El Paso will not make right with me on this hoslter

Started by Marshal Deadwood, June 29, 2011, 03:04:14 AM

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Marshal Deadwood

Well it would appear that CAS board did provide some leverage. You bet ya boots I'll send it back for credit to my card.

Thank YOU, Major..I owe ya one.



Sure glad El Paso Saddlery is making this right.  I've bought lots of stuff from them over the years and never had a problem like you had.  Very happy to hear they will still stand behind their products.

Marshal Deadwood

That's all I ever asked them to begin with was to fix, rebuild the holster. I'm not out to do them dirty, I just felt the holster wasn't right.


Major 2

Quote from: Marshal Deadwood on July 05, 2011, 04:54:32 PM
Well it would appear that CAS board did provide some leverage. You bet ya boots I'll send it back for credit to my card.

Thank YOU, Major..I owe ya one.


Glad it will work out.... keep us posted...looks like El Paso's "Don"'  will do you right..

MD ...I'll bill you  ;D
when planets align...do the deal !

Marshal Deadwood

I will be back with ya'll and let ya know the end results.
Thanks, everyone


Out in Colorado and in syndication around the country, we have a consumer advocate, Tom Martino.  He often has said that it's not whether a company makes a mistake...  It's what they do about it that makes a difference.

I personally have had a very, very few customers over the years who "had a problem" with one of my leather products.  In most cases it was their fault for not providing the right information (belt sizes, in particular...always ask for an actual measurement, including over the outside of a heavy coat), or having soaked their product in Lexol, rather than just applying a sparing amount...right after they received it.  I could have argued with them and probably would have been right.  In those few instances I offered a complete refund, or to fix or replace the item at no charge.  All they had to do was return the item.  I have NEVER, in 36 years of producing custom leather had to refund money...the customer allowed me to make good on the problem.

Why have I effectively "eaten" the few problems when I could have prevailed?  Because the negative publicity would have cost me far, far more in "good will" than it cost me to fix the problem! No brag. Just fact!
Ride to the sound of the guns, but watch out for bushwhackers! Godspeed to all in harm's way in the defense of Freedom! God Bless America!

Your obedient servant,
Bvt. Lt. Col. Commanding,
Southern District
Dept. of the Platte, GAF


Quote from: Trailrider on July 06, 2011, 12:03:43 AM
Why have I effectively "eaten" the few problems when I could have prevailed?  Because the negative publicity would have cost me far, far more in "good will" than it cost me to fix the problem! No brag. Just fact!

And that is why you are still in business after 36 years.

At least it sounds like MD will get his money back but the stand-up thing to do would have been to admit the problem and then fix the problem.

I always remember a lecture by Tom Peters, author of "In Search of Excellence". He quoted a successful businessman who said "I love it when a customer calls to complain. I can fix the problem and often make them a customer for life. It's those who do not call that I can't do anything about."
NCOWS #3405   RATS #612

Okefinokee Outlaw

I almost purchased something from EPS a few months ago, but their attitude was such that I decided to go elsewhere.  I guess my feelings were correct.


Quote from: Old Doc on July 04, 2011, 08:15:45 PM
I was commenting on Doug saying he wouldn't make an issue of it. I think you've done all you can do and I think by posting your problem here you've gotten your "pound of fleash". The internet is the modern day version of driving around town with "LEMON" painted on the car that the dealer won't fix. Just out of curiosity, what exactly have they said in their defense ?

I said I personally wouldn't have made an issue of it.  That little extra curve, to me personally doesn't make a difference, and and in fact looks a little better IMO.   BUT, like I said, Marshall Deadwood is the customer, not Doug.38PR.  And it does make a difference to him and looks horrible to him.  HE is the customer and HE shhould be satisfied. 

However, after seeing the runaround they gave him, I must say I'm not too impressed by their behavior either.  They should have been able to give him a concrete satifying explaination to his concern.   Like explain the reason for the difference in the ad picture and what he got from them.  AND make it right if he wasn't satisfied.

I got a nice Rio Grande Holster with 24 .45 long colt cartridge loops with a John Wesley Hardin crossdraw holster (with 6 cartridge loops on the holster) from them (I posted it on the non colt revolver part of this forum somewhere) and it is great.   I was satisfied with it.   I am about to get a Pedersoli Trapdoor carbine and will need some kind of .45-70 ammo carrier cartridge loop thing to go with that belt.  I was going to contac them...but this kind of situation makes me wonder

Old Doc

Quote EPS: "That is the style of the holster. That is the way it is cut......That is the style of the 1849 Californian for that gun."

Never mind that it looks totally different from the picture on their own website for what appears to be the same gun. Reminds me of the old story of the guy, whose wife catches him in bed with another woman.."who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?"

Popa Kapoff

Quote from: Marshal Deadwood on July 04, 2011, 06:24:44 PM
What could I do,,,I've went to them already ?

The State Atourney General perhaps ?

I'm interested.

Did you pay with a credit card call them and do a charge back for bad goods I did that with
Amex. Wow they wanted to fix it after that but I just sent it back and purchased the item else where.
Till we meet keep the sun at your back and the wind in your face.

Old Doc

Marshall, I thought about you this morning while perusing an old Guns & Ammo Handguns magazine I had lying aound from 2006. There is a holster in there that resembles the shape of the one they made for you. It was made to fit a Colt Walker conversion revolver. It had that third pouch out near the muzzle. The reason for it was that the lines of the gun were such that the added ejector rod housing extended down that far. I suspect that your holster was made for a similar gun not for an SAA.

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