Uberti Cattleman price

Started by flint1, August 05, 2009, 08:59:37 PM

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Hello everyone,
Just thought I would intro myself, say hello and fire off a newbe question.  I hail from NJ, and close to retirement
and decided to take the plunge into CAS. I am not new to firearms having been shooting and hunting since 14 years
of age.  I belong to the Central Jersey Rifle and Pistol club that holds a SASS once a month and I need to outfit myself completely.  It would be nice to meet some of you on the range some time.
Anyway on to a newbe question.  Having been lurking on the forums here for a while, it is my understanding that the
Uberti Cattleman is a quality gun.  It feels better in my hand than the RV though not as smooth an action as an RV. 
A local store near me has the Uberti Cattleman in 45 LC, W/a 5 5/8 barrel that is selling for $350 plus a 10% discount.
I want one in 357 and he said he would order anything I want.  Assuming the 357 would be about the same price, is this a good deal?  Just thought I would check, because it seems to me to be something to jump on.     


Virginia Gentleman

Wow!  That is a great price and I would be all over it for either caliber.  Only downside I can see is the NJ laws and waiting period and "gun license" requirements.   :-[

Bangor Dan

That's a nice price if it's the all steel version. If it has the brass triggerguard and back strap I think it's just an average, everyday  price. Check out Gunbroker on the web for pricing. My preference is for all steel, but your mileage may vary.
VTI Gun Parts sells ($12) a lightened mainspring for the Uberti SAA, and I've put one in all my Ubertis'. The factory mainspring is almost always too stiff for my taste, and the VTI spring usually makes for a much nicer hammer pull.

Bangor Dan


Thanks for the replies.  I was waiting for an answer before I did anything with this.  I am going to call to be sure they can order the 357 and that I can keep the discount too.  On a side note, my wife is also interested in CAS.  We will be sharing the firearms for a while until we can outfit both of us.  Thanks again.

boot strap jack

For the money, the cattleman is a good gun. I had to replace a couple of springs in mine the first year of cas. Over that first winter I sent my guns to Cody for action work. That made these the sweetest shooting, and very accurate six guns and 73 rifle, that I own. I would do it again.

Ike N. Fixit

I myself am just getting started in CAS and found myself in the same boat a short time ago. Due to budget and other things I decided to go with the Uberti Cattleman in 357 so I can shoot 38 specials. I found them NEW at a gun shop in Lexington Ky for $329.95 each. I will be picking them up this Thursday. I know these are start up guns but I am not in this to out shoot Evil Roy or nothing so I decided to get what I liked and go from there. I also just recieved my rifle (a rossi 1897 357/38 special) which I love. It is the first rifle I have ever owned that shot EXACTLY !! where you aim straight out of the box.
Like you I asked advice from other CAS shooters and recieved a load of suggestions but the best suggestion I got was "buy what YOU like and what pleases you" You are the one that has to use them so that is what I did

Welcome and "Shoot straight and be SAFE"

Ike N. Fixit

Ike N. Fixit

OOPS ! I ment to say I got a 1892 Rossi


Wow, that sounds like great price..... I was looking for the same 357 here in the Atlanta area. Best price I found locally was $409.
Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie? ....


About a year ago I found one at a large chain sporting goods store.  It was 44-40 caliber and they'd had it a long time.  Everyone wants 357 or 45 Colt.  So I asked to talk to the gun dept. manager and told him I really wanted to take it off his hands.  When he said, "$279" it went home with us.


I have several Uberti's and they have given me good service. I also hail from NJ, and belong to CJR&P club as well. I have been inactive in the CA shooting for several years, but have been thinking about getting back into it. Just keep in mind: Gov. Corizine just signed into law the one gun a month law. Check with your licensed dealer. This may have gone into effect immediately or after the first of the year. I have heard conflicting stories in this regard and it might keep you from getting what you need right away. Good luck.

Old Doc

Quote from: trgarbes@verizon.net on September 02, 2009, 07:58:00 AM
I have several Uberti's and they have given me good service. I also hail from NJ, and belong to CJR&P club as well. I have been inactive in the CA shooting for several years, but have been thinking about getting back into it. Just keep in mind: Gov. Corizine just signed into law the one gun a month law. Check with your licensed dealer. This may have gone into effect immediately or after the first of the year. I have heard conflicting stories in this regard and it might keep you from getting what you need right away. Good luck.

We have the one gun per month law in Virginia but for some reason, holders of concealed carry permits are exempted.


I have a CCW in NJ as a retired LEO. No such luck here in the Garden State! The 1 per month law applies to everyone.

Deadeye Dick

Sounds like another way to violate our 2nd amendment rights. What's next a 2 month, 6 month, 1 year, lifetime wait? Hope Oregon doesn't try that crap.
Deadeye Dick

J.D. Yellowhammer

So what're ya supposed to do if you want a pair with consecutive serial numbers!?  It'd kill me to wait!  It was bad enough a couple of days ago when I bought a Uberti 1873 Cattleman--the instant check clerk screwed up and denied me (after waiting in the shop for 40 minutes!). I've bought Lord-knows-how-many guns over the years without a problem. Drove 35 miles home (with a city between the store and home) fuming all the way.  Called the bureau when I got home and the clerk immediately said "oh, ah, well I cleared up the mistake and called the gun shop already..."  So I drove all the way back and home again. Bureaucratic Pissants!

The Uberti looks pretty nice but Man, what a heavy main spring! Already ordered a new one from VTI.

In keeping with this topic--I had to pay about $406 for the one with the brass backstrap/trigger guard.  5 1/2" barrel, .45 LC.  It's gonna be a backup as my main match pistols are headed out for some fine tuning. Haven't shot it, yet.
Lunarian, n.  An inhabitant of the moon, as distinguished from Lunatic, one whom the moon inhabits. (Ambrose Bierce).  Which one are you?

Russ T Chambers

At this time, NJ's law also limits Gun Store owners with FFLs for restocking at a rate of more than one gun a month!  Talk about a way to shut down the few gun shops in NJ.
Have no fear the NJ Governor has established a commission to review the law(after he signed it). 
Fat chance of any major changes to the law!!!
And from what I've heard from various sources, fat chance of Governor Jon S. Corzine has a fat chance of being reelected!!!!!
Russ T. Chambers
Roop County Cowboy Shooters Association
SASS Lifer/Regulator #262
SBSS #1441
CRPA Lifer 
NRA Benefactor Member
Brother of the Arrow


Lets hope so. I didn't vote for him the first time! Things will not change anytime soon, here in the Garden State - regardless of who's in office.

Marshal Deadwood

In Virginia we have the 'one handgun' per month. Does not apply to long-guns.


Blackpowder Burn

In the Republic of Texas, our purchases are limited only by the size of your wallet!  ;D
Learned Brother at Armes

Virginia Gentleman

Quote from: Marshal Deadwood on September 09, 2009, 03:41:11 AM
In Virginia we have the 'one handgun' per month. Does not apply to long-guns.


CCW holders and C&R FFL holders don't have to worry in Virginia about the one gun a month thing either.  When we get a new Gov.  keep our Lt. Gov. and get a pro AG and we hopefully can get rid of this restriction too.

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