What is accurate for a '76?

Started by Roosterman, April 24, 2012, 07:22:30 PM

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Got a Uberti 76 in 45-60. I'm shooting 2 1/4" groups off a rest @ 100 yards with 34gr 3130 and a 300 gr commercial hard cast bullet .SAme size group with 65gr weighed 2FF Goex with a Big Lube bullet.. I feel the stock barrel sights are pretty crappy and I have a helluva time seeing a good sight picture.  Should I expect better? Are any of you guys doing better than this? ???
Known to run with scissors from time to time
Citadel of Sin Social Club


For what it is worth I do not shoot a 45-60 rather a 45-75 and I am getting the same size groups but using a 350 grain bullet.   OPne must remember that these are hunting rifles not minute of angle target rifles however were one to get that sort of performance then he done got a great one!  I have tried several different types of powder with different charges and have gotten different results as is normal.  My rifle as with all rifles is very fussy as to what it is fed.  So far using Black Powder, it likes that Swiss 1½ better than Goex or Dupont and I have played with 4831 with mixed results and there is another powder that I got the data from Ken Waters' book where he listed 22.0 grains of 2400 for both the 45-60 and the 45-75.  My best luck with this powder using a tuft of kapok over the powder.  This provides a consistent load for me--IN MY RIFLE.

I know that I am talking about a 45-75 versus a 45-60 however there are alot of similarities if you think about it.  Hope this helps just a wee bit for your questions.
When in doubt, mumble!
NRA Endowment member


You seen in my thread the results i`ve been having with 3031, i seen in the smokeless load thread some tried Reloader 7 worked pretty good. I`m out of 3031 and have a can of seven so i`ll give it a try.
I pm`ed Rowdy for advice with that powder but haven`t gotten a reply.
I`m waiting on a bullet mold also as i`m out of 300 grain bullets too.
IMO i think in my case the flyers are because of a trigger that is a little heavy and the rear sight is hard to center left and right.
Will up-dat on the reloader 7.
USAF 72-76
DAV member


RE#7 is a good powder. Depending on the charge weight it may give you cleaner burning than 3031.  As far as 2-1/4" groups at 100 yds is concerned, that probably isn't bad with iron sights, depending on your eyeballs, depending on the number of rounds in the group. I have shot a few 10-round groups in .45-2.4" (.45-90 with a 1-19" twist barrel) from an original HiWall at 100 yds that went into about that size. I was using a homemade tang peep sight and an aperture front on a standard bullseye.  Remember, these old guns were expected to shoot "minute-of-buffalo" or "minute of bull elk".  Even with BP, really precision (under M.O.A.) shooting didn't come in until precision barrel-making (usually custom) or modern mass production. 
Ride to the sound of the guns, but watch out for bushwhackers! Godspeed to all in harm's way in the defense of Freedom! God Bless America!

Your obedient servant,
Bvt. Lt. Col. Commanding,
Southern District
Dept. of the Platte, GAF


I agree with that, i`m happy if i can hit a coffee can at 100 yards with these sights and aging eyes.
They arn`t a target rifle though extreme flyers shouldn`t be the norm either.
USAF 72-76
DAV member


Well, I posted a lengthy post this morning but it seems to be gone now..... I'll summarize, I think my loads are good but I'm being limited by my sights and my 54 year old eyes. I think the gun is capable of better accuracy with better sights.  The Smith enterprises sights look like they will help, but kind of pricey. Have to save my pennies.
Thanks for your help guys. I have really enjoyed this gun.I must have bought it 4 years ago and the trigger sear went soft on me. Now I have moved, have my own range, found the time to fix the sear and am shoooting more than I have in the past 15 years.
Going to get some more Swiss 1.5. Been saving it for my Sharps but this gun really needs it to get more than 3 accurate shots with out swabbing.  I gotta say, it's a great hunting gun for the midwest just as it is, unfortunately it's illegal to use in my part of Iowa. ::) ::)
Known to run with scissors from time to time
Citadel of Sin Social Club


I tried 4198 today and came up with a pretty good load, using a 300 grain bullet over 30 gr. and standard CCI primmers.
I tried some hotter loads from 35-38 grains and they went all over the target.
Shooting at 50 yards off a sand bag.
I replaced the rear sight with a marbles styl semi buckhorn which helped but most the problem is my failing eyes.
The 30 gain load was mild to shoot and i`m thinking will be fine for white tail deer.

