What am I doing wrong?

Started by Bottom Dealin Mike, December 16, 2011, 05:29:03 PM

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Black Jack Schlack

Quote from: Junkman on December 17, 2011, 05:36:48 AM

I have saved links to everyone of your videos. Do not try to stoop to the adolescent level of most YouTube videos. Be secure in the knowledge that you are doing a GREAT job (and service) to the folks that REALLY matter! Keep up the good work.
Your loyal follower,
I agree 100%. I really enjoy your vids Mike and don't change a thing. I am just looking to get into CAS and when/if I do I will be shooting BP. I really never have cared one bit what anyone has ever though of me. I am a student of history (majored in US History) and really can't enough of shooting BP. In fact I am shooting in the morning :)


They seem fine to me, you seem to have addressed the main issues of watching where your hands are placed so that they don't block the view, keeping the subject in the picture, etc. Just have to build up a following I suppose.

One shooting video guy that is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy different to you, but averages 5-11 million viewers for each video is worth watching if for nothing more than a laugh, he is a hoot. Haven't seen any black powder stuff, but you'd have to be real uptight not to get a laugh oout of him. He goes under the handle of FPSRussia I think. Worth a look.
All my cowboy gun's calibres start with a 4! It's gotta be big bore and whomp some!

BOLD No: 782
RATS No: 307
STORM No:267


Steel Horse Bailey

He sure has fun ... and seemingly VERY deep pockets!
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Papa Irish

Mike I love your videos.  Maybe if you want more views you should show a differnt kind of nipple. :D
Papa Irish
"Smile when you say that pardner"

Bottom Dealin Mike

I'm an FPS Russia subscriber. I like him.

If I remember right his name is actually Kevin and I think he lives in Georgia, U.S.A.

He used to review video games

litl rooster

Quote from: Papa Irish on December 18, 2011, 07:26:17 AM
Mike I love your videos.  Maybe if you want more views you should show a differnt kind of nipple. :D

Mike I hate to say it your as boring as my senior year history teacher...Blow some stuff up shoot a bison or like Papa Irish said hire a model
Mathew 5.9


Quote from: litl rooster on December 18, 2011, 10:18:28 AM

Mike I hate to say it your as boring as my senior year history teacher...Blow some stuff up shoot a bison or like Papa Irish said hire a model
rant on....
I think you are so wrong. I, for one, am really tired of things getting blown up! That seems to be the latest fad and I am sick of such childish behavior. It seems to be the latest cliche in any action film to have a tremendous explosion go off behind the actor as he or she walks away. It's way over done these days. It's as if the directors all follow a guide line on 'How to make an action movie'. I'm sick off it!
rant off....

litl rooster

sorry Junkman that's what sell's  unfortunately us old farts are still playing cowboys
Mathew 5.9


litl rooster

Quote from: Junkman on December 18, 2011, 10:41:38 AM
It doesn't sell in MY market!

that's exactly right...One person is not the market
Mathew 5.9

Steel Horse Bailey

Back to Mike's videos; I especially like the camera placed where Mike looks as if he's gonna shoot it.  Lookin' right down the muzzle!  It's a view few have ever seen - not that they would want to see that one in a serious situation.  I have and it'll change your life.   And maybe your drawers! 

I like the way you give a history lesson briefly.  As you already mentioned that you might try, don't always start with the complete history, then end with the shooting.  Perhaps you could give an introduction, then shoot from one angle; then more history and shoot from a different angle; Change the camera positioning to show some targets being hit after a final history or "tidbits or related facts" like known users, etc. and end with the "in your face" camera angle.  All the while showing the glorious amount of smoke and FLAMES if the lighting is right.  Of course, flames require real BP, not subs, but I'm sure you know this, Mike.
I did notice a lack of visible flames, but I can't say what lighting does during a video.  I'm used to seeing flames, even in good light, but I also primarily shoot in a woodland setting where even a sunny day has diffused and dispersed lighting.  What our eyes can see doesn't always show 'thru a lens!  (This actually shows what wonderful "instruments" our eyes really are!)


That's the only real criticism I have.  In the latest review of yours that I saw, I liked your own personal "history" you mentioned - about the type being the FIRST Olde West type revolver you ever shot, plus the possibilities of "fakery."  (1890 Remington)  Some have mentioned that they are weary of seeing things blow up, but one shot of a plastic jug filled with water is VERY dramatic, and pretty environmentally friendly.  You might also consider showing different types of targets, like cans, for instance, or clay pigeons.  I think the clays are made to go "back to the earth."  Eventually.  I know expense adds to your production, but cans are cheap (at least at many homes) and the last case of clay birds I bought a few years ago was $3.95 after the season in a closeout sale.  Allowing for breakage in the case, you'd still have nearly 100 targets right there; 17 or 18 videos worth or you could simply film only ONE being hit and have enough for a lot of videos!

