Lever Action Rifle For Home Defense

Started by Danny Bear Claw, April 17, 2012, 04:02:13 PM

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Danny Bear Claw

My Rossi '92 has the slickest action of all my lever guns, right out of the box, so I sometimes load it up with cas ammo for home defense.  I'm thinking it's action is strong enough to actually handle a milder defense load such as the Silver Tip 45 Colt load.  Don't know if I'd go with anything more powerful than that though.  I get a muzzle velocity right around 1,000 fps with Winchester 45 Colt cas ammo.  I've never chrono'd the silver tip out of the '92, but I'm thinking that the 250 gr.  Winchester cas load, (RNFP), would certainly drop a 2 legged predator if need be.
What do you guys think?  Can the Rossi '92 handle self defense loads hotter than the Silver Tip load?   :-\
SASS #5273 Life.   NRA Life member.  RATS # 136.   "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us".


Quote from: Danny Bear Claw on April 17, 2012, 04:02:13 PM
My Rossi '92 has the slickest action of all my lever guns, right out of the box, so I sometimes load it up with cas ammo for home defense.  I'm thinking it's action is strong enough to actually handle a milder defense load such as the Silver Tip 45 Colt load.  Don't know if I'd go with anything more powerful than that though.  I get a muzzle velocity right around 1,000 fps with Winchester 45 Colt cas ammo.  I've never chrono'd the silver tip out of the '92, but I'm thinking that the 250 gr.  Winchester cas load, (RNFP), would certainly drop a 2 legged predator if need be.
What do you guys think?  Can the Rossi '92 handle self defense loads hotter than the Silver Tip load?   :-\

The Rossi 92 can handle pretty much any commercial ammo made in standard or +P equivalent loads such as those for Ruger only. As for a 250 gr bullet that is pretty much what I shot in mine all the time and can't imagine not being able to take down a human with a couple of well placed rounds.
NCOWS 3384

Shotgun Franklin

Yes, I do have more facial hair now.


The rifle will handle those loads with no problem. Just be sure of your field of fire from where you are most likely to shoot. For example, is there an occupied bedroom in line with where you'd be throwning down on a wouldbe purp? If you miss, or the bullet overpenetrates, where is the bullet likely to come out on the otherside of the wall to that bedroom...or exit the building altogether?! That is one reason that the frangible bullets are a better choice. They will probably do the job on a "soft target" (unless the purp is wearing armor), but won't penetrate a wall. If you are using a revolver, then you could load one or two of these, with a more solid round or three for followup.
Ride to the sound of the guns, but watch out for bushwhackers! Godspeed to all in harm's way in the defense of Freedom! God Bless America!

Your obedient servant,
Bvt. Lt. Col. Commanding,
Southern District
Dept. of the Platte, GAF

Professor Marvel

Your Rossi was in fact the Assault Rifle of it's time, and 10 rounds of 357, 44 or 45 will take you far.

Trailrider has made an excellent point. One could follow the sage advice of old LEO's passed down to me -

In their 12 ga riot guns the first 2 rounds coming out (ie last 2 loaded) would be #4 birdshot, followed by 2 BB's, followed by buckshot, with4 rifled slugs in the stock mounted carrier.

Thus you could have for example 4 rounds of Glaser Safety Slugs, followed by 3 rounds of Silvtertip, followed by 3 rounds of
Soft Lead Cowboy Loads, with 5 rounds of +P Bear Loads in a stock sock cartridge sleeve.

As my night vision begins to disappear and my Official Old Fart Presbyopia is kicking in with a vengance, I am equipping the the needful items in the "Repel Borders" locker with clamp-on  90+ lumen streamlights  and laser sights.

In our semi-rural area we do get quite a combination of Night Visiting creatures  including skunks, racoons, coyotes, roof-loving squirells, bobcats, cougars, black bear and deer;  as well as the occasional 2-Legged Hyena. Thus as I wander the tiny homestead at night I like to make sure that I can spotlight & ID the critter in question, ensure that it is NOT a neighbors pet, (or God Forbid one of ours that got out!), and have the ability to drop that little red dot on the forehead or chest as required.

