Gear for CAS

Started by shooter Mike, December 10, 2009, 03:08:26 PM

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shooter Mike

Hi, I'm a newbie to CAS. I am going to start shooting with some really nice people in the spring. I know about the guns I need and I have started to build a cart. What I don't know is what type of bullet holders, shotgun shell holders and any other gear bags etc. I might need. I should mention that I am in a wheel chair so the "normal" gunbelt etc probably won't work. I appreciate any help you can offer. Thanks, Mike

Pancho Peacemaker


The answers to this question will have some variation depending on the club you shoot with.  My club (and most CAS clubs) would do everything possible to accomidate your wheel chair.  If you were shooting at our club, here's a few ideas:

1) Nix the gun cart.  We have enough gun racks at each stage to hold your long guns.  We have many shooters who shoot at our range without a cart.  They carry their ammo and other necessities in a saddle bag.

2) Get some saddle bags.  Do a search on eBay.  You can find a nice set cheap. 

3) Talk to a leather maker about a custom gun rig to fit your wheel chair.  This forum has some very talented leather makers.  I'd recommend you post a note over on the "Leather Shop" sub forum here.  I'll bet you get some great ideas from those guys about a way to string a rig on your wheel chair.  You'll need:  2 revolver holsters a way to hold some shotshells.  SASS allows you to hold your shotshells in 2 shot leather 'cups' on your belt.   You can also use a more traditional single loop shotshell belt.  Some folks simply carry their shotshells in their vest pocket(s).  Most common stages will only need 6 or fewer shotshells.

4) For a "bullet holder" most folks ferry their ammo to the loading table with a simple pouch.  Lots of shooters use the velvet bag you get with a Crowne Royal bottle.  I use an old tobacco pouch.

Don't buy tons of stuff.  Most new shooters will change gear quite a bit after cutting their teeth on a half dozen matches.   If you haven't, I'd drop an email to the club president where you'll shoot and see if he has any other ideas for you.

Welcome & Enjoy...

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-T. Roosevelt (1858 - 1919)

Dave Cole

Howdy Mike, I'm new to CAS as well.I'm a knifemaker/leathersmith and just happened to work about 15 years in the adaptive field.I did everything from building lifts to full vehicle conversions.I also did alot of wheelchair and scooter mods.

I would agree with what Pancho said, and check the rules.I'm still learning the rules for carry so I don't know if this would work.I was thinking of a shoulder holster( think Doc Holiday style) with a chest bandolier for shot shells and a second holster strapped to your leg.Mounts could easily be fabricated for your long guns to mount on your would help whoever you decide to do some work for you, for you to give them pics of you in the chair you intend to use for this.That with some measurements  should help get you set up properly.I wish you luck and hope you have fun and if I can be of help let me know.Dave :)

panhead pete

Howdy Mike & Company,

Perhaps a pair of Pommel bag style holsters would work.  They could be placed across your lap with shot shell loops integrated in the connecting piece.  Depending on where you are we've got all winter to get your outfit together!!  I am sure between all of us we will get you suited up right!!

Kind regards,

Panhead Pete

I have some leather work at the site below. 


Long Branch Louie

Mike, I'm new also, haven't shot my first match yet. I've got tons of help from folks at a match, they pretty much shoot year round here. But if they don't where you are, you might can get in touch with some local members. Lots of folks here put their rifle and pistol cartridges in a little block with a leather cover. It is simply a 1 1/2" x 8" or so wooden block with 10 or 20 holes drilled in it for the cartridges to go thru and a thick leather cover, so tooled, some plain, that has a snap on each end. I don't know any reason you couldn't fix a means of attaching them where you could get at them, much like i've seen folks here loop a rawhide string around their belt. As I said, I'm new but I've been to several matches and asked a lot of questions. And folks have been extremely nice, even champion shooters will take time out to help. Try that at a Bianchi Cup! I bought a set of holsters from Murphy Custom Gun Leather. He's at or (812) 624-2022. He says he will custom make anything you need, and while not cheap, he is cheaper than many I've seen and his quality and craftsmanship is outstanding. Also very nice folks. I'm gonna try to build me some cartridge holders, they're about $35.00 at shows and iIdon't see why. If ya need some, let me know what you want and I'll build it cheap and send it to ya, they won't be tooled fancy things but they will work. Best of luck and have a ball.


Hi Mike, Glad to hear you are shooting..

I just designed a chest holster that may fit your needs.. I can "Cowboy" this up a little, and I don't know if it will fit in  with the rules but I much prefure it to a shoulder holster..

Here is a pic of one on my sister-in-law... as you can see it works well when seated and the barrel never faces "rearward" so it may get around some of the "Sweep rules" assosciated with shoulder holsters.


If I can help you, just let me know..I have an order to make for a Peacemaker in the next couple weeks so I will have a colt pattern made by then,

Wes ...Cowboy and Muzzle loading Gear

pony express

We used to have a shooter that used one of the electric scooters, he used a double shoulder holster rig. You might also try having holsters fastened directly to the chair, as well as some sort of rack to hold long guns. For ammo and other small stuff, it could be as simple as a couple bags made from old cut off jeans legs, at least for starters.

Biscuit Joe

You might try a Mounted Shooting Double Rig.

Curley Cole


This is not uncommon anymore. Folks are realizing that the Cowboy action crowd are very proactive. If there is a need, well dang it we all are gonna have fun.

The Cowboys (of Norco) actually have a "stove-up" shooters catagory.

But on to your situation. One guy I shoot with has a wheelchair (and hooks his guncart to the back of it and pulls it along like a trailer. very cool) Anyways, he had his holsters belted around his thigh area and they hang down from there. And sometimes he will need to stage the pistols at the prop like his long guns.

I would say visit a couple of matches local to you and see what they can do for you and see how to adapt any equipment.

Keep us posted on how it comes along, and would love to see pictures of your gear as you get it.
good shootin
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