The Big 45 Colt YE HAAA

Started by Mason Stillwell, January 08, 2011, 03:21:49 PM

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Mason Stillwell

Was in my workshop lubing up some 250 Big Lube 45 Colt boolts. Going to load them with a packed case of FFG and was thinking while I was  working ( BOY THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN TO SHOOT!!)

I use this combo in my 73 and most of the time use a Schofield round for the pistolla's .

Every time you touch  off one of these Big Boys the is a noticeable BOOOM LOL . Other pards look around trying to find out what that sound is and where it is coming from.

I shoot other calibers and boolits but this one kinda has a place in my heart. YE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Also Breaking news. (good news for us north az pards)  I hear tell of a new club getting started in PAGE az oh boy, oh boy , oh boy  LOL 

Later Mason ;D ;) ;D
Mason Stillwell

Grand Pap to 4
BP C&B Shooter.

Known early on as Pole Cat Pete
Tar Heel at Heart

Dick Dastardly

The big BOOOOM of the mighty 45 is a real attention getter.  It's also a very accurate round.  In fact, were modern brass available back then, I suspect that it would also have been a fine rifle cartridge.  It certainly is now.

And, for those that own big bore guns, there is a whole plethora of loads and brass to choose from.  Why go with a puny gun?

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies


Nothing like fillin' it to the rim.......

......with BOOM!!!

God forgives, I don't........


Yes, the .45 Colt with a full, (35 - 40 grains) of compressed BP touched off in either a SAA or a Carbine will get a lot of attention.  I loaded up a couple of hundred rounds one year and had people tell me that they had their breath taken away by the concussion and swore that the earth moved under their feet when I touched off a round.  I was using DD's Big Lube 250grain PRS big lube boolit over 40 grains of Goex 2Fg and compressed with a compression die.  I was also using a CCI 350 Large Pistol Magnum Primer.

Listen!  Do you hear that?  The roar of Cannons and the screams of the dying.  Ahh!  Music to my ears.


My hunting load for white tailed deer is a 255 grain Keith or 285 grain Keith with a full case of 2F.  It does the job and does it well.
Knowledge is to be shared not hoarded.

Mason Stillwell

I am just using the Big lube Boolit 250 grain with my own lube and compressing the powder with the boolit.
I am not sure exactly how much powder is in there. Case pretty much full then crunch , cram and push the boolit down to the  crimp groove .

Oh , I dont resize the brass after shooting. I use a universal decap die so the brass stays fully expanded. Seems to help with blowback.

If you put that brass thing on the end of the barrel on the target you will hit said target with authority.


Mason (makin smoke) stillwell
Mason Stillwell

Grand Pap to 4
BP C&B Shooter.

Known early on as Pole Cat Pete
Tar Heel at Heart

Wills Point Pete

 I mostly shoot the 250 Big Lube Boolit over Schuetzen or GOEX 2f. How much of the 2f I put in mostly depends on how my Arthritis is acting, I range from the old US Cavalry charge of 28 gr on up to 40. I will confess that the 40 gr. charge is fairly rare because it's a pain dealing with my homemade compression die. I will say that any of the charges I use gives a BOOM-CLANG! Oddly it doesn't matter what charge I use, one or more of the pop-tink crowd always natters about how my soft alooy boolits is damaging the targets. I just roll my eyes  ::).

Dances With Coyotes

Why 2F and not 3F? Whats the difference using the two? (not size wise, as I understand how that works) I just shot some of my loads yesterday and was tickled pink. Starline brass, 2.2cc dipper of Pyro P, 250gr Big Lube Boolit.CCI 350 mag primers. BIG THUMPERS.
All you need is love and a .45

Yakima Red

Director, Colters Hell Justice Committee WSAS.
Wyoming Single Action Shooters.
SASS, NCOWS, NRA Life Endowment.
Certified NRA Firearms Instructor.
2008 NRA Wyoming volunteer of the year.
Creator of miracles.
"Let us then...under God, trust our cause to our swords. ~Samuel Adams

Dr. Bob

I have been shooting 44 Russian with the DD Mav-Dutchman 200 gr. bullet.  I fill the case with 2F to within 1/8 inch of full and seat the bullet.  My concussion was the loudest of the 80+ shooters at the shoot!!  ;D  ::)  ;D  ::)  ;D  Made the RO wince!  I am a happy camper!! ;D
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick

Driftwood Johnson

QuoteWhy 2F and not 3F? Whats the difference using the two?


Generally speaking, you will get about 60fps - 100fps more using FFFg instead of FFg in any cartridge, all other things being equal. I used to load FFFg in my 45 Colt and 44-40 rounds, and FFg in my shotgun rounds when I first started shooting Black Powder. But pretty soon I standardized on FFg for everything just to keep things simple and not have to inventory two different granulations of powder. I find that FFg in 45 Colt, 45 Schofield and 44-40 gives me plenty of power, don't need the extra oomph of FFFg.

That's bad business! How long do you think I'd stay in operation if it cost me money every time I pulled a job? If he'd pay me that much to stop robbing him, I'd stop robbing him.

Ya probably inherited every penny ya got!


Quote from: Dances With Coyotes on January 10, 2011, 03:46:48 PM...Why 2F and not 3F?...

I settled on that load maybe 30 years ago and don't remember exactly why but I would have to think I tested the two and it came down to accuracy.  I have never had a chronograph so any load that was a keeper was an accurate one or I would keep testing. 
Knowledge is to be shared not hoarded.


I do the same as what has been posted. I started with the 45 Colt and switched to 44-40's when I bought my 73 rifle. Wanted to stay with one caliber for all guns as you can put a 45 Colt round in a 73 and cause a train wreck. I have the TO's back up and made some spotters hand off so that they can leave the line. I had one shooter who is now a good friend from NJ that was shooting with us in Louisiana. He told me after one stage that I was the only person who made his ear plug jump out of his ear. HA!! HA!!
Deadwood Marshal  Border Vigilante SASS 81802                                                                         WARTHOG                                                                   NRA                                                                            BOLD So that His place shall never be with those cold and Timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat

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