What should I look/watch for when buying an 1858 Remmie?

Started by WaddWatsonEllis, September 12, 2011, 08:29:28 PM

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In the next few months I am going to buy an 1858 Remington and and extra cylinder for it ... don't know if I will go used or new ...

What should I look for/avoid when buying a Remmie. Is Pietta less that UBerti, less than an EMF?

And is there any problem getting spare cylinders from any of the manufacturers?

Thanks in advance ...
My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403


I'd suggest that you buy a new one from Cabelas.  They have the extra cylinders in stock pretty much always.  If by any small chance you get one that is rough . . . Cabelas is easy about exchanging. 

I've bought most of mine used and done Ok . . but maybe have just been lucky ? . . . .

If buying a used one get it from someone you know and trust re the quality. 

Mine are mostly Piettas . . .but that is mostly cuz the first one was and I like the interchange ability of cylinders and spare parts.  I do have a couple of Ami San Marco but just cuz they came along in deals. 
Beware the man with one gun, he probably knows how to use it.


ps.    Be CAREFUL . . . one . . just one Remington. ? ?

soon it will be lonely . . . .

you'll feel sorry for it . . . get it another for company . . . .

when you are not looking they will MULTIPLY . . . .

befur you even know whut has happened . . . .

http://www.drburkholter.com/cf6.html . . . ( bottom of the page )

And that is only about half of them . . . .  :-\
Beware the man with one gun, he probably knows how to use it.



I am working on a Confederate Personna for the springtime based on my great-grandfather ... he fought with the 2nd Florida Cavalry and in 1862, when he signed up, the South was financially on bad times .... most of their armament came from 'battlefiled donations'. I don't know what he carried, but a Remington 1858 plus and extra cylinder in his depot jacket would not be irregular.

I haven't decided about the long weapon .... common sense would have it be a Maynard carbine, but one could get a small VW for what it costs to purchase a Maynard ... time will tell. In the mean time, I own this Pedersoli .50 Cal Scout that is a cap and ball Pennsylvania carbine, and it might be something that a Confederate troop brought from home.
My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403



Wow ... I just looked at your pic .... if any of your steel framed Piettas want to break out and start a new family around Christmas, think kindly towards me .... *G*
My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403


ya sed :

I am working on a Confederate Personna for the springtime based on my great-grandfather ... he fought with the 2nd Florida Cavalry and in 1862, when he signed up, the South was financially on bad times .... most of their armament came from 'battlefiled donations'. I don't know what he carried, but a Remington 1858 plus and extra cylinder in his depot jacket would not be irregular.
I haven't decided about the long weapon .... common sense would have it be a Maynard carbine, but one could get a small VW for what it costs to purchase a Maynard ... time will tell. In the mean time, I own this Pedersoli .50 Cal Scout that is a cap and ball Pennsylvania carbine, and it might be something that a Confederate troop brought from home."

Interesting project.  If ya wanted to do it "on the cheap" a brass frame '51 Colt would do.  But if you are going to shoot a lot the Remington with extra cylinders is a more practical choice.  That would have been a valuable additioin to a Confederate's personal equipment.  The cap & ball muzzle loader would be appropriate for those days of scrounged armament.  Ya got a uniform ?

Wolfgang. . . .
Beware the man with one gun, he probably knows how to use it.


Here ya go . . . .


.... but I hope ya see this and HURRY .....   

I'd buy it . . . but I must MIGHT .. . have Enuf of 'em . . . ? . . . . .  :-\
Beware the man with one gun, he probably knows how to use it.



Uniform ... all I have is a Forage Cap and plans for  a cavalry style holster and belt ... the plan is to Vinagaroon some leather and make a holster/belt/'Sam Browne'/ and saber hanger... probably another 'battlefield donation' but I dunno ...

Getting a reproduction Columbur River Depot Shell Jacket ('Twas issued to Florida Troops), and plan to put the spare cylinder in its right outside breast pocket.

As far as the Remmie, it is exactly what I want but at the wrong time ... I have a Pedersoli rolling block that I still have to buy a Soule style rear tang site for at $485.00 ... and getting that going makes the Remmie a spring project ....

