Chicago screw advice needed

Started by Skeeter Lewis, February 21, 2011, 06:49:56 AM

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Skeeter Lewis

Hey pards, I'm making my first riveted loop for a holster. The holster turned out a tad too thick to bend to push it through the loop. I guess that means I'll need to use screws of some sort. The screw head needs to be accessible at the back. That means that the domed side would be against the holster, making an indentation.
Are there any flat-topped Chicago screws? Tandy seem to carry just the domed.....


Skeeter...use a "T" nut....Lowes and Home Depot has them...I think the thread is 8/32nd
Outrider  (formerly "Dusty Dick" out of PA.)
SASS #2353
BOLD #895
Custom Leathersmith
Ocoee Rangers

Slowhand Bob

I do not consider them truely flat, but yes, the standard CS is relatively flat, enuff for your needs.  I am guessing that you are looking at the fake domed spot looking ones but they should have standard rivets, thats a staple.  At any rate I feel pretty sure that you can find standard 8-32 CSs at either/or Home Depot or Lowes.  One last thought, I am wondering why the holster will not roll enough to fit an attached loop?  I have fed 12-14oz leathers through as long as they had no metal liners involved.

Skeeter Lewis

Thanks for that, pards. Good info.
Bob, I was looking at the standard Chicago screw in the catalog. It's hard to tell the degree of doming from the picture. If you think it's relatively flat, okay.....
Yes I possibly could push the holster through a riveted loop if I had to but the glued-in lining makes it pretty rigid.
I'll look at the T nuts.

Thanks again.

Cutter Carl

Check Ace Hardware if you have one near by.  The Ace by me has a good selection of lenghts and they have little dome on them.  Just enough on the screw side for a screwdriver slot.
NCOWS #3053
SASS #79783
Cracker Cow Cavalry - Florida's 1st NCOWS Posse
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