Where Did Everyone Go?

Started by Capt. John Fitzgerald, June 13, 2011, 04:35:28 PM

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Capt. John Fitzgerald

Pretty safe to say that I have been contributing to this board longer than anyone else who currenty frequents this forum.  Kind of makes me wonder where everyone has wandered off to.  Rawhide Rio and Doc Sunrise haven't been around for a couple of months now.  Virginia Gentleman is long gone.  Grogan and North Bender haven't been heard from.  The list goes on.  I sure miss some of the "old timers" who used hang out here!
You can't change the wind, but you can always change your sails.


Quote from: Capt. John Fitzgerald on June 13, 2011, 04:35:28 PM
Pretty safe to say that I have been contributing to this board longer than anyone else who currenty frequents this forum.  Kind of makes me wonder where everyone has wandered off to.  Rawhide Rio and Doc Sunrise haven't been around for a couple of months now.  Virginia Gentleman is long gone.  Grogan and North Bender haven't been heard from.  The list goes on.  I sure miss some of the "old timers" who used hang out here!

Let's see.  You are one of the original members.  All subsequent members seem to have gone away.  Hmmmmmmm.....

Have you checked your deoderant and mouth wash?

Deadeye Don

I wonder if it has something to do with the general discontent about the direction USFA has been headed in the past few years?
Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company

Fox Creek Kid

They say that the average American male keeps a hobby for about four years and then changes. That sounds about right IMO. Of course, that doesn't include boozin' & womanizin'.  ;D :D ;)

CAS peaked about 2000 and has been declining steadily ever since and the economy is no help either. Also, many shooters go through cycles whereas they tinker with CAS for awhile, then modern guns, Black guns, etc., etc. I'd wager many here shoot other styles of guns as well.

Just my theory and worth what you were charged.  ;)

The Pathfinder

Shhhhh! Be very, very quiet. we're all hunting wabbits. Ha, ha, ha, ha! ;D

Doc Sunrise

Hello everyone. 

I am still alive and doing well.  I have been busy being involved with Boy Scouts.  My son finally got his Eagle Application in and we are waiting for his Eagle Board of Review.

As far as my feelings toward USFA, everyone here should know I am a big fan of USFA firearms.  There are times it seems that their fans are unhappy about the company and the company's actions, and many negative comments have been made.  I have to admit I do not understand some of the things that the company does, but then again it is not my company and I do not know the details of the components the company uses for its decision making.  So, I must base my opinions on the products I do like that they make.  As with a great many things, time will tell how the company does.  In the meantime, during times that their fans are unhappy and stating negative comments, I do not see the need to jump on the band waggon, and I do not have the inner knowledge to dispute the comments.  My experience tells me to be patient, observe, and see how things play out as a company navigates its way through the prevailing times. 

In the meantime I am dedicating my time to my family and BSA.  I am excited to think I finally can give my son a surprise present of a beautiful Winchester Eagle Scout Rifle that has been hiding in the safe. 

Capt. John Fitzgerald

Welcome back!  Glad to hear that all is going well with you.
You can't change the wind, but you can always change your sails.


North Bender

Hello all,

Sorry for being a bum!  The forum is still important to me and I do check in to see what's new.  But I'm now going on 27 months in Afghanistan and I'm a bit worn down doing this and I've been terrible on my personal correspondence too.  I'm outta here for good the end of October.

Loved the Calvin Coolidge stories.

I don't own many things built with a quality of craftmanship equal to my USFA pistols.  My Pre-War with custom walnut grips feels like a Lamborghini in the hand.  I'm proud to say that I've convinced a couple of officers over here to purchase from USFA.  So I echo Doc Sunrise's comments about the negative comments regarding USFA's direction and I haven't wished to add my 2-cents.  There have always been offerings from USFA that I wouldn't buy but there have always been more that I wished I had.  I sure wish them the best in these difficult times.

I owe myself something on my return!  I think my next stop is the USFA website.

The firearms I'm surrounded by here just don't have ... good taste.

Marshal Deadwood

Well, NOrth Bender, you stay safe over there,,here ?

Marshal Deadwood

Capt. John Fitzgerald

North Bender,
Good to hear from you!  When you get back home we will have to get together out at DJ's in Bothell.  Bruce and Tina are well and they always keep a good supply of SAA's in stock.
You can't change the wind, but you can always change your sails.

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