End Of The ’75 Saga

Started by Shotgun Franklin, April 13, 2012, 06:01:21 PM

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Shotgun Franklin

I had my Ubertti/Stoeger Remington '75 fail during two matches. I cleaned and lub'ed it prior to each match. I took the gun back to where I bought it for a checkup. The 'smith kept the gun several days. He told me that the case harding was not correct and that he did not believe he could not fix it but to try it. Stoeger refused to honor their warranty. I tried the gun and again had a failure to cock back about 3% of the time. I returned the gun to the shop. They gave me a full refund which I put toward a Cimarron Model P. I am not pleased with Stoeger nor with the gun. I feel that the shop did their best and made things right with me.

Dury's Gun Shop San Antonio, Texas Hot Wells at IH 37.

I have 3 holsters that fit a '75 and should fit a '58 if anyone is interested E-mail me; shotgun693@aol.com
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.

Gen Lew Wallace

Sad to hear that.  I used to shoot a brace of 75's from Uberti and had zero problems with them.  This was about 10 years ago; so I don't know if their quality control has slipped a bit. 
Retired USAF, 20 years defending my beloved nation

"This is my native state.  I will not leave it to serve the South.  Down the street yonder is the old cemetery, and my father lies there going to dust.  If I fight, I tell you, it shall be for his bones." -Lew Wallace, after the 1860 election


QuoteThe 'smith kept the gun several days. He told me that the case harding was not correct and that he did not believe he could not fix it but to try it. Stoeger refused to honor their warranty. I tried the gun and again had a failure to cock back about 3% of the time.

I'm just interested to know how it is that the Casehardening has anything to do with the gun not locking at fullcock??????

No Offense to your smith, but I don't think he specializes in Single Actions and No Offense to you but is it possible that you didn't understand what your smith told you the problem was?

If I was Stoeger and was asked to honor a warrentee for the problem as discribed I wouldn't honor it either because Casehardening CAN'T cause the problem discribed.........Now the frame may be warped, which could be caused during casehardening, but is not likely as they are cased in cyanyde at temps that shouldn't cause warping. More likely the gun had some timing issues.
There are a lot of gunsmiths out there but very few good single action smiths and for such a deceptivily simple system they are sometimes not so simple to time.....especialy with some of the short cuts the Italians take, like No Hammer Stop.....which very likely plays a part in your 3% failure to lock

Good thing is your Dealer is a standup guy and wanted you to be a Happy Customer!

with all them durn buttons up there you would think they could add spell check >:( I can make the words glow but no spell check

Shotgun Franklin

As I understood it the rear of the frame just wasn't right. He might have been meaning the temper of the metal?

I did like the feel of that gun. That 'smith was not one I know well but they have 3 who work together and one is a real cracker jack.

Stoeger wouldn't even respond to an inquiry, form me or the shop, except that they would not honor the warranty on any '75. Kinda burned my bridge a bit.

Yesterday I shot my new Cimarron Model P. Yeah, I'm real happy again.
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.

Danny Bear Claw

I have no problems with my Uberti Rem '75.  Shoots well, quite accurate and goes bang every time.
I do love my Cim model P as well and shoot it more often than my '75.  My '75 is a 45 Colt calber while my Cim P is a 38-40.
My '75 Rem is a 7.5 inch barrel while my Cim P has a 5.5 inch tube.  Apples and oranges, I guess.   ::)
SASS #5273 Life.   NRA Life member.  RATS # 136.   "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us".

Shotgun Franklin

Danny Bear Claw, If you don't mind saying, how long have you had your '75? I guess I've talked to 7 '75 owners having with problems with their guns, all were pretty new.
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.

Danny Bear Claw

Mr. Franklin, I've had my '75 for around 7 or 8 years.  I bought it used at a gun show back in 1994 or 1995.  Don't know how old it was then therefore, I don't know how old it is now.  It has worked perfectly for me all this time.  I've got around 400 to 500 rounds through it.  It feels a little awkward in the hand, being more used to the feel of Colt type grip frames and Rugers, but a '75 does gain you style points.
SASS #5273 Life.   NRA Life member.  RATS # 136.   "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us".

Popa Kapoff

The caseharding on the uberti's is strickly cosmetic. It is not real caseharden i read that in a magazine before i brought my two 75s
Till we meet keep the sun at your back and the wind in your face.

Shotgun Franklin

What I learned from this experience is that something was wrong with very many of the late production Uberti '75s.(I had info from 7 different owners online and another shooter in the club I belong to). Stoeger will not standby their warranty. Dury's Gun Shop will give you your money back with no hassle if a gun they sell you turns out to be a lemon. I now have a new Pietta Model P that I'm happy with.
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.

Popa Kapoff

I wish the the gun stores up here where like that all they will do is send it back and if they say it not covered they charge you and send you on your way.
Till we meet keep the sun at your back and the wind in your face.

Charles Isaac

Quote from: Shotgun Franklin on May 20, 2012, 05:39:23 PM
Dury's Gun Shop will give you your money back with no hassle if a gun they sell you turns out to be a lemon.

+1 on that Shotgun. I bought Colts from Dury's on two different occasions through Auction Arms. One was out of time and damaged through 90+ years of abuse/neglect and they paid for return shipping and even refunded their initial shipping charges! The other Colt is still running strong.

Glad this all worked out in the end. We need more gun dealers like Dury's.

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