A true made up tale of the west...

Started by Cherokee Jem, April 09, 2005, 08:59:32 AM

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"Yeah, Jem... anything left on him?  Wait a second... Them isn't the duds you was wearin' when you went up yonder!  Jem!  You done took that feller's clothes!



<<whisper on>> Any cash in the pockets?"
"Finest partner I ever had.  Cleans his paws and buries his leavin's.  Lot more than some folks I know."


"I fumbled through my closet for my clothes, And found my cleanest dirty shirt" - K.Kristofferson


Delmonico rope Jem again and takes the dead man's money out of his pockets to replace the damaged coffee pot. ;D ;D

When he tries to protest, Delmonico hold up a bottle of castor oil and a funnel and winks. ;)
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


"You'd better do as he says!"  Trinity advises.  Then, he begins to think.  People keep talking about the damaged coffee pot...  What was it that Delmonico left behind for Trinity to make Coffee in?  He looks all over the camp for the pot he was using but cant find it at all.  Trinity begins to worry!
"Finest partner I ever had.  Cleans his paws and buries his leavin's.  Lot more than some folks I know."


"I fumbled through my closet for my clothes, And found my cleanest dirty shirt" - K.Kristofferson

litl rooster

*****Journel entry*************

Heavy rain this evening has forced me to hole up in the timber. The tracks I've been following are washed out and the crik is fast to cross in the dark. There was sign of un shod ponies  with the cattle also. Dos has been giving sign also that something is not right. Will keep my scattergun and Winchester next to me tonight.

Can't help but wonder if them Fellas ever sober up
Mathew 5.9


Delmonico heads to town for a new coffee pot and more castor oil. ;D
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Cherokee Jem

 With Demonico an his lousy castor oil and rope gone, Jem packs his gear on his saddle. His Sharps and SAA are clean and ready, along with a new 66 Winchester and SW Schofield that Jem got off the dead man. The pants and jacket were both found on the mans' paint horse, which Jem takes with him. After stopping to snatch a bottle of Trinitys whiskey, and slipping 2 dollars into the drunk mans saddlebag, Jem lights out after the killers of the young man. He rides several miles before stopping to make a dry cold camp in the woods, where he lights his pipe and listens to the creek flow down the hill....
Went following some tracks, almost got hit by a train.... :D  
Don't tell my horse that your out of food...
Have gun, will travel, just not by air...


Back at the previous nights camp, Trinity is looking for his bottle of recipe.   "Ah shore hope fer Jem's sake that the kid din't take it with him!  Ah done saw Delmonico empty the contents of his castor oil bottle in there last naht!!  Gem's in fer a rude awakenin' if'n he did take it  ::) "
"Finest partner I ever had.  Cleans his paws and buries his leavin's.  Lot more than some folks I know."


"I fumbled through my closet for my clothes, And found my cleanest dirty shirt" - K.Kristofferson

Cherokee Jem

 Jem spends a night in the rain, and feels the rain poor from his hat...
Went following some tracks, almost got hit by a train.... :D  
Don't tell my horse that your out of food...
Have gun, will travel, just not by air...


Along about midnite Jem is about 7/8 th's snokered and he starts to feel that rumbling cramping feeling.  This leaves a problem, come out from under the bush that is stoppin' some of the rain or soil his drawers again. ;D ;D :P :P

Meanwhile back in town the Sherriff shows Delmonico a Telly-grahmn, Delmonico looks at it long and hard and nods his head. ??? ??? ::) ::) ::) :D :D

Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Silver Creek Slim

Slim walks into the Sheriff's office. "Whatcha got there fellas?"
NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

Cherokee Jem

Jem cleans up from his night of drinking... Damn, how does Trinity drink that s---??? After caring for his horses, cleaning his weapons, and eating a quick breakfast, Jem sets out trying to track the shod ponies he is seeing...
Went following some tracks, almost got hit by a train.... :D  
Don't tell my horse that your out of food...
Have gun, will travel, just not by air...


"Did Jem jus' say he's datin' a pony?"
"Finest partner I ever had.  Cleans his paws and buries his leavin's.  Lot more than some folks I know."


"I fumbled through my closet for my clothes, And found my cleanest dirty shirt" - K.Kristofferson


Delmonico and the Sherrif ride out of town. ::)
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


Trinity heads out in search of the kid before he commits crimes against nature that he will regret for the rest of his life.

...And before Del and the sheriff can get to him.
"Finest partner I ever had.  Cleans his paws and buries his leavin's.  Lot more than some folks I know."


"I fumbled through my closet for my clothes, And found my cleanest dirty shirt" - K.Kristofferson

Cherokee Jem

Hey now, I aint datin no damn pony!!! >:(   Well, Jem sits on a ledge, and watches Trinity ride up the draw...

Went following some tracks, almost got hit by a train.... :D  
Don't tell my horse that your out of food...
Have gun, will travel, just not by air...


Before Trinity can warn Jem, Delmonico and the Sherrif come up from behind.  Delmonico points and the Sherrif gets the drop on the kid.  Delmonico puts the handcuffs and leg irons on him.   ;D ;D

The sherrif shows him the Wanted poster and the telly-gram that came to warn of his where-abouts. ;D ;D

Delmonico says, "Kid, ya should have stayed out of this county, the Sherrif here goes hard on chicken thieves.  The last one tried to "escape" and never made it to town.............................................................Alive."
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Cherokee Jem

Jem goes quietly to jail.... But soon slips a skeleton key from his boot heel, and quietly slides from the cell. After the sheriff leaves for the rounds, Jem clobbers the deputy.. And aquires his guns from the case and his horses from the corral. Jem heads out of town fast out a rear route... He heads for the hills above town...
Went following some tracks, almost got hit by a train.... :D  
Don't tell my horse that your out of food...
Have gun, will travel, just not by air...


Trinity watches the escape from the saloon across the street and shakes his head.  "Sooo young and already headed down a lahf of crahm.  Ah thought he was a good feller! :(  Mebbe he still is.  He jus' needs the right pards see him through."

Trinity gets up and staggers across to the Jail to check on the Deputy.
"Finest partner I ever had.  Cleans his paws and buries his leavin's.  Lot more than some folks I know."


"I fumbled through my closet for my clothes, And found my cleanest dirty shirt" - K.Kristofferson

litl rooster

I've been out here for several days now. The weather has been severe and making tracking fresh sign impossible. However 2 days ago I come across a soddy built in a cut bank with a makeshift corral in the mouth of a coulee and, a small horse pen with 3 riding horses.   Seems to be a relay station of some kind. My suspicions were confirmed when 2 riders come in with a small band of Remount horses yesterday... Sneeking in behind them later in the evening when smoke from cook stove got hot, I got a better look at the coulee. Not surprized There was several cow calf pairs and around 25 horses. All the brands had been doctored, these fellas are artist with a Running Iron.  My missing pairs were among them
  Wish I had known what I was getting into before I left Trinty's and Cherokee Jems  and Delmonico's camp. My calves would be worth $15 a head this fall at the Rail head. I don't intend leaving here without them. There is probably paper hangin on these fellas with reward money, I am sure them fellas could use it. Jem is a good rider and those other fellas are some darn good shooters, and I sure would feel better about what I am going to do if they had my back.

  I am going thru with my plan, before daybreak help or not.  Thinking back, this may have somethin to do with the dead body back at the pards camp...................
Mathew 5.9

Cherokee Jem

 After thinking about his situation, jem surrenders to the sheriff again, decided that chicken stealing is not that bad of a crime.
Went following some tracks, almost got hit by a train.... :D  
Don't tell my horse that your out of food...
Have gun, will travel, just not by air...

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