Started by Marshal Will Wingam, October 15, 2009, 05:16:39 PM

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Kid Terico

Whoses got a house? Tent. KT :D ;D ;D

GunClick Rick

Bunch a ole scudders!

GunClick Rick

I think Ten Wolves is in a bad mood :o

Bunch a ole scudders!

Arizona Cattleman

I could have bought 160 of my house.... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

SASS Member #86387
NRA Member
USCCA Member

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Quote from: GunClick Rick on July 19, 2010, 02:05:53 PM
I think Ten Wolves is in a bad mood :o

    Rick if you think I'm in a bad mood, you should see the other nine of me, :o

NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Kid Terico

TW I think you meant to put the word see  in your sentence. but its still funny. KT  ;D

GunClick Rick

That's allright,my 92 holds ten rounds ;D ;D  :-* here wolfywolfywolfy :-* I got ten bullets,one for each of ya :D :D

Bunch a ole scudders!

GunClick Rick

Well wait till ya see this~~~shhhweetueatiful!!!!! Just be a minute or 30 :)
Bunch a ole scudders!


howdy pards
just skinned a 3 foot rattle snake  now need to heat to get some tanning supplies so i can turn this wyoming bad boy in to wyoming leather LOL


Cool. Ya gonna eat that sucker? Mmmmmm...rattler chili!
Historian at Old Tucson
SASS #2171
STORM #371
RATS #431
True West Maniac #1261

GunClick Rick

When ya salt the hide use non iodine salt..Place in a warm cool place and let it dry slow,not in direct sunlight or it will be stiff.Check out Riddles snake tanning kit.Mix some vineger,water and salt to make a brine and soak it in there too.
Bunch a ole scudders!

Dr. Bob

Well, I'll be,  Rick telling 316 how to tan one of his kin!  Doesn't that beat all!! :o ::) ;D
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick

GunClick Rick



(Catalog #SSK-10)

RITTEL'S SNAKESKIN TANNING KIT contains all the necessary ingredients to
produce a real leather. Salt and White Vinegar are the only two ingredients
not included. These items are easily bought at a local store. Do not use
Kosher or Rock Salt - Non-Iodized Salt is best. Unlike other methods that
use Alum, Alcohol or Glycerine - RITTEL'S SNAKESKIN KIT produces a leather
suitable for crafts and leatherwork. The leather retains the distinctive
markings, plumps, has excellent durability, and strength.

* * * * * * * * * *
Fresh or frozen snakeskins tan the best. If you prefer to dry your
snakeskins, and tan them later - always avoid heat, and Salt them liberally.
After skinning - tack them out flat - flesh side up, flesh, and liberally
rub Salt into the flesh. Leave this layer of Salt on the skin for 2-3 days,
then brush it away, and allow the skin to dry thoroughly. Do not expose the
skin to heat, or direct sunlight while it dries - heat can render snakeskins
stiff and untannable. Heat causes the fibers to gelatinize to a glue-like
hardness - such skins are difficult and sometimes impossible to relax and
tan. To freeze fresh snakeskins - place them in a plastic garbage bag, and
use a twist tie to seal it - then freeze it solid. Snakes normally shed
their outer layer of skin to grow. This may occur during the tanning
process. If it does, remove the outer layer, and it should not affect your

Skinning - For Taxidermy purposes, usually an incision
Is made on the belly midway between the head and the tail, and after
loosening the skin from the flesh the skin is pulled off each end, similar
to removing a sock. For crafts or simply to display the skin - the snake is
skinned by making a belly incision its whole length, and the skin is
stripped from the flesh.

Fleshing - Snakeskins normally flesh easily. You can even use a Tablespoon
with 1 edge sharpened to scrape the meat from the inside of the skin. Some
tanners give it a serrated edge. Always - scrape the meat away working from
the tail towards the head to avoid tearing the skin. This is especially
important when handling small snakes.

Relaxing - Freshly fleshed snakeskins can be placed directly into the
Vinegar and Salt Pickling solution. Dried and frozen skins however, require
relaxing or thawing before they are pickled. For relaxing dried skins - Use
2 Lb. of Salt to every 1 Gallon of Water. Allow the skins to soak in this
Salt Brine until they become soft and flexible, then rinse and place them in
the Pickling solution. Frozen and fleshed skins can simply be placed
directly into the Pickle.

Pickling - To mix a Vinegar Pickling solution - mix 2 Quarts of White
Vinegar to 2 Quarts of Water, and add 1 Lb. of Salt. Mix enough solution to
completely submerge the skins without crowding! The Ph level should read
2.0-2.5 - it can be checked using Ph papers. Allow the skins to soak in the
Pickle for 2-3 days.

