Saw these on ebay

Started by GunClick Rick, July 02, 2009, 12:29:04 AM

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GunClick Rick

Bunch a ole scudders!

Marshal Will Wingam

I wonder what the "EAI" on the back stands for? That could be a clue.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Slowhand Bob

Will, my thought was that perhaps this had been a custom rig made for an individual with those initials???  Trying to place an age on this type leather is way out of my league but I did have a thought or two on it.  The design is reminiscent of a couple of the old early patterns by Baird and a few of the other writers and teachers from an era before my time, early Jurassic, and the holsters in particular are of a cut and syle that has not been popular in Hollywood for many many years.  Think I will look through some of my old commercial patterns from way back and see if that one shows up there.  Anyone with a good enough eye to tell if the design is tooled or embossed, that could be a huge bit of knowledge???     

Professor Marvel

Greetings Gentlemen -
From what I can see, the rig appears tooled rather than embossed... and the detail work is extensive...

There is an outfit called ENTERPRISE ARMS INC, IRWINDALE CA .... EIA ...
however I know nothing of their history or longevity ...
Prof Marvel
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GunClick Rick

Yep,i can't think of any old western stars with those initials....Looks like they could even hold them broomstick gas powered guns?
Bunch a ole scudders!

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