Class clarification question

Started by joec, August 28, 2011, 03:42:55 PM

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Is there a class in NCOWS that is one pistol, rifle and shotgun? I've been shooting working cowboy but would like to shot my shotgun also however I don't want to mess with two pistols though I have 2, I don't have two legal holsters. Thanks in advance.
NCOWS 3384

Major 2

I think it's called Range Detective
when planets the deal !

Cash Creek

We shoot one in Evansville  Men and Woman's Range Detective: Shooter uses two (2) NCOWS approved revolvers and an NCOWS approved rifle  to complete the same course of fire as four (4) gun shooters. No shotgun is required.
Hiram Ranger #100, Westside Sportsmen Club, NCOWS 3395, SASS 90169, NRA, Col. Bishop's Renegades... Cowgirls are like barbed wire...handle with care.


Yes, I am looking for a class that shoots 1 pistol, 1 rifle and a shotgun. I don't want to deal with 2 pistols so what class would this be and I've never heard of range detective before.
NCOWS 3384

Cash Creek

I just went thru the By-Laws and I don't see a class for one pistol, rifle and might check with the posse that you going to shoot with, and see if they have anything like that.. from what I see Range Detective is not a class in the by-laws...but I have saw people shoot it..CC
Hiram Ranger #100, Westside Sportsmen Club, NCOWS 3395, SASS 90169, NRA, Col. Bishop's Renegades... Cowgirls are like barbed wire...handle with care.

Cliff Fendley

Quote from: Cash Creek on August 28, 2011, 05:14:20 PM
We shoot one in Evansville  Men and Woman's Range Detective: Shooter uses two (2) NCOWS approved revolvers and an NCOWS approved rifle  to complete the same course of fire as four (4) gun shooters. No shotgun is required.

Another reason to come shoot at Evansville, I like the idea of two revolvers but don't care about shooting a shootgun. Wish the shoots were on different dates than JCR.

NCOWS 3345  RATS 576 NRA Life member

Johnson County Rangers


Quote from: Cash Creek on August 28, 2011, 07:04:52 PM
I just went thru the By-Laws and I don't see a class for one pistol, rifle and might check with the posse that you going to shoot with, and see if they have anything like that.. from what I see Range Detective is not a class in the by-laws...but I have saw people shoot it..CC

Thanks Cash that is what I found also. I really seems strange that two pistols are required since I wonder how many really carried two pistols in the day. 1, 2 or 3 gun would seem pretty standard to me but 4 seems strange but guess that is just me. Perhaps too many TV westerns effecting in NCOWS.
NCOWS 3384

Cash Creek

You live in Lexington so why don't you come on to Evansville and shoot with us sometime.... and on the way stop by and pick up Cliff you guys can split the $$$ shoot more...LOL also this below is just a short drive for you and it's coming up really soon..

Hosted by the Johnson County Rangers
Sept. 16 & 17, 2011,
at Hooten Old Town,
McKee, KY.
Hiram Ranger #100, Westside Sportsmen Club, NCOWS 3395, SASS 90169, NRA, Col. Bishop's Renegades... Cowgirls are like barbed wire...handle with care.


At Johnson County Rangers you can shoot either Shootist or Duelist with one pistol, rifle and shotgun. That's what I did last week. Shootist and Duelist are 4 guns classes at reginal and national events but our posse shoots one pistol.
NCOWS #3405   RATS #612

Pancho Peacemaker

Quote from: joec on August 28, 2011, 03:42:55 PM
Is there a class in NCOWS that is one pistol, rifle and shotgun? I've been shooting working cowboy but would like to shot my shotgun also however I don't want to mess with two pistols though I have 2, I don't have two legal holsters. Thanks in advance.


Shoot a four gun class with one pistol.  Reload on the clock.  I do it sometimes.  It adds a level of realism to a gun battle.
NRA - Life
TSRA - Life
S&W Collectors Association

"A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness depends upon the character of the user."
-T. Roosevelt (1858 - 1919)

Cliff Fendley

Cash, you guys shoot the same weekend as JCR, if it weren't for that we would be over there. I know Mike and I would be, it's not really that far for us.

And Joe, what Mike said, just bring your shotgun to the next regular JCR shoot and you'll be shooting what your looking for.

NCOWS 3345  RATS 576 NRA Life member

Johnson County Rangers


Thanks guys that is what I though but really wasn't sure at the last JCR meet since it was somewhat shortened. I will bring it next time and have no problem reloading on the clock. :)
NCOWS 3384


Joec, As stated before, JCR only shoot one handgun at their monthly matches. So other than working cowboy you would shoot one handgun, your rifle, and your shotgun. They are a great bunch and you would enjoy shooting with them. Tj
Texas Jack Stephens:   NRA, NCOWS #2312,  SASS # 12303, Hiram's Ranger #22,  GAF #641, USFA-CSS # 185, BOSS# 174,  Hartford Lodge 675, Johnson County Rangers,  Green River Gunslingers, Col. Bishop's Renegades, Kentucky Col.