Being clamp-ons, they are readily removed on a whim so as to restore Duck/Deer/CAS target capability.

Amusingly, any of the non-Hyenas are usually quite surprised, and I have been able to discuss matters with them and put in the request that they move along; with the exception of the Long Desired Barn Cat who I asked to move into our shed. Our mouse issues have diminished greatly.

So far all the others have all graciously agreed, and skedadled to a less verbose household.

I have had only one occasion with a Hyena to date, interestingly during daylight hours a few years ago, and when they continued to ask for someone who never lived here I removed my Hat with my left hand, covering the crossdraw I was perfoming with my right, whilst stating firmly "No Hable Espanol. That Person Never here. YOU LEAVE NOW" .

which they did.

That incident persuaded me to make the investment in the inexpensive clamp-on lasers, which by the way are dirt simple to operate even for She WHo Must Be Obeyed.  The Advantage of Low Light Dot On Target is extraordinarily comforting during nocturnal events, and somehow when a Hyena  gets lased in the eyes and seeing the Little Red Dot appear on the chest makes for a powerful incentive for the Hyena to suddenly remember an appointment to be Elsewhere.

side mounts are affordable and readily available to plop a flashlight on one side and a laser on the other side of a lever action :-)

some catalog shopping for your entertainment:

45 COLT Glaser :

45 Colt Cowboy Loads

.45 Colt Hollow Point ( 920 fps)

.45 COlt "Bear Loads'

.45 Colt Barnes HP

.45 Colt Corbon +P

And here's a cherap laser/flashlight combo

prof marvel
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

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GunClick Rick

or 10 rounds of snake shot ;D but i will use my shootgun...Ain't that right Wolfy :)
Bunch a ole scudders!

Sam Cobra

Dances With Coyotes

Why the HELL not??? I'd be comfortable enough to use a pair of cap n ball revolvers for home defense.....If I was some burglar and you come in with a lever action I'd be thinking twice about what I was doing.
All you need is love and a .45

Shotgun Franklin

Your '92 will handle any standard .45 Colt round you shoot through it.  Leave the chamber empty and if you need it lever a round into the chamber. This will highly discourage any 2 legged vermin that you might encounter. I about 5 years or so change out the magazine spring, it might not need it but it's a good idea. Practice. Do learn to hold a flashlight in your forward hand. I suggest this because you will very likely as a citizen/property owner need to use that light independently of the gun. I hope you never need that gun for anything but plinking or 'fun' stuff.
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.

mestiza letty

Quote from: Dances With Coyotes on April 28, 2012, 10:12:20 PM
Why the HELL not??? I'd be comfortable enough to use a pair of cap n ball revolvers for home defense.....If I was some burglar and you come in with a lever action I'd be thinking twice about what I was doing.
Got a pair on the ready 8) :o
Don't wear out yer shirt collar lookin' fer the hindsight
~Eddie Adamek~ Trick Roper

litl rooster

Why wouldn't you use a lever gun?  If you are familiar with one and shoot it often. Why buy and use something you will shoot once a year. Then panic and forget how to use when and if the ime it's needed.  I AM NOT A PREPPER.  However I see the advocates of prepping are pushing the Levergun for defence and of course survival. I would spectulate that their is as many Leverguns of one type or another, around the world than there are AK's. (maybe not that many but there are alot of them)  I agree with what joes stated. Also trailrider brought up over pentration issues.  I have sent , 250 grain pills thru doubled 2 x4 on many occassions. (Target frames).  Both with a carbine and pistols.

                        If I could ONLY own one gun it would be a levergun in pistol caliber.
Mathew 5.9

Professor Marvel

Quote from: litl rooster on April 29, 2012, 06:31:07 AM
Also trailrider brought up over pentration issues.  I have sent , 250 grain pills thru doubled 2 x4 on many occassions. (Target frames).  Both with a carbine and pistols.

And thus did I suggest Glaser Safety Slugs followed by hollow-points. Glasers, whilst pricey. were specifically developed to alleviate the "overpenetration" problem. If one should miss and hit interior walls, there is not as much danger on the other side.

