What is Your Favorite Reloading Reference Book?

Started by WaddWatsonEllis, March 17, 2012, 10:46:13 PM

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Hi to the Room!

To say that I am a newbie to reloading is quite an understatement ... in fact, I am still buying all the stuff required ... and one of the 'stuff' to get is akin to a Golden Book of Reloading ... something that will have almost all the answers  and FAQ  a person starting might ask ... the simple fact is that I am so new to this that I really don't know the questions to ask ....

So what books do you like ... since I am on a modest fixed income I am aiming at one or two books ... one would be better for me if it would answer all the questions ...

What do you think?
My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403


WWE, for "economy" use the Hodgden powder reloading center, online, no charge. There are several others also online.  :) WM
WARTHOG, Dirty Rat #600, BOLD #1056, CGCS,GCSAA, NMLRA, NRA, AF&AM, CBBRC.  If all that cowboy has ever seen is a stockdam, he ain't gonna believe ya when ya tell him about whales.


The best I have ever seen is the ABC's of Reloading, the early editions were written by the Late Great Dean Genell on of the most interesting writers in the reloading field.  Noticed the 9th Edition at a book store the other day, note sure who's doing it today.  I was given a 1st Edition copy in the late 1970's by a friend and that was my original training to reloading.  I read it cover to cover a couple times and between it and my local gun dealer who was an experanced reloader I did fine on my early ventures.  I understand Dick Lee has wrote a good one, I've never read it though, might have to get a copy.

Reloding data is easy to find in the inter-net era, just make sure it is from a reliable source such as a bullet or powder company.

All the companies also put out reloading manuals, they are still worth the money, there is a lot of info in most of them that is not just data. 

I'll be brutally honest here, I know I will step on some toes, so be it, but I still do not understand how or why someone new to reloading will go out and buy a bunch of equipment, even supplies to reload with and have never picked up a book or three on the subject and read it.

When you go to a forum board and ask questions how the heck do you know if the person answering them knows the differance between shit and shinola?  If you pick up a book like Dick Lee's or from one of the bullet or powder companies you know theyare written by experianced people in the reloading industry, not just someone with a coputor who started reloading in the last year or so.
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Curley Cole

I have to say the first manual a reloader should have is :   "Modern Reloading" by Dr Richard Lee.

It shows you reloading step by step with pictures for cartridges and shotshells, and besides that he also tells you WHY you are doing the steps you are doing. Then after all that book learning, then he has load data for you.

But I say one can never have too many load manuals, some books contain stuff not in other books. And it is nice to have a few older ones on hand for loads long forgotten. (so watch those book sales )

I have about 4 manuals, and several smaller booklets and folders from the various powder makers, they are helpful too...

good shootin after some good reloading

Scars are tatoos with better stories.
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Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang



To answer Del's thoughts, I listen alot and it eventually separates the wheat from the chaff.(or the experienced from the bull sh---ers). Then I take the best suggstions and put them into action ... I also ask people that hang around after a shoot about reloading ... eventually the list drops down to two or three items ... and then I try to choose the best for a beginner ...

I have a SASS pard who reloads all my Schofiield ammo and has offered to reload for .45-70 ....

Then, based on how much is left over after mortgage and bills (notice I didn't mention food ... LOL), I try to pick up something every month ... and so far I am down to a reloading book, Thumbler Tumbler 140 and a Lee XR7 Primer Reloader ...

I realize that there will be some reloading equipment that I will want to trade in  .... but if talking it up when I'm uneducated gets me started with things that will work and through preference I end up selling/exchanging less than 20 % I wouild consider it a sucess ....


P.S. Del, I found this on the internet ... it might be my April purchase:

My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403


Richard Lee's Modern Reloading is real good one, I also like Lyman's for load data. Ultimate Reloader has a bunch of good 101 stuff and videos by a feller named Gavin, scroll down to the bottom left. Here's a few links, Good Luck :)
Modern Reloading
Lyman's 49th
Ulimate Reloader

Jefro :D Relax-Enjoy
sass # 69420....JEDI GF #104.....NC Soot Lord....CFDA#1362
44-40 takes a back seat to no other caliber


I second (or third, maybe fourth) the Modern Reloading by Richard Lee. Lots of good info and lots of load data with lots of powders listed. I have also read the Lyman 49th. Did not get as much out of it as Lee's but still good to see something written another way.

