Little project . . .

Started by Wolfgang, February 24, 2010, 03:27:19 AM

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Last summer I bought a pair of "antiqued" Piettas.   Had put them away and done nothing with them.  Got 'em out the other day.  Nice pistols but the grips looked really "faked".   Sanded them down and applied a little walnut stain.  Put a lanyard ring on one of them today.  Have a look if'n ya care to down a little on the left.  

The lanyard ring is from Numrich and is a proper ring for an H & R  flare pistol.  Blue stripped by soaking in vinigar.  Finally got to fire one round thru one of them.   Will get to shoot 'em a bunch when at my place in Ohio next month.

My place in Ohio.  Plenty of room for SHOOTIN' . . .  :)

Good shootin', . . .  :)
Beware the man with one gun, he probably knows how to use it.


Like the looks of this. Looks like something I'd like to try. Can you tell me the Numrich part number you ordered?


Wolfgang - great looking grips!  I bought a Pieta .36 Navy Remington last summer and didn't have time to shoot it yet but plan on it as soon as I get back to MI in the spring.  It's a great looking gun - nice finish, etc. but the grips look like "crap" .  . . .please excuse the adjective.  They are a lousy piece of some unidentifiable species that as a former custom cabinet and furniture maker, I wouldn't have used even where it was going to be hidden.  I'm planning on swapping them out for a pair of faux ivory ones with a Masonic square and compass on them.  Yours turned out greqt . . . but then your stuff always looks top notch!

I enjoyed the farm photos . . . . looks like a great place . . . . one where you can kick back and concentrate on what's really important in life.  Thanks very much for sharing!   :)

Doc O

They look great Wolfgang.
Planing on doing the same to mine just never got around to it yet.
I'ld be interested in the lanyard ring also. Been looking for them but
have been able to locate any.


Lanyard ring (s).

I looked off and on for 20 years for a replacement lanyard ring for one of my Webley MK VIs that had it missing.  Finally got a ring from VTI gun parts a few years ago that was for a Uberti '90 Remington.  Worked Ok . . but way big.   Then on the British Gun Pub forum . . . ( where no one can find Webley lanyard rings ) a link was posted :  Numrich Arms - Lanyard swivels    Part  #536850, $7.45   

They are for a H & R flare gun and are the closest to right for a Webley that are available.  

Good shootin', . . .  :)            
Beware the man with one gun, he probably knows how to use it.

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

      Nice collection Wolfgang, your homestead is A-OK too living there must be a great feeling, your pictures were very well done also, thanks for the look see Pard.


   tEN wOLVES  :D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Montana Slim

Nice setup for sure.  ;D
Thanks for sharing!

Western Reenacting                 Dark Lord of Soot
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Doc O

On your double in your pictures it looks like you sleeved just one side in 45-70.
Is that a removeable sleeve?
I like it. ;D



Doc, . . the .45-70 sleeve is removeable.  But it isn't and easy in /out.  Necessary to drive it out with a hardwood dowel down from the muzzle.  I took it out after playing with .45-70 for a while.  The rifling in it is very shallow and I couldn't get the soft bullets to shoot worth a damn.  Will put it in again some time in the future and see how it will shoot with hard cast bullets.  Too many other projects and haven't got around to that one.   :)

ps.   I figured the double with 12 ga. x .45-70 would be a good woods gun in Mountain Lion and Bear country.   But am not living where I need to deal with them criters right now.   :)   For the critters in this area 12ga. x 12 ga. with OO Buck works fine. 
Beware the man with one gun, he probably knows how to use it.

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