Win 1873 trigger

Started by sscav, August 18, 2010, 12:50:14 PM

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My Win 1873 has a 2 piece trigger/sear set up. It is loose enough that the trigger pull is similar to my M1 Grand or mauser. Sort of a two stage pull. My Win 1866 trigger is one piece and breaks at 3.5 lbs. Would it be feasible (or wise) to have a gunsmith unitize the trigger/ sear on the 1873 to improve the trigger for competition?


Grizzly Adams

IMHO, .......NO! :)  The two piece trigger on your 73 is part of the trigger block safety designed into the 73 by Winchester back in the day.  It prevents the rifle from firing before the bolt is fully closed.  The 1866 has no trigger block safety, and can be fired out of battery - not a good thing.

It sounds like you need to find a good gunsmith who can fine tune your trigger for better function.  The fact that it is a two piece is not your problem. :)
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