Started by KOOTENAY COWBOY, December 08, 2009, 11:25:07 AM

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Iam posting this in the Leather Shop cause I figure you boys will understand my pain.
After the mornin feed, I was comin back to the main house thru the big barn.
I saw a mouse. I don't like mice. I got to thinkin maybe I should check the Saddles.
Sure nuf. The rawhide roll of my best saddle was chewed.
I had this rig made special for me and Iam undone.
I waited almost 6 months for the tree. It's a modified Boseman Roper tree and fits fine.
I had the saddle done with Plate Riggin and 1/2 Breed toolin.
I have a cat but I have been feedin her by the house because she lost her last two litters of kittens
to coyotes an such. I set traps a couple of time but my dog got caught in one. I don't want her to get shy about workin the fence line.
Iam tryin to get two little fur balls thru the winter so have to help out with the feed.
They are keepers cause I saw one of emwith a mouse just before the cold hit.
I brought all my saddles to the bunkhouse as it's to cold to ride anyhow.
Guess I should be huntin mice instead of jawin on this thing.
Any way I off to the SASS web site to sigh on.

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Howdy KC, and Welcome to the Leather Shop  :D

       I feel for you pard, I had some problems with tree rats several years ago, one or two of them got into my shop, and started in on some rawhide I had hanging up, fortunately they were just boot laces, but it woke me up as to what is safe out there and what wasn't, my wolf high breed and I sat out there at night , and my dog would alert me when they were near, I picked them off with my pellet rifle, and then put up one of those electronic devices that sends out a high frequency sound wave, it's been several years since, and I haven't been bothered with leather eating rats or mice, and my leather is left out in the open, so I guess between the pellet rifle and this gizmo  I don't have anything to worry about, I'd hate to of having to hide my leather.  This will be a heads up for all of us.


      tEN wOLVES  ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About


Thanks Fiveshooter. 8)
I'll look into one of those H/F things. Do ya/all think it would push the cats out as well or no??
The barn where I keep my riggin is a far size n I would like to keep the hired help (cats) involved.
I can see it works for you n I can find out the particulars by goin on line.
One of my neighbours down river used to raise Wolfs. He had a cross using a Louisiana and some Timber Cross bitches.
What you/all got??
He had to stop tho. That Dam SPCA gave him a hard time cause they like to howl sometimes. Town folk 2 miles away complained.
One of my close neighbours had a Sled Team an they carried on a bit but we didn't complain. SPCA went after him also.
I shouldn't get worked up about it but the SPCA is a waste of Hide. >:(
Any way Thanks Again ;D.
Iam havin a problem contactin the SASS to join up. Welcome to Kootenay dial=up :'(

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

 Howdy Kootenay

         Those pest devices work on keeping rodents and insects out, and have no effect on household pets, rats ans mice seem to really like leather, and soft plastic, give it a try, it sure has kept them little critters out of my shop, I haven't seen any droppings  since I started using this device, so that took care of it for me.

         My wolf high Breed was on the bitches side, Snow Wolf and Samoyed, on the Sires side German Shepherd and Timber Wolf, great animal, and very protective of us and my little girl, he did Howl, but not as to being a problem, he didn't bark that much, but would let us know when something was wrong by growling and looking in the direction of the threat, he was super smart, loving and loyal, I still miss him, he lived to be 13 years old.

        Protecting your saddles and leather from critters and the elements is not too much of a problem once you know which course to take,I like to keep my leather in an environment  that is the same as what I would be comfortable in, it has worked for me for over 50 years now, so I must be doing something right.


              tEN wOLVES   ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About


Sorry GSR I don't know no Writ n I don't dail 911.
I took feed out to the Ridin arena so the fur balls will just have to stay put.
It's probably warmer in the hay anyway.
I can't place a Snow Wolf. Maybe we/all call that breed a Arctic Wolf. Being with Samoyed, that would fit.
I know what your sayin about leather but my layout has a small tack room with each stall.
I used to ride 8-10 horses a day and have three different personal saddles, plus my family all had a personal saddle.
This is the first time I have ever had a rig chewed.
My cat pride was fair size up until a few years ago. A lot of folk don't shoot varmits like they used to.
So now the nuisance animals like Coyotes, bears and cougars are causing problems. Grizzly's and Cougars used to take
2-3 foals a year off me. Courgars are even sneekin into town in the spring n scoopin up little mutts off the back porch. 
Anyway that's all behind me now. I'll get me a buzzer or 4 and the vermin will have to move to town.

