Nipple Access Enlargment Problems?

Started by hawkeye2, March 26, 2012, 10:56:31 PM

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     I am wondering if opening the area around the nipple as in the photo will lead to problems.  Specificly I am worried about spent caps falling off and tieing up the gun and falling out on my hand as well though that is of far less a concern.  I have used Remington #10s, Tresco nipples and about 20 grains of 3f in ALL our pistols over the years.  My Ball accurized Rogers & Spencer never had a problem with a cap getting between the cylinder and frame though it would drop a warm one on my hand from time to time.  My wife's 58 Uberti has never had either of these things happen to it that I remember and it uses stock Uberti nipples.  I have been shooting a Pieta Remington on and off for the past few years and I have had 2 caps fall off and get caught up between the cylinder and frame.  One time it took considerable help with my left hand to turn the cylinder till the cap fell out.  The other time wasn't so bad but both cost time.  I won't go so far as to say I didn't cause the problems by not seating the caps properly, it can happen.  I have tried cappers and don't care for them, I generaly don't have any problems capping even a Remington with my fingers.  So why am I asking?  Well I picked up a 5 1/2" Pieta a while back and since it isn't legal for N-SSA competition I can do with it as I please and I have a lot of modifications in mind.  Now back to the question: Is a cylinder as modified per the photo as reliable as an unmodified cylinder 100% of the time?


Nothing in life can be guaranteed 100% of the time.  Look at a Ruger cylinder.  It is the most reliable C&B and the cap windows are about the same as a modified Remington.  Bottom line, the mod makes no different in the freqency of cap jams.

Capping with your fingers.

Slowhand Bob

On one of the other forums they are talking about the new TOTW nipples.  The claim is that these nipples will prevent blowback of the caps and thus cure cap jams.  YMMV??

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