Help trouble-shooting (!) an S&W 1½?

Started by Christopher Carson, December 29, 2010, 08:51:50 AM

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Christopher Carson

Greeting, folks:

I have an S&W Model 1½ break-top center-fire 5-shooter chambered for .32 S&W, lettered by S&W (Roy Jinks) some 25 years ago or so...

The cylinder rotates correctly and locks up tightly when the hammer is cocked... but when the hammer is at rest, the cylinder spins freely.  I'm told the cylinder should also lock when the hammer is at rest, so my first guess is that something like a hand spring has gone south.


Suggestions very welcome!

Unfortunately, the main sideplate screw looks to be a bit buggered, not sure I could get the thing out non-destructively.  Wouldn't mind being able to find a replacement for that screw...

- Christopher Carson, SASS #5676L
A Ghostrider... Captain and Chief Engineer of the coaster "Ranger"; previously scout for the Signal Corps, Army of the Potomac, range detective...

Irish Dave

I'll try to remember to check mine tomorrow and see how it behaves. I can't recollect at the moment whether that's normal or not.

Something tells me the 1 1/2 breaktop has a rebounding hammer and the cylinder may freespin when not cocked....but I could be wrong.

Dave Scott aka Irish Dave
NCOWS Marshal Retired
NCOWS Senator and Member 132-L
Great Lakes Freight & Mining Co.
SASS 5857-L
NRA Life

Irish Dave

Did check mine and I was right and wrong:

1) It is a rebounding hammer.
2) But it does not freespin with the hammer down.

Probably right, sounds like a spring to me.

Dave Scott aka Irish Dave
NCOWS Marshal Retired
NCOWS Senator and Member 132-L
Great Lakes Freight & Mining Co.
SASS 5857-L
NRA Life

Christopher Carson

Thanks, Dave, appreciate the feedback!

In the meantime, I've just been in touch with David Chicoine, and I think I understand his diagnosis is that the mainspring needs some tuning.  And he agrees the rebounding hammer part of it.  I'm hoping he confirms my translation of his initial thoughts... and that one of his books can talk me through the process  :)

- Christopher Carson, SASS #5676L
A Ghostrider... Captain and Chief Engineer of the coaster "Ranger"; previously scout for the Signal Corps, Army of the Potomac, range detective...

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