Spencer rifles in action

Started by Preston County Rider, May 10, 2012, 07:28:11 AM

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Preston County Rider

The most recent edition of "Blue and Gray" magazine, Vol XXVIII #5, (good mag on Civil War tactical details) notes our Spencer rifles in action during the fighting along the Western Front, Petersburg, in March, 1865. There are two specific references in this article regarding Spencers.

The first concerns a fight by the 148th Pennsylvania, when "after stacking fence rails for protection, about a dozen men with Spencer rifles held a large body of the enemy at bay behind a large white house within the Confederate lines."

The second reference concerns the 37th Mass when the men of the 37th Mass would claim that "by a judicious use of their Spencer rifles they repelled the repeated attempts by the Confederates to regain the lost ground"

Two Flints - I know you are looking at the Mass units as a possible for your Spencer rifle - is the 148th Pa a poss as well? (I didn't know of any Pa units that were Spencer rifle equiped until I read this)


Two Flints


According to John D. McAulay's Civil War Breechloading Rifles, "During the war a large number of regiments were armed at one time or another with the Spencer rifle.  They included:


I haven't had an opportunity to do any more research on my Spencer Rifle, or the 37th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, or any other infantry units for that matter, although I have the Regimental History of the 37th still to read. 

Thanks for the reading reference . . .

Two Flints

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