USAF 72-76
DAV member


I bought some Varget yesterday. Hope to give it a try next week or so, I'll post a report.
Known to run with scissors from time to time
Citadel of Sin Social Club


USAF 72-76
DAV member

dusty texian

Took my little buggy rifle out to the range this morn. Was windy ,so set-up on the bench for 100yd. shooting. The 76 , 40-60wcf 210gr. 2ff Swiss, held a good group @ 100yd. for me being cold and the wind was howling.Handy little rifle and load ,for just about anything,i run across . ,,,,,,Dusty

Thomas (Tom) Horn aka James Hicks


It has been awhile since I shot my Uberti '76 Win Centennial Rifle... Here is a picture of paper target I shot 2 years ago with this rifle.  Target was at 200 yards and I shot 20 rounds. My bullets were RNFP 292 grains sitting on top of 12.5 grains of Trail Boss. My sights are Kelly Soule Sight and a Kelly Globe Front Sight.  The black bullseye measures 8" across. The 45-60 has a bad rainbow trajectory and the further out you shoot it will get worse.  I have tried the rifle at 500 yards ... well we won't talk about that experience. Laugh
"If I killed that kid, it was the best shot I ever made, and the dirtiest trick I ever did."

Thomas (Tom) Horn aka James Hicks

Roosterman -

I said in my previous post that I use Kelly Sights.  They are a tad on the expensive side but if you shoot a lot you will love Kelly Sights.  I am quite a bit older than you (70's) and I do not have a problem using Kelly. My opine... they are the best sights on the market. see pics for sights.
"If I killed that kid, it was the best shot I ever made, and the dirtiest trick I ever did."

Thomas (Tom) Horn aka James Hicks

Roosterman and others-

I think if you do your research on the Win '76 the 45-60 was marketed at that time frame using a 292 grain bullets to 300 grain on top of 60 grains of the HB.  My shooting experience with the 45-60 using smokeless powder... it is best to use RNFP bullets 292 to 300 grain bullets.  I have not had good luck using the heavier bullets (405 grainers) no matter what powder I have used with the heavier bullets the bullets go all over the target.  So I figured with my rifle... the heavier bullets is a no no.  So I use the 405 grainers in my '86 45-70 and they work fine in that rifle.  I mostly use Trail Boss for competition shoots when using the 292 grain bullet.  I have found that the 300 grain bullet on top of 23 to 25 grains of 5744 does very well at 200 yard targets.  Both loads mentioned have a very good shot grouping at that range.  I do not know how these loads would work for hunting... me thinks maybe one would need maybe a little hotter load.  Do not know, I have only used the rifle for Cowboy Long Range shooting. Getting to old to freeze my rear off looking for a white tail to cross my path.
"If I killed that kid, it was the best shot I ever made, and the dirtiest trick I ever did."


     I got a Uberti 1876 in 45-60 about a year ago, and after trying and failing with a lot of different loads, I have been able to consistently shoot 1 inch groups at 100 yards, but there's no place around here (Austin, Texas) where I can shoot farther than that, so I can't see if I can do as well as you did at 200, and as soon as I find out how to do it, I'll post a picture.  By the way, the perfect load I finally found for my rifle is 9 gr. Unique pushing the Lyman 292 grain bullet.  Thanks for letting me bend your ear.
                                                                                                                              Dave  :D

Thomas (Tom) Horn aka James Hicks


you are welcome. My source for 292 grain bullets is out of business. But the 300 grain bullets are just as good.  I have not had particular good luck with 350 grainers or the 405 grainers in either of my 45-60's (Uberti and Chapparal). I do not shoot the Chapparal much, which is me... I just do not like it... but it does shoot well. With the 292 grain bullet I did not tell you the load I use for the 200 yard targets.  I use Trail Boss 13 grains. It is easy on the shoulder and at my age, I stay away from 4198 and other hot loads... cresent butt plate with high loads will do your shoulder in. Everybody's rifle is different, what works good in my rifle may not work good in yours. Checkout Silver Rings Posts on this Forum he has done a lot of testing with different powders... good friend of mine..check his postings on different loads. I have never fired Unique, but ifn it works for you... use it. When I find a certain powder that works well, I stay with it.  Hodgdon's Varget works good in the 45-60 also using their load data for a 45-70 Trapdoor rifle and a 300 grain RNFP with a STARTING Load of 45 grains of Varget I worked down and found that somewhere between 35 to 45 grains works best in my Uberti '76. But I always go back to the Trail Boss and 5744 ... easy on the shoulder.  I wish you well.
"If I killed that kid, it was the best shot I ever made, and the dirtiest trick I ever did."

