Speak of the old devil!

Started by Slowhand Bob, February 11, 2011, 09:41:09 PM

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Slowhand Bob

This shows up just a few days after we were talking about them.  http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170601116686&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT   I am definitely not interested as I even have backups to these already.   Ill try to keep an eye out for the better set of plans and post here if they ever show up.



I am also not interested in a blackpowder holster set of plans, but I wouls love to have a copy of the plans (no longer in print) for a stitching horse ....
My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403

Drayton Calhoun

I have this pattern. It's got a good carving pattern and I have made many holsters from it.
The first step of becoming a good shooter is knowing which end the bullet comes out of and being on the other end.



     I had to look. The title sacred me. I thought it was a picture of my X- mother-in-law. She would show up in a few days after I talked about her. 

Sass 57116 L
Territorial Gov.
Tulsey Town Cattlemens Assoc.
GOFWG #215

Slowhand Bob

WOW, the price has gone out of sight but that is the way of Ebay.   I had planned to buy a few tools for the grandson there but after watching the prices, Ill just give him mine.


Slowhand.....Totally amazing...maybe this seller was monitoring our coversations about this pattern pack
Outrider  (formerly "Dusty Dick" out of PA.)
SASS #2353
BOLD #895
Custom Leathersmith
Ocoee Rangers

Drayton Calhoun

As soon as I can find the pattern, I'll see what shape it's in. It's about thirty years old and been used a lot.
The first step of becoming a good shooter is knowing which end the bullet comes out of and being on the other end.


FYI -  that pattern sold for $27.49!   ;D

Drayton Calhoun

LOL that's about double what it cost me about thirty years ago!
The first step of becoming a good shooter is knowing which end the bullet comes out of and being on the other end.

Slowhand Bob

Outrider that is very possible.  One of my pages on this came from the same set they ran in MIWL magazine and includes an add with the original price for ordering these.  I will try to remember to look them up.  I actually found some more old patterns from back when but most are not cowboy I fear.   


Slowhand - an off the wall question but you don't know if you don't ask!  You don't by any chI haeance have a pattern that will work on a Colt Python with a 4" barrel do you?  I have a Colt Army Special that is the same frame size but I don't know how much to allow/how big to make the bucket and barrel portion to allow for the vented rib and ejector rod shroud.  Thanks.   :)


Bed Bug,

Is there not a pattern in Al Stohlman's "How To Make a Holster" book?
Outrider  (formerly "Dusty Dick" out of PA.)
SASS #2353
BOLD #895
Custom Leathersmith
Ocoee Rangers

Drayton Calhoun

Tandy had a set called 'Percussion Pistol Pattern Pak' (try saying that three times fast) that had a military style flap holster, a Walker holster, full coverage and cut away patterns for standard and sheriff's model and a buscadero belt. I have two sets. It is no longer carried, in fact about 15 or 16 years ago I had to get a reprint because I misplaced my original. The pattern is about 26 or 27 years old.
The first step of becoming a good shooter is knowing which end the bullet comes out of and being on the other end.

Slowhand Bob

I have one set of the ones I think you are talking about Drayton, if this is the set that includes belt accessories for the ball pouch, powder flask and a belt.  I have made a few holsters based on those patterns, mostly with small adaptations to my preferences.  I really like to cut the skirt out and make belt loop Slim Jims from them, they have pretty lines in my opinion.   



Seems we are all of a sudden getting a blast from the past as far patterns are concerned.  Speaking of blast from the past.  On Sunday I was returning from an NRA Handgun Instructor class which was in Hiawassee GA. (by way of Murphy N.C.) whan low and behold I looked in my rearview mirror and saw a ghost car....a Studebaker Hawk...need a paint job but it was in fairly good condition...this was the original Hawk  not the Golden Hawk
Outrider  (formerly "Dusty Dick" out of PA.)
SASS #2353
BOLD #895
Custom Leathersmith
Ocoee Rangers

Drayton Calhoun

Yup, that's the one Slowhand, clean forgot about the other accessories. The pattern pack that started this thread was the Hogleg Holster pattern pack. Like I said in an earlier post, the carving pattern is good, a buscadero belt but fully carved. The flap holster is okay, just needs a decent snap.
The first step of becoming a good shooter is knowing which end the bullet comes out of and being on the other end.

Devil Anse Hatfield

That isn't too bad .I ran across a fellow on ebay selling one of Wills pattern packs for 35.00 or trying to anyway.

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