BW's Poll

Started by Ozark Iron John, August 15, 2005, 12:14:13 PM

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Ozark Iron John

"Wrap my Body in a Bonnie Blue Flag and bury me with my Feet in the South!"
>:(    - Ozark Iron John cir. 1876

SASS #60933, CMSA #4406, Masonic Cowboy Shootist

The Arapaho Kid

Quote from: Ozark Iron John on August 15, 2005, 12:14:13 PM
What happened to it?

That's a durned good question!  I'd like to know that m'self!

The Arapaho Kid

It is possible that the Marshal, or Marshal'ette may have pulled it?  One must also take into consideration that BW's brother was just killed and it's quite possible that BW is not operating at a hundred percent these days.  There could be any number of reasons as to why the vote thread is no longer here, but this is curious.

Queasy Dillo

Quoth Oddball:

There was just uh....too many negative waves, you know?
"Get it together?  Lady, last time my people got it together we needed most of Robert Lee's backyard to bury the evidence."

Marshal'ette Halloway

This is a real sensitive subject, so Marshal and I would appreciate you all reading it... and then, if you would.. just let it lay.

Without breaking a line of trust and confidences that have been shared with us from Badlands and his family, I will try to give you a little insight on a situation like this and one that we have all had to deal with this past few weeks.

Yes~~The Badlands Walker poll is gone.
We communicate a whole lot through phone calls and letters offline when something like this happens and for different reasons the poll was finally deleted.
.. In respect to his and his family's privacy I can not go into details.

But I can say that any forum, and especially one like we are all in, .. reflects and shows not only different personalities of people, but also personal problems and daily life challenges that sometimes shows more than it should, through our postings.

More often than not, people don't take the time to see "outside the box."  They read what is posted as a ...package that is  black and white and never look beyond that, to see what kind of paper that the comments and postings are "wrapped up in". ( Did that make sense to you??)
And to be fair to the majority of us who are in here to "just have a good time, share stories with friends, and interact"... we shouldn't have to be expected to sort out and read between the lines.. make compensations for this person and that one.. cut one person more slack than the other, and worry about what time bomb is going to go off next because of a certain comment that was innocently made.

Writing comes very easily to me folks.. but to tell you the truth, I am having a hell of a time finding the right words to say here. I am struggling with please bear with me.
Because I am bound to a promise...I can only say so much and what I can say is very limited about this situation. I'm afraid I'm jabbering a bit. (**but we all know that I can sure do that without any problems.. *smiling**)

I can not sit here and honestly know who 'really cares' about this person and his family. Only each one of us knows yourself, how you truly  feel about another person.
IF you really care about the human aspect of this person, then  I do think that you deserve an explanation......
If you want to know jab a stick..or judge this person.. then I think whatever I am saying is not going to appease  you, or your reasons for wanting to know.  And some just don't care one way or the other.. and that is ok too.

I am not making excuses for Badlands behavior in this forum. I don't think that he would want that either.
Regardless of what we are all dealing with and going through in our personal lives, we still are held accountable for our actions. Positive and negative.

I can tell you that Bo.. with his family's support and love behind him, is finally taking the steps to get his life back.
This isn't going to happen overnight..nor is it going to be an easy journey for him ...
But with God holding his right hand..and his wife holding his left..He'll make it!

So lets keep him in our prayers and send thoughts of strength and love to him and Georgia (Itty Bitty Storm)
SASS #56524, BCVC #26

The smell of heaven is Fresh Baked Bread and Gun Powder.

Big John Denny

Amen to that Marshal'ette. I trust this will now come to rest.
Big John Denny, SASS 64775
US Army Retired
Los Vaqueros
BOLD #661
GOFWG #240
SBSS #1780 (Order of the Golden Bullet)
"Aim small....Miss small"

Slim Silver

Well said Marshallette.  You are a class act.  (Again, hat tip to ya)

Derby Younger

Well said and Thank You.


The Arapaho Kid

Quote from: Marshal'ette Halloway on August 15, 2005, 02:02:29 PM
This is a real sensitive subject, so Marshal and I would appreciate you all reading it... and then, if you would.. just let it lay.

Without breaking a line of trust and confidences that have been shared with us from Badlands and his family, I will try to give you a little insight on a situation like this and one that we have all had to deal with this past few weeks.

Yes~~The Badlands Walker poll is gone.
We communicate a whole lot through phone calls and letters offline when something like this happens and for different reasons the poll was finally deleted.
.. In respect to his and his family's privacy I can not go into details.

But I can say that any forum, and especially one like we are all in, .. reflects and shows not only different personalities of people, but also personal problems and daily life challenges that sometimes shows more than it should, through our postings.