Crow Choker

     Have to say "Ditto's" on Lee's book on reloading. Although I didn't get it untill several years ago, mostly for the load information, I reviewed the 'how to reload' chapters and they give excellant info on 'how to' reload. As Delmonico stated, I too, before reloading a single round read Dean Grenell's "ABC's of Reloading". I had also purchased the then current 9th Editon of Speer's Reloading manuel and whatever the edition was of Sierra's reloading manuel which was out in 1976 (both have excellant fore chapters on how to reload), and a long forgotten and no longer have 'how to' reloading magazine. I read each and reviewed certain sections over several times before reloading and went back and reviewed when questions arose. Asked questions too, to several shooting friends who had been reloading prior to 'meself' gettin into ammo makin'.
      I also give high marks to Lymans reloading books. I 've had the 48th Edition for some time (this I also bought mainly for the load info, but it has good info on 'how to'), haven't gotten the 49th yet, but other than new load info, the 'how to' is the same principle. If you plan on reloading cast/lead bullets, Lyman's 'Cast Bullet' reloading manuel's are almost a 'must need'! The newer one, the 4th Edition, is co-edited and written by Mike Venturino and is a wealth of information. If you know who Venturino is, enough said!
     What Delmonico said about buying equipment and trying to reload without ever reading, ie researching, on how to do it 'holds alot of water'. Just by asking online I quess has to do with having faith that your 'forum friends and shooting pards' know what their talking about. Not a thing wrong with it though, not askin, doesn't yield any knowledge! He does have a point though----- give ya a 'high-five' Del!!!! No offense to anyone who offers load info online, before I'd ever try anything someone posts, I'd check it out in a respected load book or on any of the on-line info offered by all the powder manufacturers. There are reloaders scattered among the fifty states that overload their ammo, exceeding suggested pressures for certain calibers whether rifle, shotgun, or handgun. They're a danger to themselves and others, not to forget ruined guns. I've seen first hand accounts of it.
      Quess this is my 2 cents on the matter. Reloading for me is as fun as shootin the stuff, bein honest, I look forward to reloading ammo, except trimmin cases. Hate that part of it, I really detest it, I do, I do, I do, but when it has to be done, I 'bite the bullet' and do it.  I've seen a number of shooters get into reloading and quit because they didn't want to follow the rules or take the proper steps to end up with quality ammo and they become dissatisfied.  If done right, satisfaction is found, if not, well the old Rolling Stones hit from 1964 "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" will haunt ya!!!
Darksider-1911 Shooter-BOLD Chambers-RATS-SCORRS-STORM-1860 Henry(1866)-Colt Handgun Lover an' Fan-NRA-"RiverRat"-Conservative American Patriot and Former Keeper & Enforcer of the Law an' Proud of Being Both! >oo

Sir Charles deMouton-Black

Another source for ABCs...;


I couldn't find R. Lee's book, but there are plenty of magazines and manuals on abe books.  Some of them are the old goodies;

NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
Those who are no longer ignorant of History may relive it,
without the Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
With apologies to George Santayana & W. S. Churchill

"As Mark Twain once put it, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."


Thanks Sir Charles!

I ordered from Abe's Books at almost 100% less than Amazon ....

Now on to the XR-7 Lee Primer Loader ..... and next month, that Thumbler Tumbler 140... *S*

My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403

Sir Charles deMouton-Black

Quote from: WaddWatsonEllis on March 21, 2012, 02:22:53 AM
Thanks Sir Charles!

I ordered from Abe's Books at almost 100% less than Amazon ....

Now on to the XR-7 Lee Primer Loader ..... and next month, that Thumbler Tumbler 140... *S*


Thank you WWE;  I always look at abe books first.  It was started here in Victoria BC.  The son went  to school with my kids, so there you are, a totally unbiased opinion!
NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
Those who are no longer ignorant of History may relive it,
without the Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
With apologies to George Santayana & W. S. Churchill

"As Mark Twain once put it, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."


Quote from: Crow Choker on March 20, 2012, 11:44:44 AM
     What Delmonico said about buying equipment and trying to reload without ever reading, ie researching, on how to do it 'holds alot of water'. Just by asking online I quess has to do with having faith that your 'forum friends and shooting pards' know what their talking about. Not a thing wrong with it though, not askin, doesn't yield any knowledge! He does have a point though----- give ya a 'high-five' Del!!!! No offense to anyone who offers load info online, before I'd ever try anything someone posts, I'd check it out in a respected load book or on any of the on-line info offered by all the powder manufacturers. There are reloaders scattered among the fifty states that overload their ammo, exceeding suggested pressures for certain calibers whether rifle, shotgun, or handgun. They're a danger to themselves and others, not to forget ruined guns. I've seen first hand accounts of it.

Thank you, I sound a bit harsh at times, but I've also seen the damage that can be caused by plain not knowing what the heck you are doing.  Besides over-loading, the dangers in under-loading can be just as dangerous.  I will say if you don't understand that, then there is a good reason to get some good reference material and start reading.

Also this post that is near the top of this board should be read by all:


The information in it by Birdshot was posted years ago and in my opinion it is one of the best posts I've ever seen on a forum board regarding reloading.  I asked Marshall Halloway to include it when he told the moderators he was going to add a forum for reloading smokeless powder.
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.