After your skins are thoroughly pickled - they can safely be left in the
pickling solution for several weeks, until you are ready to tan them. Stir
the Pickle at least once each day and do not expose it to temperatures below
50 degrees Fahrenhiet. When you are ready to tan the skins - remove them
briefly from the Pickle and rinse them. Squeeze out the excess water and
weigh them. Record this weight, it will be used to measure the amount of
KWIK-TAN tanning agent to use. For reliable results - always check the ph
level of your solutions. Ph levels are critical - and if not correct, your
chemicals will not be effective.

Tanning - When you are ready to tan - and after you have removed the skins
from the Pickle - add to the pickling solution: 6.5 Ozs. (by weight), or 5.0
fl. ozs. (by volume), or 2/3 a cup of RITTELS KWIK-TAN (KT-10), per 1 Lb. of
skin weight. Stir the solution, and then place the skins back into it. The
Ph level of the solution should read between 4.0 - if not, adjust it.

Leave the skins in the tanning solution for 12-20 hours. Snakeskins will
fully tan within this time. When tanned, remove the skins from the tan,
rinse and drain for 20-30 minutes - then oil.

Descaling - If you are going to use the snakeskin for making craft material,
then the scales should be removed. For Taxidermy or Display purposes, the
scales are usually left on the skin. To Descale - after the tan, rinse the
skins in Cold Water, then crumple the skins in your hands and you will
notice that the scales begin to fall away. Use a Brass bristled brush to
loosen the more persistent scales. Continue this process until the skins are
completely descaled.

Oiling - After tanning - all skins require Oiling. Prepare your Oiling
mixture by mixing 1 Part ProPlus Oil (PP-301) to 2 Parts Hot Water. Instead
of heating this mixture - simply use Hot tap water. Rub or brush the Oil and
Water mixture onto the flesh side of the snakeskin.

Finishing - If you will use the skin for Display or Crafts - after oiling,
tack it out flat and allow the Oil to soak into the flesh and dry - later
these tack holes along the edge can be trimmed away. For Taxidermy
purposes - After Oiling, its best to let the skin lay flat soaking up the
oil for 3-4 hours, and then it can be mounted - Or, if you prefer to freeze
it and mount it later, use a Roll of Paper Towels and put a layer on the
flesh, and then roll the skin up and freeze. For crafts - When the skin is
almost dry, begin to gently work the skin with your hands to soften it. When
softened and dry, lightly sand the flesh side to a smooth suede finish. If
the skin is to be for display - After drying, turn the skin over to display
the markings, tack it down using decorative tacks, and give it a coating of
clear lacquer or a clear Sealer to keep the scales from eventually curling.

* * * * * * * * * *
All rights reserved. No part of these instructions may be reproduced in any
form, or by any means without permission.
* * * * * * * * * *
RITTEL'S instructions are based upon our personal experiences using a
particular product and technique. RITTELS offers these instructions as a
guideline, and does not imply that they will guarantee success. RITTELS does
not accept any liabilty for such claims, or for the misuse of our
instructions or products; since we have no control over the use, apllication
and conditions of the environment or materials upon which they will be used.
RITTELS has made every attempt to provide instructions based on our own

Bunch a ole scudders!

Curley Cole

i'm still waiting, ain't seen nuttin here yet..

Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

GunClick Rick

Just wanted to ride by and make sure all you citizens are safe.If your in danger call on~THE DARK RANGER~!

Oh beware of the striking Dark Ranger
if he comes ridin into your town,
The Dark Ranger spells danger
For any outlaws left hangin "round~
Bunch a ole scudders!

Curley Cole

That there signature looks awful similar...

Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

Ned Buckshot

Kemo Sabe, why you change name? ???
Ned Buckshot

SASS# 2901   nedbuckshot@gmail.com


Ned Buckshot

I'm sure everyone has seen this but I thought it deserved another go around.

The Lone Rangers Creed

"I believe.....

That to have a friend, a man must be one.

That all men are created equal and that everyone has within himself the power to make this a better world.

That God put the firewood there, but that every man must gather and light it himself.

In being prepared physically, mentally, and morally to fight when necessary for that which is right.

That a man should make the most of what equipment he has.

That 'this government of the people, by the people, and for the people' shall live always.

That men should live by the rule of what is best for the greatest number.

That sooner or later...somewhere...somehow...we must settle with the world and make payment for what we have taken.

That all things change but truth, and that truth alone, lives on forever.

In my Creator, my country, my fellow man."

Ned Buckshot

SASS# 2901   nedbuckshot@gmail.com


Slowhand Bob

Dawnt reckon he has a rattler under his hat, do ya???

Kid Terico

Looks a lot like the LONE STRANGER. KT :D ;D

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