Prof. Marvel

Started by Forty Rod, February 15, 2010, 11:11:08 AM

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Forty Rod

Oh My Stars And Garters! **

That color representation of Monsieur Forty Rod is absolutely amazing, he displays himself with Great Dignity and Decorum, looking positively , dare I say it, Professorial in his Sartorial Splendore! By Gum He is so resplendant I would almost certainly Vote for him, perhaps several times, should he decide to run!

Prof, I would never tell a man that he is overflowing with the excrement of a masculine bovine, but if ever I did, now would be the time and you, sir, would be that man.

Thanks, though, for the thought.   ;)
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Professor Marvel

Quote from: Forty Rod on February 15, 2010, 11:11:08 AM

Prof, I would never tell a man that he is overflowing with the excrement of a masculine bovine, but if ever I did, now would be the time and you, sir, would be that man.

Thanks, though, for the thought.   ;)

Heavenly Carbunkles! I am honored, sir, to be the recipient of your Wit and your brilliant observation of and gentlemanly commentary on my overly verbose ramblings.  That has got to be one of the most eloquant and brief ways of saying what you said without actually saying it. As my Pater might say, "He found you out".

And  I'ld still vote for you :-)

your humble overflow-er
prof marvel
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
President, CEO, Chairman,  and Chief Bottle Washer of

Professor Marvel's
Traveling Apothecary
Fortune Telling Emporium

Acclaimed By The Crowned Heads of Europe
Purveyor of Patent Remedies, Snake Oil, Powder, Percussion Caps, Cleaning Supplies, Dry Goods,
Picture Postcards

Offering Unwanted Advice for All Occasions
Providing Useless Items to the Gentry
Since 1822
Available by Appointment for Lectures on Any Topic

Forty Rod

We bloviators must join together in brotherhood and good will to assist one another in erecting circular defenses utilizing beast-drawn conveyances to prevent our craft from being corrupted by the unwashed, unenlightened,and unsavory who would befoul and belittle our verbal exchanges.

People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Curley Cole

Is the stuff gettin deep here or what????

I have to read each line twicet just to get the jist of what it was saying/implying/replying/deplying/

but rave on gents, I enjoy the banter.

And Mr. Rod looks damn fine in that colour representation of hisself. Ifn I do say so myownself. He waz the first person to be shot with that brand new flash. The one with more buttons, dials and lights than the dashboard of a 747

good shootin
Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

Old Top

It sound as if all of you are full of bovine byproduct.  Have you looked in the mirror and seen that your eyes are brown?  I just returned and my are one again not brown.   ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Top, Old, bovine byproduct expditer
I only shoot to support my reloading habit.

Professor Marvel

A vessel of That which is Powerful, and which Promotes Growth!

prof marv
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
President, CEO, Chairman,  and Chief Bottle Washer of

Professor Marvel's
Traveling Apothecary
Fortune Telling Emporium

Acclaimed By The Crowned Heads of Europe
Purveyor of Patent Remedies, Snake Oil, Powder, Percussion Caps, Cleaning Supplies, Dry Goods,
Picture Postcards

Offering Unwanted Advice for All Occasions
Providing Useless Items to the Gentry
Since 1822
Available by Appointment for Lectures on Any Topic

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