More often than not, people don't take the time to see "outside the box."  They read what is posted as a ...package that is  black and white and never look beyond that, to see what kind of paper that the comments and postings are "wrapped up in". ( Did that make sense to you??)
And to be fair to the majority of us who are in here to "just have a good time, share stories with friends, and interact"... we shouldn't have to be expected to sort out and read between the lines.. make compensations for this person and that one.. cut one person more slack than the other, and worry about what time bomb is going to go off next because of a certain comment that was innocently made.

Writing comes very easily to me folks.. but to tell you the truth, I am having a hell of a time finding the right words to say here. I am struggling with please bear with me.
Because I am bound to a promise...I can only say so much and what I can say is very limited about this situation. I'm afraid I'm jabbering a bit. (**but we all know that I can sure do that without any problems.. *smiling**)

I can not sit here and honestly know who 'really cares' about this person and his family. Only each one of us knows yourself, how you truly  feel about another person.
IF you really care about the human aspect of this person, then  I do think that you deserve an explanation......
If you want to know jab a stick..or judge this person.. then I think whatever I am saying is not going to appease  you, or your reasons for wanting to know.  And some just don't care one way or the other.. and that is ok too.

I am not making excuses for Badlands behavior in this forum. I don't think that he would want that either.
Regardless of what we are all dealing with and going through in our personal lives, we still are held accountable for our actions. Positive and negative.

I can tell you that Bo.. with his family's support and love behind him, is finally taking the steps to get his life back.
This isn't going to happen overnight..nor is it going to be an easy journey for him ...
But with God holding his right hand..and his wife holding his left..He'll make it!

So lets keep him in our prayers and send thoughts of strength and love to him and Georgia (Itty Bitty Storm)

My sentiments exactly!  I have to go on the thoughts that, maybe, when this all got started, BW was having a bad day and might have said something that set off someone's alarm, so rather than follow through and try to determine the problem and a possible fix for it, they launched an attack...not knowing the cause of the problem, or anything like that.  I have seen this happen countless numbers of times in forums like this.  Someone says something totally innocent and someone else takes it the wrong way and attacks. I, myself, have been attacked in this manner, but I have learned that rather than fight is often best to just ignore it and walk on.  It's ok to defend yourself, but to carry it any farther than that is pointless and will serve no purpose other than to make yourself look bad.

I don't know what BW's problem is, or problems are and I don't want to know.  Whatever they may be, he has my 100% support and backing.  I will not stand idly by and watch someone being attacked without stepping in for the defense of that person.  I don't give a damn who it is, or whether that person is a personal friend, or not.  If I see someone is being attacked...I will sort out the facts, then step in and defend if necessary.  If I can't stop the attack I will, most assuredly, find someone who can.  I saw the attack on BW here and that's why I hollered at the Marshal to stop it.

I consider BW a pard and friend even though I don't know him personally.  He and I spoke through PM's.  He listened to me and did what I suggested.  I never told him to flat do it, I just suggested it.  I showed him where he was making errors and suggested things to stop it and he did these things.  So this tells me that he is a man of reasoning.  He is no air head by any sense of the word.  He has pride in himself and his family.  Evidently someone made an attack on one of these and he stood in defense, but he was unaware of just how to handle a net attacker.  I showed him how to do this because I've been there.....done that.

So...whatever the outcome of this may be....I would like to see BW back in here again.  I think he can make some valuable contributions here.

Arapaho has spoken!

Big John Denny

Big John Denny, SASS 64775
US Army Retired
Los Vaqueros
BOLD #661
GOFWG #240
SBSS #1780 (Order of the Golden Bullet)
"Aim small....Miss small"

Wes Virginian

Iffi'n I were a "Silver Tongued Devil" I may have been able to write something on the order of what the Marshal'ette wrote. But I ain't so I didn't. I do agree with her 100%!. I don't post very many topic's or reply to many, but when I do I try to do it as if we were all together in a big bunch! When Cowboy's and Cowgirl's are together face to face there isn't any nitpickin' goin' on! All we do is have fun and help each other whenever one of us needs help! I read most of the post's here and on the SASS wire and TFS. Some I agree with and some I don't. I usually ignore the one's I don't like. I normally shoot a lot of matches, but I've been tied up here in Pa. since March. I'm about to get cut loose and then I hope to meet up with a lot of youall down the trail!

Your Pard
Wes Virginian
Texican Rangers, Co. A, Kanawha Valley Regulators, NRA Life-Endowment, SASS Life 40471, NCOWS 2037, GAF, USN '60/'63.

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