Wild Bunch rifle caliber??

Started by Koyote, November 08, 2010, 03:35:49 PM

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Ok...I see that .40 is the minimum cal. for the rifle??

I was going to get a 1911, I already have a 97 SG. I figured I could use my 1873 .357 rifle. Now I read that about .40 ammo for rifle.
I guess that is it then for me.
I only wanted to try WB as I thought more guys at our range would get involved in CAS.
Then I started lookin fer fer an authentic 1911. Not an easy thing in Mass. I just ordered one yesterday too!!!
Now this.
I give up!
What's the deal? Maybe I missed something?
Thanks ;

PS;: Hey I do have a Winchester 94 AE Wrangler in .44mag...but of course it wont hold 10 rounds.
This WB is killing me!!
Koyote ~!~

Will Ketchum

Ken, most of the requirements are for the national level.  I suggest you talk to whoever is in charge and see if they will allow you to use your 38 for now to see if something you want to do.  I would bet they would.  It really doesn't give you and advantage over say a 44 Russian.  If they won't I'll bet there is someone who would lend you a rifle for a match to see how you like it.

Will Ketchum
Will Ketchum's Rules of W&CAS: 1 Be Safe. 2 Have Fun. 3  Look Good Doin It!
F&AM, NRA Endowment Life, SASS Life 4222, NCOWS Life 133.  USMC for ever.
Madison, WI


KK, wonder if you're Wrangler will hold 10 .44 Specials? (and feed okay?).  Even if not, loading a tenth round into the top of a '94 is pretty quick (not the the gun itself is all that quick  ;)

Otherwise, like Will Ketchum said, local clubs often make allowances on the equipment just to get more people involved.

Frisco County

The .44 Mag 94AE Wrangler is just not a good rifle for matches.  I know, it was my first lever action.  The 94 was never designed for short cartridges or for speed.   It will handle .44 Special, though, so you can get 10 rounds in it.  While I haven't tried it, I would imagine .44Mag rounds loaded with wadcutters might also allow the loading of 10 rounds.

Find a nice, used 94Marlin or a 92 Winchester clone in .44 Mag/Spcl/Russian, .44-40, (or .45 Special if you already shoot that).  L:ast I checked, EMF has some good deals still  on their Hartford 92s.

In the mean time, I found that it was necessary to drop the butt of the 94AE a little from the shoulder when operating the lever to 'assist' in the cartridge being reliably located for chambering.


Well time to trade that Winchester I guess!!!
I know where there is a Marlin 1894 CB in .45 LC.
Just didn't need to buy another gun!!!

Oh and too late I already tried WB Stage and just got to try it again.
Koyote ~!~

Bow View Haymaker

Talk to the match director first.  Some local clubs aren't as picky about arms requirements.  Especially if they are trying to get something new going like Wild Bunch.  Try it once or twice with either rifle.  you might find that the 94 with .44 specials works fine for you.  If you really like the wild bunch game and feel your 94 is holding you back or the your shooting where they won't allow the .357.  Then look at a gun trade.  Shoot what ya have and what ya like and have fun.  That's what I say.
Bow View Haymaker

GAF #522  Dept of the Platte
SASS# 67733 (RO II)
NRA life

Paul Arens



Howdy Koyote, like others have said check with the local club, most of us are trying to encourage new shooters and grow our WB participation. We allow any SASS pistol caliber rifle, plus we have an Open category that allows any SASS legal shotgun or any pump shotgun, and double action revlovers to 1917. Even if they are sticking to the .40 caliber rule, I'm sure there are plenty of folks that will let you shoot thiers. Check out the local matches and have fun. Good Luck
WB in the Carolinas

  Jefro :)
sass # 69420....JEDI GF #104.....NC Soot Lord....CFDA#1362
44-40 takes a back seat to no other caliber


Quote from: Koyote Ken on November 08, 2010, 06:02:27 PM
Well time to trade that Winchester I guess!!!
I know where there is a Marlin 1894 CB in .45 LC.
Just didn't need to buy another gun!!!

Oh and too late I already tried WB Stage and just got to try it again.

Well I did some checking and I found a Marlin 1894 CB oct barrel looks like new and not over 200-300 rounds through it.
$550 price tag??

Would be a good brother to my Marlin 1894 BC .357??
Hear a lot of good things about the Marlin. Although I would prefer a 1873 Win clone!!

Koyote ~!~

Blackpowder Burn

Buy the Marlin.

I have everything from an original Winchester 1892, to an 1873 clone, to several Marlins (an 1894CB, 336CB and 1895CB).   The Marlins are great shooters, less expensive and very tough.  You can't go wrong.
Learned Brother at Armes


Quote from: Aggie Desperado on November 11, 2010, 07:36:26 AM
Buy the Marlin.

I have everything from an original Winchester 1892, to an 1873 clone, to several Marlins (an 1894CB, 336CB and 1895CB).   The Marlins are great shooters, less expensive and very tough.  You can't go wrong.

Boy I went on gunbroker and there are a few Marlin 1894 CB .45 LC for sale... Well over the $550 price.
I called today to hold the gun. It has been there on consignment for a year???
Not too many cowboys up in this area.
The Gun Shop owner said he doesn't think the guy even had 100 rounds through it.
Not even broke in yet!!! There is not a scratch on it.
So I pick it up tomorrow!!!

I already have someone that wants it if I don't like it? Whats not to like. I already have the 1894 CB .357.
Thanks for the input;

Koyote ~!~



Quote from: lonedog on November 21, 2010, 05:00:09 PM
Yep, KK you stole that 45 CB.  :D ;D :o
When I stopped buy to pick up the rifle, the owner was there. I talked to him for a while. He was doing CAS, but had a shoulder injury that ended his rifle & shotgun days!!!
He was glad someone doing CAS was getting it.
Also he had the 1894 CB .45LC action slicked up too!!
He wasn't sure how many rounds went through it but it wasn't much!!!
Shot it today. I took both the .357 and the .45LC.
I sure do like this 1894CB .45LC better.
Only problem now is...do I start looking for a mate for my New Vaquero .45LC???
Think maybe I will look for a 4-5/8" this time.

Koyote ~!~


Wish my winchester 94 30-30 worked in this type shooting, love that gun, gold trigger, gold saddle ring, works like a charm, reliable, had it for many years and never failed. Aww well thas life lol
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