Major 2

Different posse's have different disciplines

example :

Cracker Cow Cavalry offers
1 pistol 1 shotgun....and call it Settler or Sod Buster
1 pistol 1 rifle ... Working Cowboy ( just like the other NCOWS Posses)
1 pistol 1 rifle & 1 shotgun ... called Range Detective
and the normal 4 gun classes
when planets the deal !

River City John

as brought out in these responses, local posses have a lot of leeway offering classes, so long as they conform to the spirit of NCOWS. I think there was one match that offered a 'Josey Wales' class, four or more cap 'n' ball revolvers with no long arms.
Any NCOWS match at a Regional or National level must offer all the official classes, but can add specialty classes at the Match Director's discretion.

At our 3-day "Ruckus at Raccoon Forks" coming up the second week in September, we're adding Range Detective (two revolvers and a rifle) and Gunfighter (may engage pistol targets double-duelist).

"I was born by the river in a little tent, and just like the river I've been running ever since." - Sam Cooke
"He who will not look backward with reverence, will not look forward with hope." - Edmund Burke
". . .freedom is not everything or the only thing, perhaps we will put that discovery behind us and comprehend, before it's too late, that without freedom all else is nothing."- G. Warren Nutter
GAF #275

Pancho Peacemaker

Quote from: River City John on August 29, 2011, 06:01:32 PM
Any NCOWS match at a Regional or National level must offer all the official classes, but can add specialty classes at the Match Director's discretion.


I have understood this issue differently:  Regional and National Level matches could ONLY offer the official nationally sanctioned shooting classes.  This is always the construct we follow with the SW regional.  Perhaps I was missinformed?
NRA - Life
TSRA - Life
S&W Collectors Association

"A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness depends upon the character of the user."
-T. Roosevelt (1858 - 1919)


Pancho, Think when something other than official sanctioned classes are offered they are scored totally seperate. Think something like that happened at the National in the long range shoot last year. Best I remember. Tj
Texas Jack Stephens:   NRA, NCOWS #2312,  SASS # 12303, Hiram's Ranger #22,  GAF #641, USFA-CSS # 185, BOSS# 174,  Hartford Lodge 675, Johnson County Rangers,  Green River Gunslingers, Col. Bishop's Renegades, Kentucky Col.

Irish Dave

Typically, NCOWS posses have substantial leeway with classes at their local monthly matches, provided NCOWS rules and regs regarding firearms, safety procedures and etc. are followed.

At the Regional and National levels, that has not typically been the case. These matches are generally expected to offer the listed classes - as listed. At these levels, variations from the standard configurations typically need approval (at least of the Exec. Committee) or else be shot as side matches.

This is primarily to allow participants who come from distant posses etc. to know exactly what the requirements are for any class before they even leave the house. Classes at the Regional and National level should always be consistent so that no matter where your "home" club is or how they may do it at the local level, everyone is on the same playing field at a Regional or National match.

There have been occasional exceptions, however. I recall one Regional match where there were only 3 or 4 participants in a particular class. They got together and agreed they would all prefer to use only one revolver. The key word here is all. The decision was made to allow them to use only one pistol. If, however, even one individual had dissented, the class would have been shot with two pistols as the regs stipulate.

Dave Scott aka Irish Dave
NCOWS Marshal Retired
NCOWS Senator and Member 132-L
Great Lakes Freight & Mining Co.
SASS 5857-L
NRA Life

Steel Horse Bailey

As Dave mentioned, we once shot a Regional Pistoleer class with only one revolver.  It was my request and the match Director & Marshall ruled that as long as ALL participants were agreeable (they were) then we could shoot that way.

Several have mentioned other styles; Range Detective might be the name of one which is 1 revolver, 1 pistol-caliber rifle and a shotgun.  At the local level, about ANY combination can be shot as long as all NCOWS regs and "the spirit" are maintained, as Dave, our Marshal and others have mentioned.

Before Working Cowboy was an official class most of us at Great Lakes Freight & Mining Co. had been shooting that way for a couple years it seems to my memory.  Actually, a local level shoot "trial" is the best way to iron out any bugs pertaining to any proposed new shooting classification.  Then, the posse rep can write it up as a proposal, present it officially at one of the big official meetings, and ta-da!  It can become official.  That is exactly how Working Cowboy got started.  GLFMC may not have been the ONLY local club offering it ... it's simply a case of what the membership as a whole wants.  Since NCOWS is member driven, rather than profit or other type, we can do these things ... just don't expect change to happen immediately!  It's a GREAT system!
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"


Thanks all for you responses again. I found this very informative, especially as a new member to NCOWS. I've read the rules several times, but at the shoots I was a bit confused by seeing one pistol shot, rifle and shotgun. I didn't realize that local shoots can have some unofficial classes.

I do have 2 pistols, a rifle and a nice new 12 gauge shotgun that I have only fired two rounds through. My problem is I only have a 1 gun NCOWS legal rig as my two gun setup is really not a 100% legal though close. With us now hosting an even next shoot and no other JCR events schuduled perhaps I will have Cliff Fendley make a second holster for the fine rig he built me. :D

NCOWS 3384

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