How much difference between Mule Bars and Horse Bars on saddles?

Started by DUKE DEADEYE NUKEM, August 30, 2011, 09:08:43 PM

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How much difference between Mule Bars and Horse Bars on saddles?

Shotgun Franklin

Well, depends on the horse saddle. Arab saddles tend to be more flat, QH saddles have a shorter back and are a little wider, Draft saddles wide and flat. Mule saddles tend to be longer and narrow.
If you're getting a saddle for any equine it's best to set the saddle on the animal without blanket or pad. The saddle should have a lot of contact along the length and not be too tight through the shoulders. There should be clearance for the withers. If you tighten the girth the saddle ought to set flat without pulling up. The horse's back is the main thing.
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.


Quote from: Shotgun Franklin on August 30, 2011, 09:20:44 PM
Well, depends on the horse saddle. Arab saddles tend to be more flat, QH saddles have a shorter back and are a little wider, Draft saddles wide and flat. Mule saddles tend to be longer and narrow.
If you're getting a saddle for any equine it's best to set the saddle on the animal without blanket or pad. The saddle should have a lot of contact along the length and not be too tight through the shoulders. There should be clearance for the withers. If you tighten the girth the saddle ought to set flat without pulling up. The horse's back is the main thing.

I'm making pack saddles and would need to make them for both mule and horse.

will ghormley

Hey Deadeye,

There is an old sayin', "You can't please everyone.  If you try, you can't please anyone."  That's the situation you'll be in if you try to make pack bars that fit both mules and horses.  You may find some conformations in there that will be able to comfortably use the pack saddles, but that will be the minority.  It's a big deal when you are puttin' a heavy load on an animal and headin' into the wilderness where everyone need to get out alive.

I would recommend makin' bars for horses and bars for mules.  Even at that, the pack saddle will most likely have to be heavily padded to make it comfortable enough for wide use.

If you need a starting point, or pattern for your bars, find the best pack saddle outfit you can find, (I don't know who they would be, but the internet is a wonderful tool).  When you find a maker with a great reputation, buy two sets of their pack saddles.  Get one for mules and one for horses.  Study the differences and then make your own.  If you find an outfit that says they make pack saddles that fit both horses and mules, buy that pack saddle and see how it compares to the others.  I'm sure someone claims to have a pack saddle that can work with both.  But, I'm also pretty sure it would have to be heavily padded.

Just my two-cents-worth.  I'm not an outfitter, so there may be some better options out there.

"When Liberty is illegal, only the outlaws will be free."  Will Ghormley

"Exploit your strengths.  Compensate for your weaknesses."
Will Ghormley


Sorry Will my writing skill leave a lot to be desired.
I am making Horse packsaddles and mule pack saddles. Two separate entities.
Thanks for the reply Will.

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