Powder Inc. to offer 45-60 in Black Powder

Started by Rowdy Fulcher, July 11, 2009, 11:39:39 PM

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Rowdy Fulcher

Howdy Pards
You know about this before it's on the web site . Don't know any details other than they are working on this now .
He will also offer the brass for sale .  1-877-833-1799

Rowdy Fulcher

Howdy Pards
I got a chance to try the NEW Black Dawge 45-60 ammo today . I shot at 50 yds and they grouped nice . The best group of the day was 1" the worst was about 2" . I ran a patch after every group . I had a good day , the weather was nice ,   just me and my rifles . Life doesn't get any better than today . ;D

Dirty Brass

Quote from: Rowdy Fulcher on July 20, 2009, 07:27:55 PM
Howdy Pards
I got a chance to try the NEW Black Dawge 45-60 ammo today . I shot at 50 yds and they grouped nice . The best group of the day was 1" the worst was about 2" . I ran a patch after every group . I had a good day , the weather was nice ,   just me and my rifles . Life doesn't get any better than today . ;D

Amen to that Rowdy. The simple pleasures in life are the best!  ;)

Rowdy Fulcher

Howdy Pards
If you need 45-60 give powder Inc. a call they have Jamison brass FOR SALE

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