Webley RIC model 83

Started by Zip Wyatt, July 23, 2011, 09:49:43 AM

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Zip Wyatt

I've always wanted one and would make a great western hide-out. 

Sweet little revolver with some deterioration of the nickel but great bore and mechanism. It was retailed by S.W. Silver Co and is so marked on the revolver and the case. In .450 caliber, it was owned at one time or another by the authors of the Webley Solid Frame book. In corresponding with Mr. Black he wrote that they think it might have gone to India (nickel finish) but that's about all they know about it. It's on page 179 of that great book if you want to see some professional photos. Otherwise, here's the best that I can do here. These small Webleys are like potato chips - one just won't be enough, I'm afraid.

Thanks for looking.


So what else is on your mind besides hundred-proof women, 'n' ninety-proof whiskey, 'n' fourteen-carat gold?

WV Scrounger

That's a Beaut ! Mine is blued...fun to shoot . I load a 190 grain Button bullet with 25 grain 3 fff.  I also have an ENGLIS CONSTABULARY .450 and a Belguim .38 that is nitro proof with a ELG CROWN stamp.
You are right about them being like tater chips !

maldito gringo

 Quiickly Watson! Bring your revolver!

Captain John Jarrett


Here is my .450 Webley Metropolitan Police, New South Wales marked. It is such a nice piece, mechanically perfect, I just wish whoever re-blued it would have left it alone!

Captain John.
Captain John Jarrett

Irish Dave

My drool bucket runneth over.

Dave Scott aka Irish Dave
NCOWS Marshal Retired
NCOWS Senator and Member 132-L
Great Lakes Freight & Mining Co.
SASS 5857-L
NRA Life


maldito gringo

Captain John, the Metro 450 is THE classic Webley pocket, re-finished or not. I don't mind re-finished guns one bit. A lot Less expensive, and a lot more fun than safe queens. Perfect for a walk in the fog!

Zip Wyatt

Captain - Beautiful Metropolitan Police, reblued or not!  I got to get me one someday.

Here is the case my RIC 83 came in. 

So what else is on your mind besides hundred-proof women, 'n' ninety-proof whiskey, 'n' fourteen-carat gold?

Captain John Jarrett


I really admire your RIC, and the case that came with it, would like to find a case such as yours for my MP. Of course I'll need a RIC for my own, preferably in nickle such as yours, sooner than later would be nice ;D

Irish Dave & Malito Gringo,

Thanks very much gents, it's not a bad blue job, and I wouldn't mind it as much if the person doing the blueing had known that  Webley did not blue the hammer, trigger, sear, loading gate, ejector, and front sight on their revolvers. They were left in the white! Have thought about sending it to Ford's, have it stripped and reblued in the proper nitre blue with appropriate parts left in the white.

Anyone have any other suggestions in regards to another shop to do the refinsh? Opinions on Ford's?

Regards, John.
Captain John Jarrett

maldito gringo

Ok- Webleys, lemon squeezers, lightnings, Gassers, Nagants, New Service, Bulldogs, New Frontier.. There has got to be a shooting game for these. Heck, we'll even allow broomhandles. "Gaslight action shooting?"

Captain John Jarrett


There is, well not the semi-autos, but NCOWS allows most any double action that was made prior to 1899. I plan on using my Webley MP &  Webley WG in the next NCOWS main match shoot. I plan on using this Merwin Hulbert .38 double action in the side matches.

Regards, John.
Captain John Jarrett

WV Scrounger

this is my .450 Webley Metropolitan Police.  

.450 Belgian...topstrap stamped ENGLISH CONSTABULARY

Captain John Jarrett


Nice looking revolver! Have you fired it?

Captain John Jarrett

WV Scrounger

Yes...I shoot both of them...if they aint shooters then they aint worth having.. ... I use a 190 gr button bullet and 25 grains 3F 'Goex.  They shoot great....



This is my Webley RIC83.It`s in .455 caliber and made in 1912.The other revolver is a WebleyWG.

Captain John Jarrett


Nice looking pair of Webley revolvers ya got there, I shoot a WG and a No. 5 New Model Army Express, both in .455 (but I use .45 Schofield brass & Triple 7) for the NCOWS matches!

FYI if you don't already know, your RIC is considered an Antique even though it was assembled in 1912. ALL Webley SOLID frame revolvers have frames that were either manufactured or purchased by Webley no later than 1895! And as the BATF recognizes the frame as the actual firearm, and all these solid frames were made 3 years prior to the Antique cutoff, if you ever wish to sell the revolver it may be shipped directly to the purcheser....some State and local laws not withstanding!

Captain John Jarrett

Virginia Gentleman

Very nice and I think I need to get one of these!


Thanks guys.My best load for it is,M&S .455Mkll cases,Webley original shape 265grains bullet and Swiss blackpowder no1.Alternativly 3,5 gn Bullseye.

Major 2

Quote from: Captain John Jarrett on July 30, 2011, 03:50:32 PM

I really admire your RIC, and the case that came with it, would like to find a case such as yours for my MP. Of course I'll need a RIC for my own, preferably in nickle such as yours, sooner than later would be nice ;D

Irish Dave & Malito Gringo,

Thanks very much gents, it's not a bad blue job, and I wouldn't mind it as much if the person doing the blueing had known that  Webley did not blue the hammer, trigger, sear, loading gate, ejector, and front sight on their revolvers. They were left in the white! Have thought about sending it to Ford's, have it stripped and reblued in the proper nitre blue with appropriate parts left in the white.

Anyone have any other suggestions in regards to another shop to do the refinsh? Opinions on Ford's?

Regards, John.

Fords did some fine work for me in Nickle  :)

I'd like one of those WG's myself !

when planets align...do the deal !

Virginia Gentleman

If the gun is in super poor shape finishwise and the roll marks and stamps are sharp then I recommend Ford's Custom Guns.  Horace really knows how to properly polish guns.  Their nickel finish is great and their bluing is very close to looking like Carbonia or real Charcoal blue.

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