New Lives in our Life

Started by Daniel Nighteyes, December 07, 2009, 06:21:48 PM

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Daniel Nighteyes

Gunclick Rick's thread about his new best-buddy (a dog) got me started, so blame him!   ;) ;)  Seriously, I didn't want to hijack his thread, so I've started this one.

I've had dogs in my life since I was knee-high to a duck.  I absolutely love dogs, and most of 'em know it and return it.  I've had to put down three wonderful and long-lived canine companions in the last 32 years, and the last one was nearly too much.  We've been without a dog for a while now, but somehow it just isn't in me to get another one.

Then along came two new, and very different, companions.  They joined our family when they were 8 weeks old, and are now just over five months old.  Since there are two of them, they keep each other company when SWMBO and I aren't around.  They always greet us when we come in, and about 30 minutes after we've gone to sleep at night, they join us on the bed.  

Its been great to have new lives in our life again  -- low maintenance, high-return contributors.  The positive energy they've brought has been nothing short of wonderful.

The pics tell loads about their styles and personalities. Can you guess which one is laid-back, and which is a little more "formal"?

GunClick Rick

My blood pressure went down already,go figure ;)Goofy dog sittin here by me already like he owns the place.
Bunch a ole scudders!

Dr. Bob

Well, he's more growed up than you are!  He should be! ;D ;) ::) ::) :o ;) :D
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Daniel, I know what you mean, we've had some wonderful dogs in the last 35 years, German Shepherds Wolf high breed, and our last were two beautiful Rotti's and they were sisters, and we still miss them like all get out, but we also have three cats that came into our lives that have really help to fill that void, there smart, clean and fun to have around, I never was a cat guy, but these three have wormed there way into my heart, I have one that was a rescue kitten, she's the one at the top, and she took to me when she was real little, and now has to spend time with me before I go to sleep, we usually watch TV for about an hour, then she leaves, some times I don't think she likes what I watch. here's a couple pictures. the orange kitty likes to drink out of the sink faucet, but she always has to wash the bottom of her front paws before she takes a drink, and she will wait in the bathroom until I come in to turn the water on a little for her, and this goes on every morning.

     tEN wOLVES  :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Daniel Nighteyes

Ten Wolves,

German Shepherds are my favorites: loving, loyal, courageous and smart.  They even have a sense of humor.  However, the smartest dog I ever had was a Shetland Sheep Dog.

-- Nighteyes

Panhandle Slim

Nighteyes -

Congrats on the cats.  Like you, I wasn't necessarily a cat person.  But two years ago, a pair of kittens "found" their way to our house.  I somewhat begrudgingly let my wife keep them. We already had a dog - Spaz (long story on how we named him that), and I really didn't want an extra pair of mouths to feed.  But I'm so glad I let them stay.  The "chuckleheads" (Leela & Idgie) were littermates, and get along like sisters sometimes do (fight, then make up).  Now I don't even notice when they zoom across the bed at 2 a.m.

This last Veterans day, was really hard for us as we had to put down our beloved Spaz after a series of debilitating strokes and seizures. We had him almost as long as Anita Latrine & I have been married (8 Yrs).  Talk about a swift kick in the guts. Like you, I also don't have it in me to get another one.  If it hadn't been for for the chuckleheads, we'd both be a pair of basketcases (well, ok I'm a basketcase to begin with).

Enjoy the time with your cats.  The antics that they do is nothing short of therepuetic.

Just remember - A dog accepts you as the boss, a cat wants to see your resume.
C. Erroll Madre, SASS #67854

GunClick Rick

What's that saying,? People have dogs,cats have people :D
Bunch a ole scudders!

Daniel Nighteyes

"Dogs come when you call; cats take a message."

Dr. Bob

My cat always just ignored me when I called :o ;)!
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick

GunClick Rick

Simba Kitty just went,ahhh crap another dog.Then Rusty licked him to death.His name is Rusty but i feel like i am callin my cousin all the time,that's his name.P D Seargent Rusty Son.That cat is about 17 years old..

Bunch a ole scudders!

