I give.....What is differance in Cowboy and Wrangler catagories?

Started by rod locker, April 21, 2012, 01:07:47 PM

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rod locker

Looked at the SASS handbook but did not see mention of Wrangler.How do they shoot and what qualifications apply to them?


Shooter's handbook says:

• Cowboy Category shooters are competitors of any age range.
• Wrangler Category shooters are competitors 36 years of age or greater.

I can't keep up with the changes either.  I usually just shoot the BP categories and ignore the others  :)
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

Abilenes CAS Pages  * * * Abilene Cowboy Shooter Youtube

Pay Dirt Norvelle

I just shoot my age catagory (Silver Senior) so I don't have to strain my brain about catagories and at my age that is a
good thing.  ;D
SASS #90056
RATS #650

rod locker

Yeah.....I shoot 49er.  Was just trying to figure some of this out.  So I beleive any age wrangler can shoot cowboy, but a cowboy has to be 36 to shoot wrangler if I read tis right.  Think I will finish this year in 49er and next year move to Double Duelist.


Quote from: rod locker on April 21, 2012, 03:39:32 PM
Yeah.....I shoot 49er.  Was just trying to figure some of this out.  So I beleive any age wrangler can shoot cowboy, but a cowboy has to be 36 to shoot wrangler if I read tis right.  Think I will finish this year in 49er and next year move to Double Duelist.
Howdy Rod, from the Shooters Handbook
• Cowboy Category shooters are competitors of any age range.
• Wrangler Category shooters are competitors 36 years of age or greater.

Double Duelist is not a category, it is a shooting style used mostly by Duelist, and Gunfighters when the stage calls for split pistols.
Double Duelist style can be shot in any category. Duelist style can be shot in any category except Gunfighter. The Gunfighter has to use either GF style or Double Duelist style. Hope this helps, Good Luck :)
• Any Main Match revolver.
• Revolvers may be shot any style except Gunfighter.

• "Double Duelist Style" is defined as shooting a revolver cocked and fired one handed and unsupported, with each hand, that is, left gun with the left hand and right gun with the right hand. The revolver, hand, or shooting arm may not be touched by the offhand except when resolving a malfunctioning revolver problem.
• At no time shall the competitor have two loaded

Jefro :D Relax-Enjoy
sass # 69420....JEDI GF #104.....NC Soot Lord....CFDA#1362
44-40 takes a back seat to no other caliber

Count Sandor

This is all part of age-protected categories in SASS. Cowboy is the only open category AGE WISE. Any adult shooter can shoot Cowboy regardless of age. To shoot in Wrangler, a person must be at least 36. 49'er is just that, 49 and above. Then there is Senior, Silver Senior, etc. The idea is to "protect" shooters as they age...keep people of relatively even physical ability together...and keep the really fast youngsters from winning every category, driving away the older shooters. 

SBSS #2023 - OGB
Chief Stealth Bullet Investigator of the Holy Roman Empire
Dirty RAT #396
NRA Life

rod locker

Now that makes since.  I am sorta slow.  So a Wrangler can shoot Wrangler up to the day he or she turns 49.  So if I understand right Duelist shoot against other Duelist of all ages.  On entry forms you can choose Duelist but there is no sub-catagory to rank you with other Duelist in your age bracket.  Correct? 

Stu Kettle

Quote from: rod locker on April 23, 2012, 09:05:02 AM
So a Wrangler can shoot Wrangler up to the day he or she turns 49. 
"Wrangler Category shooters are competitors 36 years of age or greater"

No mention of an upper age limit, only lower limits.

Count Sandor

Quote from: rod locker on April 23, 2012, 09:05:02 AM
Now that makes since.  I am sorta slow.  So a Wrangler can shoot Wrangler up to the day he or she turns 49.  So if I understand right Duelist shoot against other Duelist of all ages.  On entry forms you can choose Duelist but there is no sub-catagory to rank you with other Duelist in your age bracket.  Correct? 

SASS age-based categories are not "age-defined." Once you reach Wrangler age, you can shoot it for the rest of your life if you want...of course, you would then be getting older and shooting against younger shooters, but it's your choice. We have one gentleman locally who is 63, but still shoots 49'er at least twice a month. If you stop to think about it, a shooter old enough for Elderstatesman can shoot in any adult category he chooses. Most people do tend to stay with their age group, if for no other reason than familiarity - knowing the folks against whom they compete, often on the same posse, and seeing who comes out on top this week.

Duelist has two SASS recognized categories - Duelist and Senior Duelist, which is age 60 and above.

FWIW, there are some folks who think SASS should go to age-defined categories to help cut down on "Cherry-picking." That is, people who show up at a match, wait to see who's entered, then enter in a "younger" class with few shooters in order to assure a higher finish. Doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

SBSS #2023 - OGB
Chief Stealth Bullet Investigator of the Holy Roman Empire
Dirty RAT #396
NRA Life

rod locker

Thank you....this is making more sense now.  I just started shooting CAS in Febuary and still trying to understand what the heck is going on and why.  I am just to analytical for my own good.  But reading and asking questions is how I learn.  Thank you all once again.

Thomas (Tom) Horn aka James Hicks

Count Sandor,

You stated..."That is, people who show up at a match, wait to see who's entered, then enter in a "younger" class with few shooters in order to assure a higher finish. Doesn't happen often, but it does happen."

Think these folks are also called "gamers".... LOL
"If I killed that kid, it was the best shot I ever made, and the dirtiest trick I ever did."

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