latman 1858 navy 36 cal

Started by Missouri Half Breed, February 20, 2010, 11:26:16 PM

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Missouri Half Breed

my son just got a 1858 navy it shoots very well but we cant get the cylender rod to come out is ther a ceten way it comes out the cylender spins freeley but he cant get it out of the frame all my exprince has been with 51s so i dont know what to tell him why cant we remove the cylender retaing rod he has tryd it half cocked and it still wont com out he reley loves this relvover and wants a pair but what is the problim???
your a daisy if you do


Quote from: Missouri Half Breed on February 20, 2010, 11:26:16 PM
my son just got a 1858 navy it shoots very well but we cant get the cylender rod to come out is ther a ceten way it comes out the cylender spins freeley but he cant get it out of the frame all my exprince has been with 51s so i dont know what to tell him why cant we remove the cylender retaing rod he has tryd it half cocked and it still wont com out he reley loves this relvover and wants a pair but what is the problim???
Here is a short video of someone changing a cap and ball cylinder and putting in a conversion. Maybe if
you watch it it will help you see what you are doing wrong. Or at least help you to ask the right questions, I hope.


Are you trying to take the cyliinder pin ( ie rod ) completely out of the gun ?   Or will it not come forward enough to allow removal of the cylinder ?   not clear what your problem is. 
Beware the man with one gun, he probably knows how to use it.


Quote from: Wolfgang on February 21, 2010, 09:38:13 AM
Are you trying to take the cyliinder pin ( ie rod ) completely out of the gun ?   Or will it not come forward enough to allow removal of the cylinder ?   not clear what your problem is. 
I was not clear either. That's why I thought if he watched someone else take the cylinder out, he might better be able to describe the problem. My first thought was that the pin might be fouled a little and he just needs to tap it a bit with a plastic mallet
to get it started forward.


If a Remington isn't cleaned soon after a range session the lube and fouling that has built up between the cylinder, frame, and pin will lock it in place.  It will be noticable harder to move as little as a day later.  Rust will finish the job if left long enough.  Apply WD-40, kero, thin oil or whatever you have on hand as long as it isn't water based which will lead to rusting and let it soften.   Take a wood dowl and place aginst the head of the pin so that you are pushing toward the muzzle and tap it gently with a mallet alternating sides so that you don't bend the pin.  I once watched somebody break the head of the cylinder pin off trying to drive it out using a hatchet and screwdriver and not soaking it first.  The pin doesn't come completely out of the revolver as it is stopped by the screw that retains the loading lever.

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