hey pards

Started by cowboy316, September 01, 2009, 09:26:37 PM

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just wanted to let ya know i not sure how much longer ill have the net cuz i cant pay my house taxes which ive been struggling with for the last few years  and i now lookin like im gonna loose the only thing ive work so hard for sorry guys but i dont think im gonna be aroundto post my work any more  :'( im sorry

Gun Butcher

  Cowboy, don't be sorry. For the past two years we have been trying anything we can think of to keep from loosing our home.
I am sure that like me you have tried everything. You and I and a whole lot of other folks should hold our heads up high and just remember that we have tried. I am down to my last option, just changed jobs about a month and a half ago and if this doesn't work its the big B for me and with it the house will have to go.
The only thing I am really sad about is at 55 it ain't going to be easy to start over. But, I am a survior and it will change again. and somewhere down the rode it will get better.
Hang in there Pard, and remember we are all ( at least a lot of us) in the same boat.

                                                        Gun Butcher
Lost..... I ain't never been lost...... fearsome confused fer a month er two once... but I never been lost.
Life is a Journey, the best that we can find in our travels is an honest friend.


well GB ty for the encouragment but at 37 i shouldnt be like this i shbould be able to work a full time job but with my knees and now way to have them fixed i cant do much and all i  know is carpentry and i just hurt to bad to do that work :'( :'(

Arizona Cattleman

Sorry to hear about your troubles.  Hang in ther and things will get better.  I have in the last three years gone thru a bankruptcy, Divorce and lost my home.  I live in an old motor home on a friends property but you know what, I'm happy.  I have a bunch of great Pards as new friends with a similar passion and a good family.  If you believe in God he will guide you, if not have faith in yourself, and you will get thru this.  If you need anything, ask by PM while you still can, or I'll give you my phone and address.  I can take pics and post for you, etc.  We are all pulling for you Pard.  Good luck.

Cattleman AKA Lew Patten
SASS Member #86387
NRA Member
USCCA Member

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter


     316 and GB, sorry to hear this, seems the whole Country is suffering these days, GB at 55 it won't be easy starting over  I know, but you can do it, and who knows things could get better in time, and 316 your young, and even if your knees are bad, you have a great talent in your hands, put your thinking cap on, there has to be something you can do with your hands that doesn't involved your knees or legs, at 37 you have a long working life left ahead of you, don't sell yourself short, a lot of those trade jobs like you were doing, wreck havoc on the knees and legs, a lot of my friends did what you were doing when young, only to end up like you, they all went on to other things, and bettered them selves to boot, you can too, just don't give up, Cowboys never give up.

                              I'll be sending the prayers up for the both of you

                                        My best Wishes for both of you

                                           tEN wOLVES
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Gun Butcher

  Ten Wolves, I do aprreciate the prayers.
Cowboy, I did not know about your knees. I busted mine up a few times when I was rodeoing back in my younger days and I know what kind of pain that can be. Heck, mine are only money problems and that is one thing in my life that has come and gone many times. Bottom line is I want you to know that we are all with you and we believe in the talent you have. Like Ten wolves said, hang in there and use that talent and that creative brain of yours and you just might find a whole new beginning. 
  And Pard, My prayers are withyou also.  GB
Lost..... I ain't never been lost...... fearsome confused fer a month er two once... but I never been lost.
Life is a Journey, the best that we can find in our travels is an honest friend.


ty you pards for the kinds words its just hard for me ro except the fact that im old and busted up  drives me nuts  not to be able to do the carpentry work cuz i enjoy it so much but maybe the good Lord want to do my leather work but he ius the onlyone that know that  and if its ment too be i will get thh business
thanks ain pards hope i never loose my net cuz if i do i looose family

Marshal Will Wingam

Doggone it, pards. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. We'll appreciate it when you get to look in. You've added to a lot of pards' enjoyment here. You're always welcome at this camp.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446


Howdy Pard
Sorry to hear this. More and more people I know are loosing their houses.
I have a gal that hangs out here at the store that lost her job last year in Aug and her apt in Dec. She has been living in her car ever since. She just got a job a month ago but does not make enough to get another Apt.
I'll keep you in my prayers.
Leather by WC / Standing Bear's Trading Post

Ace Lungger

CW316 and GB,
I feel like the rest of the pards on here, I hate to hear that you guy's are having a bad time! It's kind of like when I ruined my back, I was 48 years old, I live in a town of 1200 people, and my Doctor told me to get a sit down job! I told him to find me one and I would take it! That is why I worked over 4 years with 3 torn disc's, what was i to do?? Then when I no longer could stand up I was taken off work, and Hartford Work Comp took 11 months to send me a penny!! >:( We applied for any and all help, with no luck!! So I feel your pain, and I am still angry about it!!! >:( The only thing that saved me was I had things that I had gathered for 20 years that I could sell. Or I should say gave away!!! >:( >:( One night, as I was praying to God, I told him i couldn't take it any more, and that I was going to give my life to him and let him do what ever he wanted! things started to change, and then i met my family on here, and I still leave it up to God to see me threw this!
I have nothing to offer, other than I will pray for you, and all of the rest of us will to. It is Hard, but hang in there!!!
May God Bless you all!