GunClick Rick

It'a a rat writ,writ fer a rat,45 long Colt
Bunch a ole scudders!


Try adding a bit of Cod Liver Oil to your saddle oil - it works on keeping skunks and other critters from gnawing on the rigging while running a pack train - old timers I worked with back when swore by it.....
aka Nolan Sackett
Frontier Knifemaker & Leathersmith

Dalton Masterson

I hear that mothballs work for mice as well, if YOU can stand the smell.

Speaking of mice, I had an experience with one yesterday. Seems my wife went out to get firewood and the cat brought in a field mouse. Not the ordinary little gray mouse, but a beautiful dark gray with big ears type field mouse. She corralled the cat in the to bathroom, and left nature to do its work. When she opened the door, mouse was gone, so she let the cat out.
I come home to the cat screaming thru the house chasing this fat rodent thru the kitchen. It is now taking refuge behind my fireplace, with 4 cats waiting intently. Argggh.
SASS #51139L
Former Territorial Governor of the Platte Valley Gunslingers (Ret)
GAF (Bvt.) Major in command of Battalion of Western Nebraska
SUDDS 194--Double Duelist and proud of it!
RATS #65
Gunfighting Soot Lord from Nebrasky
44 spoke, and it sent lead and smoke, and 17 inches of flame.

GunClick Rick

Da usual cat and mouse game huh,doity rat! :-X
Bunch a ole scudders!


We cut thin pieces of Irish Spring soap, place them in cups and put them in aircraft that sit all winter.  This tip came from antique car guys.  Guess mice don't like the smell of Irish spring, seems to work.   ;)
"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government." - George Washington

JD Alan

My wife saw a mouse scamper across the floor of the kitchen, and of course expected me to get rid of it, so I set a trap. About 10 minutes later we heard a snap, and bingo, one dead mouse. Simple, but to be cautious, I reset it, "just in case" I caught 9 more mice before we went to bed that night. We have 2 fat cats that are completely useless, except for keeping my feet warm at night! The wife would not stand for dumping the cats, in case someone thought to suggest it :P     
The man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.

Dr. Bob

Well, at least ya can count on warm feet! ;D
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick


Around here, mice are more seasonal in terms of being a problem.  They seem to think that we heat the house for them once the weather gets cold.  On the other hand I was watching TV once and had a deer mouse walk out on the hearth of the fireplace, climb the waste basket, and carry off a Reese's peanut butter cup wrapper (the dark brown paper part the cup actually sits in.)  I stealthily went to the nearby gunroom, snagged my Webley Tempest, and waited for a return, assuming that once the thing realized it was just a wrapper that smelled enticing it might return for the real thing.  Most comfortable hunting stand I ever took.  Two movies later it was way past time to go to bed, so I set a trap.  Like poor old Charlie on the MTA, he never returned.  Hope it was a bowel impaction from the darn paper.  I was ready to cure him with a subcutaneous lead injection... ;)

JD Alan

I had to go to the "Net to see what a Webley Tempest was. I was relieved to read it was an air pistol. I had visions of you drawing down on that mouse with a double barrel something! That would have been a sight to see

A CAS friend of mine was practicing speed loading his '97 in his family room some time ago. Somehow a hot shell got mixed in with his dummy shells. What you are imagining happened, BOOM! He was frozen in shock until his girlfriend came running into the room, and saw a hole blown in the entertainment center. This is true story; these folks shoot with us every month     
The man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.

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