Are Uberti Schofields worth it $$$$

Started by Charlie Bison, May 14, 2011, 11:07:51 PM

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Charlie Bison

I am looking to buy a Schofield. I do not want pay the the high dollar amount for the Smith repro, so that leaves Uberti. I have read a lot of threads on the board that complain of problems with Uberti's model, e.i., indexing, ejecting, ect.

Any input from those that own them?

Coal Creek Griff

Mine had some initial issues with the internal safety that allowed it to fire only occasionally (apparently during the factory test-firing for example).  It was returned and repaired.  I have had no functioning issues since, although the trigger pull leaves something to be desired. 

Personally, I think they are worth the price depending on what you're after--there are probably better guns for the price, but not better Schofield style guns.

CC Griff
Manager, WT Ranch--Coal Creek Division

BOLD #921
BOSS #196
1860 Henry Rifle Shooter #173
SSS #573


I agree with Griff.  I bought mine several years ago primarily for the novelty of the Schofield "style".  It has been relatively trouble free although it seems to be more sensitive to dirt than my more modern design revolvers (S&W, Ruger, etc.).  The going rate for Ubertis is now about $700; for less money you can buy a cowboy style Ruger with a much better fit and finish. 


Currently I own two S&W Schofields. One is a Uberti special Founders model that Navy Arms sold for a while. The other is an older ASM version with the Wells Fargo barrel. I love them both. I've never had issues with them. When I pull the trigger they go bang and are very accurate. The fit and finish on them are beautiful. I also own a colt reproduction and like it quite a bit too. But for my main guns I prefer the S&Ws. It's just my thing I guess.
Ride Safe and Shoot Straight.

The Swede

Quote from: Charlie Bison on May 14, 2011, 11:07:51 PM
I am looking to buy a Schofield. I do not want pay the the high dollar amount for the Smith repro, so that leaves Uberti. I have read a lot of threads on the board that complain of problems with Uberti's model, e.i., indexing, ejecting, ect.

Any input from those that own them?

I just got one with a 5 inch barrel in .45 Colt. Just shot a match with it. It performed flawlessly with BP loads. My Repro Remingtons on the other hand...



I just picked up an uberti Repro Schofield in 44-40 with 5" barrel, what can I say, love it. I have had a few colt's in the past, all in 44-WCF, but I like the top break design over them, only had it six week's and already have run over seven hundred rounds thru it, I have had zero issues with it, alway's go's bang and hit's what it is pointed at.


Depends on the individual gun. I've had 2. the The First was great. I could shoot BP all day with it. The Second one should have gone back to the factory. There wasn't enough clearance between the frame under the cylinder and the cylinder. It wouldn't even shoot smokeless after it started to warm up. Like I always do I had a trigger job done on it right out of the box thus voiding the warranty. Had I shot it a few times first it would have gone back. We've worked on it enough now that it shoots really well.
I remain, Your Ob'd Servant,
Jerry M. "Pitspitr" Davenport
(Bvt.)Brigadier General Commanding,
Grand Army of the Frontier
BC/IT, Expert, Sharpshooter, Marksman, CC, SoM
NRA Benefactor Life; AZSA Life; NCOWS Life

Virginia Gentleman

I would get one from either Navy Arms, Taylors or Cimarron since they make repairs or adjustments to the gun under warranty easy.  I personally like both my Wells Fargo models, one made for Navy Arms and the other by Taylors. I have not had any real trouble with mine and they shoot great to the point of aim with my mild handloads.

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