Ho pards...... I`m back!!

Started by Paladin UK, August 08, 2010, 12:52:46 PM

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Paladin UK

Ho pards...... I`m back!!

Thanks fer all yer kind words `n` prayers they musta done their magic Reeeeeeeeel Good ;D

The op went fine,  One worrying problem was that my heart medication lead to a lot of excess bleeding and so I had to spend the night of the op in ICU. the wound finally stopped bleeding after two days...

I cant believe it... :o The scar is only about 5ins!!  :o  `n` from what I`d heard I was expecting something about 10 ins!! so I`m well pleased   ;) 
I`ve gotta wear some rather fetching white stockings fer 6 weeks (They don't do black!! >:()  Came home yesterday, getting around the house is taking some working out as there is a lot of stairs!!. Annie `O`s  back is not in the best of shape so we have adapt quite a lot. Hopefully as it heals everything will all start to become easier.

Paladin (Whats glad ta be home ;D ) UK
I Ride with the `Picketts Hill Marshals`..... A mean pistol packin bunch a No goods

The UK`s 1st Warthog!!... Soot Lord, and Profound believer in tha....`Holy Black` 
MASTER... The Sublyme & Holy Order of the Soot (SHOTS)
  BWSS#033  SCORRS  SBSS#836L  STORM#303

Real Cowboys Shoot with BLACK POWDER!!

 Paladins Web Site

     Paladins Very Own Shotshell Loader This is an animaton so it takes a while fer the 1st page ta go..

Major 2

Cool man ..I'm hip !  ;D

5" Scar ?  tell them that's were a short indian tried to scalp you
when planets align...do the deal !

Dick Dastardly

Glad yer back on yer feet Paladin.  Hope those new wheels take you where you want to go, and back again.

Good on you.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

doc wheelock

going on 10 years on my replacement they were going to keep me for 3 days so i learned to give myself belly shots so i coulg go home one week on cruches ond then cane for a month felt great pain was gone day of surgery took one hit from pain pump and then was up next day my scare is almost gone but longer than yours about 8 inches or so ..glad your out and ready to wheel  bust of luck  doc

Sir Charles deMouton-Black

Good on Ya, Mate!  You'll be back makin' smoke in the sand dunes of Picketts Hill before we know it! :) :)
NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
Those who are no longer ignorant of History may relive it,
without the Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
With apologies to George Santayana & W. S. Churchill

"As Mark Twain once put it, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

Sir Charles deMouton-Black

PUK's Back! ;D ;D :P

He's started to SPAM me again! :D :D
NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
Those who are no longer ignorant of History may relive it,
without the Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
With apologies to George Santayana & W. S. Churchill

"As Mark Twain once put it, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

Howdy Doody

That is good news PUK, I was wondering how you did. It sounds like successful operation. That is such good news. I hope you are fully recovered and good as new in no time at all.  :)
yer pard,
Howdy Doody
Notorious BP shooter

Jed Cooper

Glad yer back sir. I always look forward to seeing yer cheery posts. Wish you were on this side of the pond to shoot with us. Ya seem like my kinda folks.     Jed
"Jed Cooper" aka: Dave Hollandsworth

Olde Cop,  NCOWS #2841, Maker of BIG SMOKE, GAF #500
F&AM PM, NRA Life, FOP - Retired , BOLD #615,* Warthawg! ,Hirams Rangers #31, 1860 Henry #97, STORM#351
Marshal - Scarlet Mask Vigilance Society,
Posse Member - http://home.insightbb.com/~greatlakesfmc/index.htm

Paladin UK

I really thank ya`ll fer yer kindness    I does help when ya know pards are rootin fer ya :D

I got me a confession ta make......District Nurse came ta change my dressin and Annie `O` reckons the scar`s more like 7ins `n as ya know women folk KNOW `bout these things  :-[

Paladin (whuts keepin schtoom  ::) ) UK
I Ride with the `Picketts Hill Marshals`..... A mean pistol packin bunch a No goods

The UK`s 1st Warthog!!... Soot Lord, and Profound believer in tha....`Holy Black` 
MASTER... The Sublyme & Holy Order of the Soot (SHOTS)
  BWSS#033  SCORRS  SBSS#836L  STORM#303

Real Cowboys Shoot with BLACK POWDER!!

 Paladins Web Site

     Paladins Very Own Shotshell Loader This is an animaton so it takes a while fer the 1st page ta go..


Glad to hear you are out and all is well.  Hope you can get back to shooting soon.

Duke York

Welcome back, Paladin.

Duke York


Well there yer go! I thought it had been quiet around here! First tme I ever heered of a guy talking about only having 5"

Like my Dad says, 'It could be worse, if I was a horse, they woulda shot me long ago!'

Good to see you backk on deck, even if it a bit tender.
All my cowboy gun's calibres start with a 4! It's gotta be big bore and whomp some!

BOLD No: 782
RATS No: 307
STORM No:267


Dr. Bob

Man, that's good news!  Knew they couldn't keep you down long!!  Hope you heal real fast!!
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick


Great news, hope your pain goes away realy quick.

Wills Point Pete

 Glad you're back. I didn't see that you were going into the hospital until you were already there. I did mention you in my nightly visit with He who watches over us all.


Welcome back Pal-o-mine, I dropped you a line on your C&B v cartridge poll, he, he!!

Trouble is...when I'm paid to do a job, I always carry it through. (Angel Eyes, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly)
BWSS # 54, RATS# 445, SCORRS,
Cowboy from Robin Hood's back yard!!

Paladin UK

Here`s a piccie of my battle scar!! makes a change from barrels, cylinders and such!!

Paladin (Who had the staples out today  ;) ) UK
I Ride with the `Picketts Hill Marshals`..... A mean pistol packin bunch a No goods

The UK`s 1st Warthog!!... Soot Lord, and Profound believer in tha....`Holy Black` 
MASTER... The Sublyme & Holy Order of the Soot (SHOTS)
  BWSS#033  SCORRS  SBSS#836L  STORM#303

Real Cowboys Shoot with BLACK POWDER!!

 Paladins Web Site

     Paladins Very Own Shotshell Loader This is an animaton so it takes a while fer the 1st page ta go..

Pony Racer

GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

Drayton Calhoun

Know what you're talking about with the heart meds. Had a stent put in a year ago and they put me on all the thinners, now tiny nick and I look like I'm bleeding to death, scares the bejeebers outta the grandkids.
The first step of becoming a good shooter is knowing which end the bullet comes out of and being on the other end.


From the scar, obviously Superman. They had to use steel to put you back together!

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