member of the Cas City Leather family!
Member of Storms
Member of Brown
SASS # 80961

Johnny McCrae

Howdy CW316 & GB,

Sorry to hear of this. You boys have contributed a lot to this Forum and we hope it can continue. You will be in my thoughts and prayers

You need to learn to like all the little everday things like a sip of good whiskey, a soft bed, a glass of buttermilk,  and a feisty old gentleman like myself

Silent Joe

Sorry to hear all the problems some Pards have to deal with. I cant help them but I send my prayers up for them.


Sorry to hear this. Many of my friends,..and even my sister has lost their job. Things are terrible here,.....they say the economy is picking up,.....but heck,..we don't see it here.

We're struggling to hang on to the farm too, but I always look at it like this,...as long as I have my wife and kids with me,..we're all safe and together and healthy,...I think we can handle anything. You really only think you have problems until a loved one falls ill,..or gets killed,....or goes to jail,..or something horrible like that.Stuff is just stuff,....it can always be replaced,....ya might have more stuff at times,..and less stuff at other times,....but if ya got your family with you,....it'll all come out in the wash....just my .02.

GunClick Rick

Downsize pard and keep as much of your money as ya can.I'm just hopin to hold on long enough to do the same and hopefully sale the place for a shack somehwhere comfy enough to get by.GOD will take care of his people,keep your eye on the cross.The town i live in has gone from a nice family town,to a drug infested,crime riddin, homeless stink hole and i am mad as hell about it..The local government turned on the people and hit us for all kinds of fees and taxes,as soon as i can i am outta here.They want my place they can have it!

Right after i turn the indoor lawn sprinklers on full blast as i leave ;) I fought the banks and the city for months keepin my nieghborhood up and the weeds down so my value wouldn';t totally tank.Had the Po leese,the bank rep and the nieghbors watchin the fight too.Essie across the street said i threw my hat off five times :D :D

After they left i told Essie " I brung us some diny mite" ;D All the next door dumps look real nice now though ;)
Bunch a ole scudders!


So sorry to hear these life accounts. Darn these troubled times! My support goes out to all of you.
Historian at Old Tucson
SASS #2171
STORM #371
RATS #431
True West Maniac #1261

JD Alan

Cowboy 316, since you started this thread, I'll comment on your situation first. I am truly sorry to hear about your house and your physical condition, and I will add my prayers to the others who have expressed concern for you and the other Pards who've weighed in with their situations. As a pastor, I've been seeing a whole bunch of this kind of thing over the last few years, 'cause times are hard no doubt. We have several families on the brink here. One of them is currently living in a pop up tent trailer, parked next to another church member's house. Another is living in a motorhome. I was in Africa a few years ago, and I saw a poverty level of a whole other kind there. Most of the people still had joy in their lives, because they trusted the Lord, and he made a way for them. We would look at their situation and wonder where God was, but not them.

You do have an artistic talent that I pray you can use in the future to generate some income for you and your family. I also encourage you to take hope from some of the other Pards who commented here, how they've made it through difficult times, and not given up.

In Psalms 37:25 King David says "I have been young and now I am old. And in all my years I have never seen the Lord forsake a man who loves him; nor have I seen the children of the godly go hungry."

I am praying for you brother, and the rest of the fellas here. JD   

The man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.

Slowhand Bob

I love you guys, each and every one but guess what Gods love and grace makes our love for each other pale in comparison.  Thanks to the grace of God my trials and tribulations now seem much smaller than they once did and I now know I have been blessed far more than I ever could have earned on my own.  Sometimes I think that perseverance and faith will bring a better tomorrow and the strength to do so will be given if asked for.  As I look back, only twenty years ago, I realize that those things I once thought were so important were less than dirty clothes that needed changing.  There can be a better tomorrow, believe it and hang in there. 

GunClick Rick

Build a boat brothers and go wid da flow of the river~~~
Bunch a ole scudders!


well pards i guess your stuck with my ole hide cuz i got my loan from my mom and dad to catch up my taxes and as for physcial problems i blame that on the 10 years of bull and bronc riding  so ill live with that thanks everyone for the support you guys are like my second family and im greatful now i just need to find an adapter for that camera so i can down load pics from it
thanks pards

Ace Lungger

Howdy CB316,
That makes me HAPPY :) :). I am glad things worked out
member of the Cas City Leather family!
Member of Storms
Member of Brown
SASS # 80961

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