Getting started

Started by ando009, August 29, 2011, 07:02:19 PM

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I am very interested in CAS,and I decided to start with this pretty expensive thing  ;D
I have several Black Powder Revolvers.Can my two revolvers of choice in CAS both be blackpowder?I am also short with the money,so I saw Winchester 94 Short Rifle (it is in .30-30 Winchester caliber,is it allowed?) and Ruger Blackhawk for a good price.Are they good for starting and is Ruger Blackhawk allowed?I live in country where there are not any CAS shooters (Montenegro) ,so I will join them in nearby country (Serbia).Are younger folks also acccepted in CAS?
Am I also allowed to own Russian hamerless side by side shotgun with no auto-ejectors?
Sorry on my bad English.


If ya go to you can find sasshandbook-17-2011 it will tell you what is and is not allowed. The rifle must be pistol caliber (32 H&R Mag up to 45 Colt) so the 30-30 won't be allowed  I'm not sure about your shotgun but I think its OK. Yes young people are encouraged. Black Powder revolvers are fine, so are Ruger Blackhawks. Good Luck. WM
WARTHOG, Dirty Rat #600, BOLD #1056, CGCS,GCSAA, NMLRA, NRA, AF&AM, CBBRC.  If all that cowboy has ever seen is a stockdam, he ain't gonna believe ya when ya tell him about whales.

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