Several ER doctors have described the results of .45 ACP glasers as "looking like a shot from .410 shotgun with the barrel pressed to the chest, but without any muzzle burns" .

Hollow points generally open quickly and penetrate more than Glasers, but less than solids.

good luck and God Speed.
"Hope for the best, but always carry your umbrella"

prof marvel
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praeceptor miraculum

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Danny Bear Claw

Thanks for the ammo links and the DVD link.  I do have Glasers in a few caliber, but not in 45 Colt.  I've got some MagSafes too.   8)

"If I could have only one gun it would be a lever gun in a pistol caliber".  I'd say that's pretty high praise for the gun in question!   :)
SASS #5273 Life.   NRA Life member.  RATS # 136.   "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us".

Coyote Hunter

After deer hunting with the Hornady LeverEvolution Ammo, I keep my rossi 92 loaded with them for farm defense. They shoot great in my gun. Bewfore I was using silver tips for Home Defense in my SSA and 92, but under spring tension, some of the silvertips pushed somewhat into the case. No problem with the Hornadys.
"The Lord Is My Shepherd, The Bible is my guide, My horse is my partner, Mr. Remrington's on my side."

Member of the American Frontier Reenactment Guild
SixGuns Entertainment, Inc. www.sixgunsonline.com
T & L Ministries as the Circuit Rider Bro. Beauregard http://saddlebagpreacher.blogspot.com

Professor Marvel

Quote from: Coyote Hunter on April 30, 2012, 02:17:03 PM
After deer hunting with the Hornady LeverEvolution Ammo, I keep my rossi 92 loaded with them for farm defense. They shoot great in my gun.

Do they extend your range at all, and how are the terminal results?

prof marvel
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

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Coyote Hunter

Sorry Professor that it took me so long to answer....

I found That I am  comfortable shooting at a deer at 100 yards with it. I can get pretty close to 2 or 3 inch groups at that range. I tried them because my nephew is 11 and this year was the first time I took him deer hunting. It was the only other deer capable rifle I had because I use a Marlin 336 in .35 remington. My 54 year old eyes ain't what they used to be so I use a scope, but he can hit just about anything with the 92 and the hornadys.

We didn't get a deer with it, but at 60 yards it droped a coyote in it's tracks, taking out most of it's right shoulder from the exit wound.
I don't have a chronograph, but I'm satisfied with them. I've started using them in my New Vaquero when I'm out and about on the property. They group really good at 25 yards. Dead center and about 2 inches low, but I learned old achool to put the bullseye on top of the sight. When I make myself hold over the bullseye, it'll put them in it.
"The Lord Is My Shepherd, The Bible is my guide, My horse is my partner, Mr. Remrington's on my side."

Member of the American Frontier Reenactment Guild
SixGuns Entertainment, Inc. www.sixgunsonline.com
T & L Ministries as the Circuit Rider Bro. Beauregard http://saddlebagpreacher.blogspot.com


Also, if you do shoot the hyena, and get sued, the levergun is "Grandpa's deer gun" not "a wannabe Rambo's assault rifle".
The Deacon AZSA
BOLD 1088
RATS 739
Driver for Howard, Fine & Howard
Veterinary & Taxidermy Clinic
"Either way, you get your dog back"

Professor Marvel

Quote from: Coyote Hunter on May 08, 2012, 12:41:20 AM
Sorry Professor that it took me so long to answer....

I found That I am  comfortable shooting at a deer at 100 yards with it. I can get pretty close to 2 or 3 inch groups at that range. .....   My 54 year old eyes ain't what they used to be so I use a scope, but he can hit just about anything with the 92 and the hornadys.

We didn't get a deer with it, but at 60 yards it droped a coyote in it's tracks, taking out most of it's right shoulder from the exit wound.

Ah My Good Hunter -
no worries on the time gone by... especailly on a "thread hijack" :-)
But as one in the midst of  the dreaded presbyopia + nearsightedness + astigmatism ... yes indeedy I too am requiring optical assistance! but it is most heartening to hear that the round does so well in the real world :-)

we now return you to your regular program .... Lever Action Rifle For Home Defense

prof marvel
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
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