My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403



I was thinking of this as a belt buckle (# 27D) ... these too were actually issued to Florida troops ....

My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403


Me and Cliff Fendley both bought the Piettas from Cabellas and are very happy with them. Extremely accurate and well built guns. Cliff did smooth his trigger a little but mine was fine right out of the box. Cabellas has them on sale for $189.99 right now.
NCOWS #3405   RATS #612


Quote from: WaddWatsonEllis on September 13, 2011, 08:12:39 PM

Uniform ... all I have is a Forage Cap and plans for  a cavalry style holster and belt ... the plan is to Vinagaroon some leather and make a holster/belt/'Sam Browne'/ and saber hanger... probably another 'battlefield donation' but I dunno ...

Getting a reproduction Columbur River Depot Shell Jacket ('Twas issued to Florida Troops), and plan to put the spare cylinder in its right outside breast pocket.

As far as the Remmie, it is exactly what I want but at the wrong time ... I have a Pedersoli rolling block that I still have to buy a Soule style rear tang site for at $485.00 ... and getting that going makes the Remmie a spring project ....

Ya could have had that tang sight over on the SASS classifieds two days ago for $ 55 shipped.  I would have bought it but someone was quicker than me on the "draw"  :-[   

Ya gotsta be on yur toes all the time with money in yur hand and keep watching fur the stuff ya want ....   :)

Beware the man with one gun, he probably knows how to use it.


I have 3 Uberti's.

Two came from Taylors, and one came from DGW.  The DGW gun was quite a bit cheaper. I can't tell them apart.

Both Taylors and Dixie carry cylinders, but both are often out of stock. You gotta get them when they have them.

Both the guns and the cylinders come in batches, maybe 2-3 times a year it seems. They aren't hard to get, you just need to wait.

You can put your name on a list for Taylors, and they will call you when your number comes up. When they call, it is put up or shut up time.

With Dixie, you just gotta pay attention, but in the case of the one that I got, when they got them in, they must have got a lot in and they ran a sale.



Here's a completely unsolicted suggestion - if you like the Remington style, but want a Confederate soldier persona, how about the Spiller & Burr revolver? Cabelas Link

It's a bit costlier but is similar in operation to the Remingtons and was a Confederate arm. And its a very pretty gun.

Major 2

I know something about Second Florida Cavalry...I fact quite abit of something )
you see I commanded 2nd Florida Cavalry Inc. (Reenacted) 30 + years
A Mounted unit we did both impressions ..as there was both a Second Florida Cavalry US as well as CS

I have done some research...into arms of Co. A & H 2nd Fla Cav. CS
Most , had a rifled musket, some (few) Double SXS
They might have a long gun or few, but no where have I found they had any plains rifles.
I found one account were Maynards were in Florida....and an account were Colt's revolving Rifles were use against the Seminoles...with 2nd. Dragoons ( some 100 were Issued) some may have been still around.

But by in large 58 cal. Muskets simply because of Ammo supply.

Pistols ? few had them ...and those that did were probally not issue... about anything you wish Colt, Remy even Star
is fine for reenacting...
Forget Sabers as well, never use in Florida  skirmishes....

In an account of 2nd Florida Cavalry CS VS 2nd Florida Cavalry US...both claim victory
at station # 4 near Cedar Key.  

when planets align...do the deal !



I did look at that Spiller  and Burr ... but three  things were against it.

1.) In 1862 the Cofederacy was issuing next to NOTHING ... as I said efore, everything was pretty much a 'battlefield donation' of Yankee guns and equipment ...

2. ) I hope someday to shoot with NCOWS, and they have this rule that says no brass framed weapons. *** I have since been corrected ... brass framed weapons are okay ....

3. ) I just do not like or trust anything under .44 cal ..... sigh ... call me crazy ...
My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403

Major 2


Best let me nip this in the bud

#2 ..."I hope someday to shot with NCOWS, and they have this rule that say no brass framed weapons." incorrect

Below is the Unapproved Revolver List...
You will note there is no mention of the Spiller & Burr ( you would also note it is not on the approved list...)
meaning no one has asked the Authenticty Committee to past ruling on the Spiller & Burr.
I am one of 3 that sit on the Authenticty Committee.... we are not stitch counters nor are swayed by Corp. Advertising to approve
a Firearm just because they want it approved.

