Old Photos of Henry Rifles New Pic 11.18.

Started by Henry4440, November 25, 2010, 06:33:27 AM

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I'm always searching for old photos with Henry Rifles.
Not easy, i found more pics with Spencers than Henrys.
Here are some pics i found in books or on the web.

If you have other photos of Henrys, please add them.


Thanks for posting! I love the pictures.


Major 2

I have several on my work computer I'll share  :)

Your # 7 in you first post , is Luther "Yellowstone" Kelly seated on the right....

the last is the men of the 7 Ill. Infantry.

when planets align...do the deal !


Thanks for posting the Henry photos... I really enjoyed each picture.


Sir Charles deMouton-Black

Here is a photo from the old days in British Columbia.  Judge Begbie was the first judge in 1858 and sat until a month and a half before his death in 1894. He  held a similar role to Judge Parker in the Indian Territories.  Here he is with a group ??(while on court circuit.)??  Begbie is the bearded gentleman in tall boots sitting on the right. The fellow with the bowler in the center holds a Henry.  I see at least two ML SxS shotguns.

PS:  I looked up the archival source.  The photo appears to be reversed in the book I scanned.  The photo is titled "A group of colonial officials at rest during hunting..." at Grouse Creek.  About 1870.  The one with the Henry is Governor Frederick Seymour.

PPS:  To narrow it down further, Seymour succeeded Sir James Douglas a Governor in 1864.  He died in June of 1869.


P.S; 29Jan11;  I found further info on this photo.  It was taken in The Cariboo during "The Grouse Creek War" in 1867, specifically, early in August. There was a public "meeting" in Richfield, now known as Barkerville, concerning an appeal to Judge Begbie over a disputed mining claim.  Ironically the cases was decided against a party who had lobbied for a chage in the Gold Fields Act that now acted to his detriment. The threatened breach of the Queen's Peace was averted. 
NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
Those who are no longer ignorant of History may relive it,
without the Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
With apologies to George Santayana & W. S. Churchill

"As Mark Twain once put it, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

Fox Creek Kid

The soldier in the 8th photo w/ the Henry is Lt. Fred Beecher whom the infamous Battle of Beecher Island is named for.  ;)


Thanks for the pic, Sir Charles .

The problem is, when i search for pics with an Henry, i find out that most of these Henrys are 'Improved Henry Rifles'.
Like this one.
First-Red-Feather-of-the-Wing,Nez Perce with Henry Rifle

But it is an 'Improved Henry'.
When you read the books of James Willard Schultz or Finn Burnett, they  call an Improved Henry never a Winchester 66.
They wrote:.... he had a Henry Rifle. But what kind of a Henry?

Loophole LaRue

Nice pics....

A little surprising to see how many of these, according to the position of the followers, are....empty.


Major 2

when planets align...do the deal !


Quote from: Loophole LaRue on November 29, 2010, 11:44:18 AM

Nice pics....

A little surprising to see how many of these, according to the position of the followers, are....empty.


I change one of the pics.In the last one( of the first post ) you can see now, that the Henry is loaded.look at the position of the follower.


Thanks for the pic Major 2.
Is that a sling on the Henry?

Major 2

when planets align...do the deal !


Here is another pic of Luther Sage 'Yellowstone' Kelly, taken by Stanley Morrow.

I think he is wearing the same clothes at in the pic no.7 from my first post.
It looks to me, that at the buttstock is a sling swivel. I didn't know a 66 with a sling swivel.
So it could be the Henry from pic no.7.


Fox Creek Kid

I've seen that RR photo before & always love it!! Notice the dog atop the woodpile who turned its head during the exposure.

Driftwood Johnson


Thanks for the photos. I like that old RR photo too, I have it in one of my RR books.

In a slightly similar vein, have you ever come across a photo of an iron framed Henry with a casehardened finish, rather than a blue finish?

That's bad business! How long do you think I'd stay in operation if it cost me money every time I pulled a job? If he'd pay me that much to stop robbing him, I'd stop robbing him.

Ya probably inherited every penny ya got!

Will Ketchum

Quote from: Driftwood Johnson on December 04, 2010, 03:06:55 PM

Thanks for the photos. I like that old RR photo too, I have it in one of my RR books.

In a slightly similar vein, have you ever come across a photo of an iron framed Henry with a casehardened finish, rather than a blue finish?


It might be hard to tell in an old B&W photo.  After a bit of age casehardening takes on a silvery finish.  I don't know how long that takes.

Will Ketchum
Will Ketchum's Rules of W&CAS: 1 Be Safe. 2 Have Fun. 3  Look Good Doin It!
F&AM, NRA Endowment Life, SASS Life 4222, NCOWS Life 133.  USMC for ever.
Madison, WI


Excursion to the 100th Meridian, October 1866. Commissioners and Directors of the U.P.R.R.

River City John

#6 of the gentleman in the mechanic's cap with his arms folded resting on the muzzle of his Henry has me curious as to the type of revolver on his hip. There may be a bit of stretching in the image, but that holster sure looks to have been made for a long barrel.

Nice pics, Lonesome. Thanks.

"I was born by the river in a little tent, and just like the river I've been running ever since." - Sam Cooke
"He who will not look backward with reverence, will not look forward with hope." - Edmund Burke
". . .freedom is not everything or the only thing, perhaps we will put that discovery behind us and comprehend, before it's too late, that without freedom all else is nothing."- G. Warren Nutter
GAF #275

Deadeye Dick

Kind of interesting on how many are holding loaded rifles. Most appear empty, but a few are loaded to the gills.
Deadeye Dick

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