Just startin out.

Started by olered54, April 26, 2010, 11:01:29 AM

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Howdy all, I'm just getting interested in cowboy action shooting and am overwhelmed. You all have seen this same set of questions over and over. But here goes, thinking of going with 357/38 shooters. I am 56 and my wrists are bad, so looking for lower recoil. Looking for all ideas on starter revolvers. Ihave looked at an EMF Hartford 1892 lever in 357/38 and like them 20" or 24" The 24 feels better to me. Well lets here what you all think a shootern should start with as far as revolvers, rifle and shotgun. I appreciate the help.. Thanks

Camille Eonich

If your wrist really bother you then you could go as low as .32s.

I would go with Rugers for revolvers because you can't go wrong with Rugers unless you found a good deal on something used, of course you can probably find good deals on used Rugers right now too.   :D  There's a lot of good pistols out there though so really go with what feels best to you here.

A Marlin is a much better and easier choice for a rifle than a '92.  It will be easier to find ammo that feeds through it consistently, the action is smoother and shorter than that of a '92 and it's easier to find good smiths for them.  You won't regret buying a Marlin.  If you can afford it the most competitive rifles are the '66s and the '73s.  Very easy to find good smiths for them, they are very easy to take down and clean, very easy to maintain, they are the least picky of the rifles as far as ammo goes but they are the most expensive of the three rifles.  There are tons of choices with the '73 action as well.

An sxs will be the least expensive shotgun.  Also easy to maintain, easy to find smiths for and many of the more competitive shooters have switched to an SxS because there are less things that can go wrong with them.  I think they are the devil myself and LOVE my '97s.  Someone will probably come along who can tell you more about the different double barrels that are available.  I would say get to the range and for a match and try some of the other cowboys guns out.  Cowboys and girls love to let people shoot their guns and there is no better way to tell what suits you and fits you better than actually shooting them.

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"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

Will Ketchum

You don't say where you are located.  I suggest you fins a local shoot and try various guns to see what you like.  If you bring some 38 ammo it would be nice but not necessary.  If you are somewhere there is a NCOWS posse and might decide to shoot with them don't get the Rugers in 32 since the small frame Rugers are not NCOWS approved.

Don't hesitate to ask here or at a shoot.  We all had a first time and many of us made expensive mistakes because there wasn't anyone to ask. You can send me a "personal message" if you want and I'll try to help.

Will Ketchum
Will Ketchum's Rules of W&CAS: 1 Be Safe. 2 Have Fun. 3  Look Good Doin It!
F&AM, NRA Endowment Life, SASS Life 4222, NCOWS Life 133.  USMC for ever.
Madison, WI

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