Thomas (Tom) Horn aka James Hicks

I found the loads that Ken Waters mentions in his book "Pet Loads" for the '76 in 45-60 caliber.  He states using 45-70 brass trimmed, a 292 grain RNFP bullet on top of 20 to 22 grains of 2400 (22 grains MAX).  I saw where larryo_1 posted using a 350 grain RNFP with 22 grains of 2400 with a tuff of kapok... so I tried it.  It worked very well in my Uberti '76 Centennial 45-60. The load is a little stouter than the 12.5 grains of Trail Boss... but it is accurate and the shot groups of 3 to 5 rounds at 200 yards were good.  I also tried using a 300 grain RNFP sitting on top of 20 grains of 2400 and at 200 yards that worked very well.  292 grain bullets sized to .458" or .459" are not easy to find... but the 300 grain bullets work very well in my 45-60 rifle.  As I have said before, for whatever reasons I do not get good results with bullets cast  405 grains or higher... the heavies go all over... guess my Uberti does not like the heavier bullets.
"If I killed that kid, it was the best shot I ever made, and the dirtiest trick I ever did."


My uberti is very accurate, but is a bit finicky. With the help of silver rings, I experimented with varget, a lasercast 350 gr hardcast is breaking the 1400 fps barrier. Lately ive been experimenting with "the song" 76, it doesnt like my 350 gr load. Ive tried some 325 gr casts and its been promising, 41.5 gr of varget runs over 1440, and is giving me 21/2 ", 100 yard groups.  Easily fulfills my needs.


Tom Horn:
As I mentioned to you earlier via e-maill, I shoot a 45-75 and have for quite a few years.  It is one of the early ones with the larger chamber which suits me just fine!  This chamber allows me to play a bit more with different powders and loads and if you care to go back in time you will find some posts that I put out showing some of the powders that were tried.  The two loads that I am quite pleased with are the one with 2400 and kapok and  the BP load of Swiss1½ using 76 grains with a card on the powder.  When I first started out I used Buff Arms cast bullets and then went to a Hoch custom mold as I already had one for my 40-82 and liked it.  The one for the 45-75 is great.  My rifle seems to like the bullets cast in the 20:1 alloy better than the 16:1 alloy.  Since I make my own alloys,I am able to play with the lead mixes somewhat. When I got started, I cut my teeth on 348 brass and fire-formed them.  Someone said that you get a "Coke Bottle" bulge in those cases and there was a sort of a slight bulge alright but that has long since gone away so never had any problems.  Never even got any bad cases by fire-forming either and somewhere in all the stuff on this site is a post as to how I did that fire-forming.  Now most of my recent brass is either Jamison or 50-90 Sharps.  So far-knock on wood, I have never had a failed case.

Hope all this blather will help somebody.
When in doubt, mumble!
NRA Endowment member

Thomas (Tom) Horn aka James Hicks


Thanks for the info and update, I sent you a PM in reply.  I have had great results with the 45-60's (both Uberti and Chaparral) using a 292 grain bullet and 300 up to 350. For competition this is a VERY RELIABLE load... I have no complaints, produces a very tight shot group at 200 yards (both of my 45-60's) had a 5 round shot group the size of a tennis ball and that is great for a 45-60. I have not tried it in my 45-70 as of yet, but I will before long.  Avery good load.
"If I killed that kid, it was the best shot I ever made, and the dirtiest trick I ever did."


Howdy Folks,

Recently have been working on some loads that group good for the 45-60.  Some look promising.

Here are the 400 gr loads, groups at 100 yrds:
I4198 25.0 grns poly filler av vel 1353 sd 17 group 3 rds in 2 1/2"
3031  24.0 grns poly filler av vel 1032 sd 21 group 4 rds in 1 1/2"  5 rds in 2 3/4"
H4831sc 43.0 grns poly filler av vel 1093 sd 20 group 3 rds in 1 7/8"

Here are the 300 gr gas check bullet loads:
H4831sc 50.0 grns no filler av vel 1253 sd 12 group 3 in 1 1/4" 4 in 3 3/8"
H4831sc same load with non- gas check av vel 1261 sd 17 group 4 in 2 1/2"
3031 30.0 poly filler av vel 1284 sd 21 group 3 in 1/2" 5 in 5"

The 300 grn gas check using 3031 that put 3 rds in 1/2" the other 2 rds blew the group to 5", has my interest.  I'll be playing some more with it.

These were fired off sand bag on a bench.  My 76 has Marble tang sight and Lyman globe front sight using a aperture disk.

Silver Rings 
Gunfighter, SASS 27466, NRA Life, GOFWG, BOSS, RO 1, RO 2

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