I Found the Perfect Present for the Marshal and Marshal'ette!

Started by Joyce (AnnieLee), August 10, 2005, 11:56:56 AM

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Silver Creek Slim

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

The Arapaho Kid

Quote from: Marshal Halloway on August 11, 2005, 11:38:31 AM

Keep me posted, pard!  ;D  ;D

You'll find me in the jail reading a how to book.

Hummm...???  Would that be a book on how to avoid getting knowledge bumps from an attatude adjustment tool, or a book on how to avoid sitting in a Time Out Chair?

The Arapaho Kid

By the way, folks...I hope my little "on the spot reporter" things are not upsetting the flow of this thread.  If they are...please holler at me and I'll put a lid on them.

Silver Creek Slim

Quote from: The Arapaho Kid on August 11, 2005, 11:54:01 AM
By the way, folks...I hope my little "on the spot reporter" things are not upsetting the flow of this thread.  If they are...please holler at me and I'll put a lid on them.
I enjoy them.  :)

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

Marshal Halloway

Quote from: The Arapaho Kid on August 11, 2005, 11:54:01 AM
By the way, folks...I hope my little "on the spot reporter" things are not upsetting the flow of this thread.  If they are...please holler at me and I'll put a lid on them.

Keep'em comin'! Just don't give Marshal'ette too much ideas... give them to me instead....

I'll pay....

Here's in advance...

Editor & Webmaster of CAScity.com
Director - Digital Video Division - Outdoor Sportsman Group (OSG).
Digital Video Production & Post Production OSG
Owner of Down Range Media GP

The Arapaho Kid

Quote from: Marshal Halloway on August 11, 2005, 12:19:45 PM
Quote from: The Arapaho Kid on August 11, 2005, 11:54:01 AM
By the way, folks...I hope my little "on the spot reporter" things are not upsetting the flow of this thread.  If they are...please holler at me and I'll put a lid on them.

Keep'em comin'! Just don't give Marshal'ette too much ideas... give them to me instead....

I'll pay....

Here's in advance...

Hummm...??? Do I detect a bit of bribery here?

Winston Dawg

Hey Miss Annie,
Where ya find that chair? I like it! Looks like a nice chair for a nap! !

Miss Marshal'ette, I like your smileys.Are they attachments or what?
Hugs WD

The Arapaho Kid

And now.....From Arapaho Central........

Ladies & Gentlemen.....This reporter has been approached by the Marshal and in a brief conversation he requested that I not give any ideas to Mrs. Marshal and then he offered to pay me to keep my lips zipped!  I get the feeling that this is a bribe, however, as a non biased reporter I will refuse to take money from anyone on this.  My code of ethics will not allow me to take money here.  But...I will, as the Marshal requested...not give any ideas to Mrs. Marshal, nor will I tell her where he is hiding.

Stay tuned to Arapaho Central. 

Marshal'ette Halloway

La la laaaaa laa la... Huuummm la la  tada deee dum~~
Oh!! My goodness Arapaho Kid! You startled me . I didn't see you coming out of your house.
It IS a beeeutiful day today, isn't it?
The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I might add YOU look especially handsome this morning.
Is that a new hat you're wearing? It looks mighty fine on you.

*in a sweet voice*.. Ohhh Arapaho, before you leave on your busy morning~~I got up real real early and baked you this ~~
...aaaaaand.. **whispering** There is fried chicken, potatoes and gravy, light as a feather biscuits  with my sand plum jelly..to go with that tonight, if you would like to come and share some supper with me.
Bein' all by my little lonesome.. ya know..with the Marshal gone in to hidin' and all...
I am just beside myself with worry. And I just know he has to be hungry.
Now I know that you know where my Marshal is.. and I just thought maybe you would take him some supper..
**as she feels for her spying glass in her pocket**
You know.. knowin' that he hasn't had any supper..and he bein' hidin' from me and all.. just because of that silly ole' chair thing that Miz Annie brought to town.. Why, you know that Marshal is the king of our house.. and that I do everything that man says with out even a whimper of a complaint..so if you coul.....

What ?? What is that you said Arapaho?
Me?? Tryin' to bribe you?
I can't believe that you would say that Arapaho.. I just can not believe it...
Why I would never try to do anythin....

Arapaho Kid? Where are you going?
Don't you dare shut that door!
You come back out  here this minute..
Do you hear me?.

**stomping off and muttering**Imagine the nerve of him turning down my pie and fried chicken.
I'll find that skalleywag of a husband of mine.. and when I do............

SASS #56524, BCVC #26

The smell of heaven is Fresh Baked Bread and Gun Powder.