Birdshot's message and your opinions are read and highly noted ....

I agree that there are times when one must turn to the written word and internalize it .... and I have bought Greshell's book and will probably buy Lee's latest reloading book for things that have happened since 1974.

I also agree with what you said about the need to own reference books and study them ... I have a friend (and SASS member who has reloaded most of my Schofield ammo in the past and I have relied heavily on his experience and the threads on cascity.com ...

But believe me, before I reload I will hit the books ....in fact, I have always believed that reading the resources was an intrinsic part of beginning reloading .... I just have been lucky enough to have good resources who have done this before me and have learned to trust their judgement for supplies ...

But I PROMISE to read the ABCS Of Reloading and much of the Lee book before I ever touch the reloading equipment ... and may decide some of what I have bought will need to be replaced at that time ....

My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403

cpt dan blodgett

I have found the Lyman reloading manual to be very useful in learning how to reload.  I started with th 47th edition, it was part of the Lyman TMag Expert Kit I purchased in 94 from Mid South Shooting Supply (Best price at time, maybe not so much today).

Picked up 48th and 49th editions to get more current powder info.  I use online sources for load data like the Accurate Powders and the Load Data Center linked of the Hogdons site covers IMR and Winchester powder as well
Queen of Battle - "Follow Me"
NRA Life
DAV Life

Curley Cole


here are some good help videos and while there look at lees clearance stuff sometimes a good deal can be had.

Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang


I have many.

I think I flip to the Lyman most often.
Lots of cast bullet loads in it.

Crow Choker

     Ditto's to the post by Marshall Halloway and  Delmonico's point of underloading (light powder loads). Can be just as dangerous as the overloading of rounds. In reference to manuels, if a shooter is going to shoot lead/cast bullets only, esp in CAS type loads and shoots, Lymans 'Cast Bullet Handbook' is miles above the rest. It has more calibers represented and more bullet and load selections for each caliber than even it's brothers, Lyman's 48th and 49th Loading Manuels.  Not a putdown of the 48th and 49th, but they also contain jacketed bullet load info in their pages, with decreased lead bullet offerings. If you aren't into the higher velocity/jacketed shooting, your buying useless info and have less cast bullet loadings. I load both, so that's why I have both types of manuels.
     A note to WWE-Lyman's 'Cast Bullet Handbook' covers loads for 45 Schofield, while the 48th Lyman doesn't. Can't say for sure about the 49th Lyman. If you can preview manuels before buying, go that route. Check out gun shows, book stores, library's, reloading friends manuels, etc. Helps prevent buying X after ya see Y and wish ya had bought Y in the first place. Been there, done that! :( :'(
Late note: The Lee book has alot of good cast bullet loads also, but they base their loads on bullets cast from Lee molds as does the Lyman manuels use Lyman molds for their loads. Some may have issues with it, but if your loading say a 45 Colt bullet cast from a Lee mold, if the resulting bullet is close to the same bullet shape, weight, and dimensions cast from a Lyman or RCBS mold, the same powder charges can be used. Same goes for using Lyman load info using a Lee mold cast bullet. This isn't written load gospel, just one of the things possible. I know others who do the same, most writers and companies who sell molds and load manuels refrain from saying so, mostly to cover themselves from litigation and sell their product. 
Darksider-1911 Shooter-BOLD Chambers-RATS-SCORRS-STORM-1860 Henry(1866)-Colt Handgun Lover an' Fan-NRA-"RiverRat"-Conservative American Patriot and Former Keeper & Enforcer of the Law an' Proud of Being Both! >oo

cpt dan blodgett

Neglected to mention the Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook as cited above and also the Lyman BP Manual.
Queen of Battle - "Follow Me"
NRA Life
DAV Life


Crow Choker,

Thanks for the head's up on Schofield ammo .... that would be one of the rounds I would be reloading ,,, and that probably in 'smokeless' ... the other reloadins I wll be cutting my teeth on will be .45 auto rim (loaded to Schofield strengths) amd .45- 70 both with 457125 bullets and Postell bullets ...
My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403

Crow Choker

I need to correct myself to information I posted in post #16 of this thread. The new 4th Edition of Lyman's 'Cast Bullet Handbook' does give load reports for some of their competitor's mold's, ie RCBS, Lee, and Saeco. I was thinking of how their 3rd Edition Handbook was formated. The Lee book doesn't specify what brand of mold was used, but from what loads I've used out of it, the reported grain weight of the bullet they developed a load for, match's the reported grain weight of bullets cast with their molds. Just my observation.
Darksider-1911 Shooter-BOLD Chambers-RATS-SCORRS-STORM-1860 Henry(1866)-Colt Handgun Lover an' Fan-NRA-"RiverRat"-Conservative American Patriot and Former Keeper & Enforcer of the Law an' Proud of Being Both! >oo

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