RV's are heavier than Ubertis, aren't they

Started by RowdyBill, April 27, 2005, 10:04:28 PM

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Been looking at cowboy guns lately and noticed that RV's have a bit of heft while the imported clones (Uberti) seem kind of light.  One single action, the new Taurus cowboy one, seemed very light.

RV = 43 oz.
Uberti = 35 oz. I think (whatever 2 lbs, 3 oz. comes to)

Silver Creek Slim

According to the Taurus 2005 catalog, the Gaucho weighs between 36.2 to 37.7 oz depending on barrel length and caliber.

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

Mustang Gregg

Yup! Yup! Yup!
A might heavier.  ;D Makes 'em a might steadier.
Good American-made iron in Ruger shootin' irons!!
Mustang Gregg
"I have two guns.  {CLICK--CLICK}  One for each of ya."
"Mustang Gregg" Clement-----NRA LIFER, since '72-----SASS Life & Territorial Governor-----GAF #64-----RATS #0 & Forum Moderator-----BP Warthog------Distinguished Pistol 2004------SAIROC & MMTC Instructor-----Owner of Wild West Arms, Inc. [gun shop] Table Rock, NE------CASTIN' & BLASTIN'!!!!

Four-Eyed Buck

Are you referring to the Original RV's or the New RV's? The NRV's are somewhat lighter than the ORV's. Caliber makes some difference too. The .357's are a little heavier than he .45's........Buck 8) ::) :-\ ;)
I might be slow, but I'm mostly accurate.....

Trooper Steve

Yes, RV are heavier... and a lot less recoil....... Go Blackhawks!

Virginia Gentleman

The RV and newer RVs might be heavier, but they are not even clones in my book, mere shadows in authenticity.  I know, this is a Chevy vs. Ford debate, so I won't try to start one. :D

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