I'm gonna I.M. a friend and ask him to weigh in here. He has Hollyweird production experience and can perhaps come up with some thoughts like the Pros have.  Since you ARE a Pro, it might help.

"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Bottom Dealin Mike


I really appreciate all the feedback. I've taken the suggestions on board and Monday I'll be uploading a video on Spencer rifles that incorporates some of your recommendations...not saying if it has a bikini in it...

If you watch it, I'd appreciate hearing if you think I've improved the product, or if I've gone the other way.

Thanks in advance.

Bottom Dealin Mike

Steel Horse, I only shoot subs if I need to review them for a magazine.

I buy real B-P by the case.

About the flames, I don't see many in the video, but a guy on The Firing Line board often pulls still pictures out of my videos and the flames show up awesome in the stills...go figure.

Bryan Austin

I always watch your videos. I also read Guns of The Old West too. In the current edition I see the Lyman reloading hand tool. First time ever I saw an article on the tool. I never could find that kind of information on how one was operated. That's why I made my video, but I guess not many folks have that much of an interest. The Big Bore Bounty hunter was also a nice article. I guess when not many enjoy the sport, not many will watch. But those of us that do watch, really enjoy them.
Chasing The 44-40 Website: https://sites.google.com/view/44winchester

Chasing The 44-40 Forum: https://44-40.forumotion.com

Crow Choker

Mike: ref what your doing wrong--Your second quessing yourself and your videos by what you see in the responces to some of the 'you-tube' stuff that is neither educational and/or aren't fit for human consumption. I for one enjoy every one I've viewed and by the reports of other CAS viewer's, your reaching the approval of each and everyone. Many times when posting something, writing a book, magazine article, the author never really knows the appreciation level that really exhists. So, don't worry my fine CAS friend, your endeavor is very much approved of and appreciated. Like your GOTOW articles also! When ya gonna write a book?

Look at press, attention, and undeserved merit that the wack jobs, dead-enders, loafers, etc. of the so-called 'Wall Street Occupiers" have received around the country the last few months. If a protest of some sort was done by those in America who are patriotic, have good work ethics, life a wholesome , good life, believe in Bibical principals and rightiousness, and have faith and belief in God, what kind of reporting and interest would they get?  I believe as has been posted, if your video's were steamy, stupid, of little educational value, etc, etc, they would have 1000's of hits. To those who understand, appreciate, like, shoot, and value firearms, they are appreciated and well received. Keep up the good work. Yours, Crow Choker
Darksider-1911 Shooter-BOLD Chambers-RATS-SCORRS-STORM-1860 Henry(1866)-Colt Handgun Lover an' Fan-NRA-"RiverRat"-Conservative American Patriot and Former Keeper & Enforcer of the Law an' Proud of Being Both! >oo

Drayton Calhoun

Now Mike, if you could just load up a custom Walker in .50 cal with explosive projectiles and blow up a zombie buffalo wearing a bikini...
The first step of becoming a good shooter is knowing which end the bullet comes out of and being on the other end.

Steel Horse Bailey

Quote from: Bottom Dealin Mike on December 18, 2011, 01:55:23 PM
Steel Horse, I only shoot subs if I need to review them for a magazine.

I buy real B-P by the case.

About the flames, I don't see many in the video, but a guy on The Firing Line board often pulls still pictures out of my videos and the flames show up awesome in the stills...go figure.

Good for you!  I'm not a sub man, myself - but there ARE good reasons to use it.

Capturing flames for stills is tougher and takes more skills than I have to get from videos!  One of the coolest photos I've EVER seen was taken by a motor-drive still camera taken by a friend who was an Army photographer.  The camera was mounted several hundred yards in front of an M551 Sheridan light tank.  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M551_Sheridan)  They were used in Viet Nam and last used in combat during Desert Storm.  It caught the MGM-51 Shillelagh missile right as it left the barrel after the moment of firing.  The flames actually looked like the photo was taken of some sort of very exotic flower! 

Crow Choker said it perfectly.

'Tho Drayton's suggestion is interesting!
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Bryan Austin

Don't know if you can see this photo but if you can, it is one I made a few years ago.

44-40 and I think, Skirmish powder. The flames are hard to see in the video but you can see a split second bright flash. I was able to to check frame by frame and get this one.

Chasing The 44-40 Website: https://sites.google.com/view/44winchester

Chasing The 44-40 Forum: https://44-40.forumotion.com


Steel Horse Bailey

"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

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