Big John Denny

Marshal'ette, the problem with your food bribe was the Kid was leaving his house. That meant he had already eaten an old soldiers breakfast of war surplus C-rations heated in their cans over an open fire. Since his belly was full at the time, he had the willpower to resist the magnificent feast you had offered him.

I, on the other hand, ran out of C-rations last month, and would appreciate a good homemade meal. If I can locate that husband of yours, I'll let you know right away.

PS: No one ever did tell me how you hooked the high voltage electrical wires to that time out chair.
Big John Denny, SASS 64775
US Army Retired
Los Vaqueros
BOLD #661
GOFWG #240
SBSS #1780 (Order of the Golden Bullet)
"Aim small....Miss small"

Marshal'ette Halloway

Quote from: Big John Denny on August 12, 2005, 12:07:12 AM
I, on the other hand, ran out of C-rations last month, and would appreciate a good homemade meal. If I can locate that husband of yours, I'll let you know right away.

Big John... Supper is at 6... bring your appetite and I'll feed you a meal that will make you think you died and gone to heaven...
AFTER you tell me where that badge wearin' husband of mine is.

QuotePS: No one ever did tell me how you hooked the high voltage electrical wires to that time out chair.

Shhhhhhhhh   not supposed to have electricity in Cas City... ((remember?? period correct)))

SASS #56524, BCVC #26

The smell of heaven is Fresh Baked Bread and Gun Powder.

Big John Denny

Marshal'ette, keep the supper warm. I'm a lookin everywhere for that rascally husband of yours.

PS: I'll bring a generator to supply non-period correct electricity to the chair.
Big John Denny, SASS 64775
US Army Retired
Los Vaqueros
BOLD #661
GOFWG #240
SBSS #1780 (Order of the Golden Bullet)
"Aim small....Miss small"

The Arapaho Kid

And now.....From Arapaho Central..........

Ladies & Gentlemen,  fans of this fantasy,  This reporter was approached by Mrs. Marshal and offered a rather fine meal, but I had to turn it down because I had, had a rather large breakfast, then later I cramed in a little lunch.  My apologies to Mrs. Marshal.

In the continuing saga....The Marshal has not been found.  His horse was still in the livery stable, unsaddled.  The Deputy Marshal was asked if he had seen the Marshal and his only answer was that the last time he had seen him, he was headed for an outhouse near the Mercantile.  That outhouse was checked and the Marshal wasn't there.  other outhouses have been checked and the Marshal wasn't in any of them.  A rumor has been going around that the Marshal has ridden off with a local band of Indians because of some trouble in their village a little North of town.  This rumor is, however, not confirmed.

As this mystery deepens as to where the Marshal is, the bets are still running high in the Longbranch.  The odds on favorite for who will be sitting in the Time Out Chair is still the Marshal.

Stay tuned to Arapaho Central...there is more to this story.

The Arapaho Kid

And now.....From Arapaho Central.....

Ladies & Gentlemen....I have with me here Two Feathers, a local Indian.  I will ask him if he has seen the Marshal.

"Two Feathers...have you seen Marshal Halloway lately?"
"Uhhhhhhh!   Not see Marshal in long time.  Him come to village two moons ago, but not back since.  Not know where Marshal is."
"Can we ask you to help us find the Marshal?"
"Will go to village. Bring back many warriors.  Will help you find Marshal."
"Thank you, Two Feathers.  Your assistance in this will be greatly appreciated."
"We help you.  You give us firewater?"
"I'll see what I can do, Two Feathers."
"Uhhhhhhh!  That good!  I bring many warriors!"
"Thank you Two Feathers."

Two Feathers mounts up and rides off.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen.  We are now enlisting the help of some local Indians to find the Marshal.

Stay tuned to Arapaho Central...there's more to this story.

Scattered Thumbs

Quote from: Big John Denny on August 12, 2005, 12:07:12 AMPS: No one ever did tell me how you hooked the high voltage electrical wires to that time out chair.

I'm kind of curious about that too.  ;D

Scattered Thumbs

*News Flash*

The reporter Arapaho Kid was taken in custody today under the accusation of promoting an Indian uprising.  ;D

When asked about the accusation Arapaho Kid said...

Marshal Halloway

Hey there 2 Feathers... good to see ya'. I've been over in Sassa County dealing with some problems that they needed help with, so I haven't been around.

No.. not many know where I have been. Marshal'ette and I had a bit of an argument before I left.. over a danged old blue chair, so I didn't bother tellin' her I was gonna be gone.

What is that you say? Arapaho Kid in jail?
Because of what?

