American Civil) event was in 1965 and it's 2012. 

ACW, with Seminole Wars, Texas Indpendance,  Mex. War and War 1812 mixed in   (even a little Span-Am in 98-99 )
- to NCOWS.

when you try to remember the the number of States you've reenacted in , and @ 32 you seem like there may have been more.

Yep... slipping with Boots and heel plates ,  I think it was Winn Dixie too ! 

What a GREAT run it has been  :D
when planets the deal !

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