You will also note: the BRASS FRAME or Iron Frame 51 NAVY in 44 is not on the list.....
It is infact, not an authentic model for the 51 Navy.... However it got mired up with other Conf. Brass Frame Navy pattern revolvers, in 36 & 44 and or BRASS Frame Remingtons (which is also not on the list below) ::)
and was Tableled at the 32nd. Convention.... it stands as a enigma... not approved, not correct...yet not on the disaproved list !
Now the clencher, show up at any NCOWS event (except the National & Regionals ) and I'm quite sure you'll be welcome to shoot
said Revolver. You will perhaps be coached, and you'd have up to one year, to replace the unauthenic piece.

Point is... If you want a 36 Spiller & Burr, and want to shoot NCOWS, Bring it on, do your research ,show it was used in the time  frame, either by period photo, or text, (easy enough) submit it the Authenticty Committee...and see it added to a list. I know of one fellow in Texas that was about to do just that, he may still be , however WE have not seen his app. as yet ...
I'm not just alone on this, I conferred with the National Judge, and he agreed.

Hope this helps

Unapproved Revolver List


Ruger Vaquero Bisley

Ruger .32 H&R

Cimarron Lightning ...Replica SA ( originial are OK)

Cimarron Thunderer...Replica SA ( originial are OK)

Cimarron Model P Jr.

"P" frames with Birds-head grip

"Pinkerton"-grip firearms

Uberti '73 SAA with cap and ball cylinders

Ruger Old Army cap and ball

Navy Arms Scout and similar small framed revolvers

Non-birds head or non-banana gripped Webleys'

Colt Police Positive

455 Webley Service Revolvers: Mark VI

Other Webley Revolvers: W.S. model
when planets align...do the deal !

Major 2


I'll offer you this, if you want the closest Remington Grip profile ...
of the most common Remy's found for sale...
Try to find an older EuroArms
Next closest, and really equal is a Uberti

Lastly, Pietta about 18-20 years ago they began to offer a larger Grip frame that did not cramp the hand for many shooters.
That is the frame they sell today.... Nice guns just quite abit larger in the grip frame area.
another point and this is just personal.

Pietta roll stamps Black Powder Only & Filli Pietta on the barrel flats for all the world to see.

when planets align...do the deal !


Major 2,

I thought that the .44 cal '58 Remmington in an iron frame had already been accepted by NCOWs ... hence my desire to find one ... I am not a fan of cleaning and reloading Colt revolvers on the clock ....

and if I did shoot with NCOWs, it probably would BE at a regional/national event, and I would want all my known problems (as in unnaproved weapons) done before I presented them

But I have plenty of time and projects before this comes up ....perhaps even the .44 cal Renington Model '58 will be accepted by then .... one can only hope .... *S*

As usual, thank you Major 2 for your sage advice on this subject ...
My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403


If'n ya . . . or anyone else . . . wud care for a Spiller & Burr ....

Here is one "on the cheap" on the SASS classifieds ....

Beware the man with one gun, he probably knows how to use it.

Major 2

Quote from: WaddWatsonEllis on September 15, 2011, 07:52:41 PM
Major 2,

I thought that the .44 cal '58 Remmington in an iron frame had already been accepted by NCOWs ... hence my desire to find one ... I am not a fan of cleaning and reloading Colt revolvers on the clock ....

and if I did shoot with NCOWs, it probably would BE at a regional/national event, and I would want all my known problems (as in unnaproved weapons) done before I presented them

But I have plenty of time and projects before this comes up ....perhaps even the .44 cal Renington Model '58 will be accepted by then .... one can only hope .... *S*

As usual, thank you Major 2 for your sage advice on this subject ...

Iron Frame in both Remington 36 Navy and 44 New model Army are accepted ....

I don't see where I might have given you that impression  :-\

I said "BRASS Frame Remingtons are not " and will not be accepted,
though they are cought in the table limbo
when planets align...do the deal !

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