Danny Bear Claw

I too, have put down cats and dogs over the years, but hardest of all was losing my beloved African Gray Parrot.  Now there was a critter with personality!  Her name was Gumby.  She died when only 8 years old, cause unknown.  At the hospital I was working at the time we had a patient who was a parrot breeder.  He told me the general consensus is Grays live 60 or 70 years but in reality most die in less than 20 years in captivity.  They are susseptible to all kinds of animal and human diseases.  Gumby died on Sunday morning of Thanksgiving weekend a couple of years back.  I bought her for my wife but Gumby adopted me for some reason and would have nothing to do with anyone else.  She liked to watch cartoons on the TV.  She liked the Simpsons and also South Park.  From the Simpsons she would do Nelson's sarcastic, "Ha Ha", and from South Park she would do the crippled boy Timmy's, "Timmer"!  She also liked NFL foot ball.  Her favorite team was the Green Bay Packers.  She would whistle that little ditty and dance around saying, "Go Pack Go"!  The Vet said she probably liked the colors.  She didn't like my going off to work at night and didn't like me going to bed the day after working all night.  I miss her so much.   :'(

I had a cat once, (Starlight), who loved to eat raw potatoes.  He'd come running from where ever he was in the house when ever he'd hear the potatoe peeler rattle.
Had another cat,(Willie Pete), who loved to watch the water swirl around when ever the toilet was flushed.  She'd come running to watch when ever she heard that.  I told the wife, "It's a good thing we didn't toilet train her or she'd be in there flushing the toilet all day long.
SASS #5273 Life.   NRA Life member.  RATS # 136.   "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us".

GunClick Rick

Birds are cool,grandpa had one named Pauncho,mexican parrot,had him for years and gramps said he got a bad batch of sunflower seeds that did him in.That bird was crazy..When he was hungry he would holler CLYDE,MARIE!!! Grandpa and grandmas names :D

Yea birds are way cool! I have a wooden parrot statue in my little palm garden,i painted it like Pauncho ;)
Bunch a ole scudders!

Panhandle Slim

I know what you mean about the cat watching the toilet.  Funny how most cats won't go near water, but you get that one....

We tried toilet training our cats.  One got it, the other would have none of it.  As part of the training process, my wife replaced the toilet handles with automatic flushing units.  Both of them found the swirling water fascinating. In the middle of the night, you'd hear the toilet flushing 5 or 6 times in a row.  Before they got bored with their new "toys" we replaced the batteries in those things at least 3 times.

C. Erroll Madre, SASS #67854

Daniel Nighteyes

Quote from: Panhandle Slim on December 10, 2009, 02:21:31 PM
I know what you mean about the cat watching the toilet.  Funny how most cats won't go near water, but you get that one...

Ravi, our male kitten, will rush to get into the shower stall when he hears the water running.  He moves around the water stream, watching it raptly.  It sorta seems like he's pushing the envelope, getting as close as he can without getting wet.  When one of us finally manages to usher him out, he leaves wet footy-prints on the floor.

Both of them love to drink out of the faucets on the vanity.  I've actually found them curled up in one of the lavatories.

Forty Rod

Okay, this is four days old.


New pics.

You guys are all slacking off.

I need a puppy / kitty fix.
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Russ T Chambers

Captain Jake Cutter also likes to drink out of the faucet, but he doesn't care about getting wet.
He sticks his head under the slowly running water, and laps it up as it runs off his head and nose.
Russ T. Chambers
Roop County Cowboy Shooters Association
SASS Lifer/Regulator #262
SBSS #1441
CRPA Lifer 
NRA Benefactor Member
Brother of the Arrow

Daniel Nighteyes

Quote from: Forty Rod on December 14, 2009, 04:22:23 PM
Okay, this is four days old.


New pics.

You guys are all slacking off.

I need a puppy / kitty fix.

No problem.  This was taken shortly after they came to live with us...

Forty Rod

PPP: Playing Parlor Panther.  :)
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.


Having had two Shelties that looked nearly identical, it sure was interesting to see the difference in their personalities.  My first one, Beau, was so scary-smart that it seemed like he read your mind.  Then there was Clancy.  Well, Clancy was the sweetest dog you would ever meet in your life...but he was scared of his own shadow, and dumb as a door knob...  The cats just flat abused him.  It got to the point where he didn't know if he was coming or going.  But it did prove one absolute truism:

Dogs have owners.  Cats have staff....

"We thought about it for a long time... 'Endeavor to persevere.' And when we had thought about it long enough, we declared war on the Union."

Lone Watie

Russ T Chambers

When we lost our female cat Kokopelli about 4 months ago we did a shelter trip to find someone to help ease the empty spot we and our male cat Captain Jake Cutter felt.  Enter Samantha (the little black critter in the picture).  I do believe Jake thinks she is good enough to share his space with.  We know we sure do!
Russ T. Chambers
Roop County Cowboy Shooters Association
SASS Lifer/Regulator #262
SBSS #1441
CRPA Lifer 
NRA Benefactor Member
Brother of the Arrow

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