**Shaking his head** I 'spect that Marshal'ette has been houndin' poor old Arapaho to tell her where I am. And now he's done got himself accused of startin' an uprisin'. I have that new deputy Rio on duty. Guess Marshal'ette got to him too.

My poor pards. Guess I better get back to Cas City and take care of things.

Nooo, you and your braves don't have to go back with me. I can find my way around these parts just fine.

*grumbling and talking to himself as he rides into town*

Marshal'ette needs to be taught a lesson once and for all. I mean, how does it look for Me, The Marshal of Cas City to be havin' to set in that chair!
Well, I'm gonna tell her something when I see her. She is after all my wife and I AM THE MARSHAL of the house, and she may spout off all that clucking about bein' the boss of the rooster , or whatever she says, by by gum, we'll see about that too!
And that blasted rollin' pin of hers........
I should have taken that thing a long time ago and turned it into firewood.

*crawlin off his horse*

But then again.. I reckon her pies are worth gettin' whacked once an awhile, and I am gettin' a mite hungry, but that don't matter. We'll see who sets in that "Time Out Chair"...and It Won't Be Me!

*Marshal'ette is standing in the doorway waiting for the Marshal*

*Marshal starts to holler at her*

"I will say this just one time Marshal'ette! You are my wife and you will do as I sa.........
Heyyyyy ... Let go of my ear. I know I should have told you where I was  goi..
OOOUCH. That hurts!

Dang it woman, I have to get Arapah...quit whackin' me with that rollin' pin..!

As soon as I get done settin' in that Blue Chair, you and me are gonna have a serious talk! You understand me? Marshal'ette? Marshal'ette!

*door of their house slams shut*

Editor & Webmaster of CAScity.com
Director - Digital Video Division - Outdoor Sportsman Group (OSG).
Digital Video Production & Post Production OSG
Owner of Down Range Media GP

Sod Buster

ROII, NRA RSO, NRA Benefactor, VSSA Life

Joyce (AnnieLee)

Quote from: Sod Buster on August 12, 2005, 11:15:06 PM
Is it time yet for the pink one?

< Wanders by>

< Sees Sod Buster with the pink chair>

< Smacks him with her hat and takes away the pink chair>

No, it's not.

< Smashes the pink chair into little, tiny pieces, then sets those pieces on fire>

And it never will be.

So there.

AnnieLee, covering the Marshal'ette's back.

Unrepentant WartHog
Heathen Gunfighter
Pepper Mill Creek Gang
Wielder of "Elle KaBong", the WartHog cast iron skillet
Nasty Lady

The Arapaho Kid

And now.......From Arapaho Central.......

Yes ladies & gents, this reporter was briefly and temporarily tossed in jail for allegedly inciting an Indian uprising.  The charges were false, trumped up and not proven, so the jail door was opened and I walked free.

Rumor has it that the Marshal has come out of hiding.  It has been said that he encountered Mrs. Marshall and there was a brief exchange of words before Mrs. Marshal grabbed the Marshal by the left ear and drug him into the house.  It was reported by an on the spot witness that the attitude adjustment tool came into play after they entered the house.  Thumping sounds were heard, followed by yelps of pain reportedly coming from a male voice.  We don't know exactly what transpired inside the house and we can only guess.

Stay tuned to Arapaho Central for.......wait a minute, ladies & gents!  I've just been infomed that the Marshal has come running out of the house, hotly pursued by Mrs. Marshal waiving the attitude adjustment tool. over her head!  I will switch you now to my associate reporter Jock MacStrap.  Take it away....Jock!

Aye laddie....the Marshal has come running out of the house being chased by Mrs. Marshal.  He has turned and is running up Main Street as quickly as he can.  From where I'm standin' it looks like the Marshal has about a twenty frve foot lead on Mrs. Marshal.  They are now approaching the alley next to the mercantile. The Marshal makes a quick left and dashes down the alley and Mrs. Marshal is right behind him.  I'll be goin' over there to have a better look.

Some moments later.....

This is Jock MacStrap reportin' from the mercantile.  The Marshal ducked and ran down the alley, then made a quick right and is headin for the back side of the livery stable.  It looks like....yes!  He makes another quick right and dashes in the back door of the livery stable.  Mrs. Marshal is right behind him.  I'll be goin' to the front side of the livery stable and makin' another report.  Back to you Arapaho!

Well ladies and gents...it seems there's a turn of events in the on going story.  Now we have a foot race, right here in Cas City.  The Marshal has come running out of the house and is being chased by Mrs. Marshal waving her old rolling pin at him and we don't know what will be the outcome of this.

Stay tuned to Arapahon Central for further information.

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