A Thread about anything, but mostly Grandkids Pictures

Started by Ozark Tracker, June 30, 2009, 11:45:46 AM

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Russ T Chambers

Even though it looks like it, he hasn't killed her.  Just shows the size difference right now!
Russ T. Chambers
Roop County Cowboy Shooters Association
SASS Lifer/Regulator #262
SBSS #1441
CRPA Lifer 
NRA Benefactor Member
Brother of the Arrow

Texas Lawdog

Russ, It looks like Jake is showin' Sam who is the BOSS!
SASS#47185  RO I   ROII       NCOWS#2244  NCOWS Life #186  BOLD#393 GAF#318 SCORRS#1 SBSS#1485  WASA#666  RATS#111  BOSS#155  Storm#241 Henry 1860#92 W3G#1000  Warthog AZSA #28  American Plainsmen Society #69  Masonic Cowboy Shootist  Hiram's Rangers#18  FOP  Lt. Col  Grand Army of The Frontier, Life Member CAF
   Col.  CAF  NRA  TSRA   BOA  Dooley Gang  BOPP  ROWSS  Scarlet Mask Vigilance Society Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company  Cow Cracker Cavalry   Berger Sharpshooters "I had no Irons in the Fire". "Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie"?

Leo Tanner

Quote from: Texas Lawdog on July 23, 2009, 03:59:34 PM
Russ, It looks like Jake is showin' Sam who is the BOSS!

Give it time.  I remember when Angel was small an Sammie thought she was the boss.  Sammie is no longer the boss.  Now that I have been loaned a camera I'll have ta put up some current photos of them.
"When you have to shoot, shoot.  Don't talk."
     Tuco--The Good the Bad and the Ugly

"First comes smiles, then lies.  Last is gunfire."
     Roland Deschain

"Every man steps in the manure now an again, trick is not ta stick yer foot in yer mouth afterward"

religio SENIOR est exordium of scientia : tamen fossor contemno sapientia quod instruction.

Texas Lawdog

Victoria passed her checkup at the vets today, with flying colors. She had lost almost 3 lbs, which pleased the Moose.
SASS#47185  RO I   ROII       NCOWS#2244  NCOWS Life #186  BOLD#393 GAF#318 SCORRS#1 SBSS#1485  WASA#666  RATS#111  BOSS#155  Storm#241 Henry 1860#92 W3G#1000  Warthog AZSA #28  American Plainsmen Society #69  Masonic Cowboy Shootist  Hiram's Rangers#18  FOP  Lt. Col  Grand Army of The Frontier, Life Member CAF
   Col.  CAF  NRA  TSRA   BOA  Dooley Gang  BOPP  ROWSS  Scarlet Mask Vigilance Society Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company  Cow Cracker Cavalry   Berger Sharpshooters "I had no Irons in the Fire". "Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie"?

Russ T Chambers

I think this was the way Jake was keeping from being harassed!!  She just tears around the house, chasing him every time he turns his back. 
Glad Victoria passed muster.  Keeping  the weight down is good for them.  We have the problem now with the high fat kitten chow VS the adult cat food.  Guess who likes each other's food!!
Samantha has her first vet appointment next week, for the last of her kitten shots.
Russ T. Chambers
Roop County Cowboy Shooters Association
SASS Lifer/Regulator #262
SBSS #1441
CRPA Lifer 
NRA Benefactor Member
Brother of the Arrow

Texas Lawdog

The only thing she didn't like was when they took the fecal sample.
SASS#47185  RO I   ROII       NCOWS#2244  NCOWS Life #186  BOLD#393 GAF#318 SCORRS#1 SBSS#1485  WASA#666  RATS#111  BOSS#155  Storm#241 Henry 1860#92 W3G#1000  Warthog AZSA #28  American Plainsmen Society #69  Masonic Cowboy Shootist  Hiram's Rangers#18  FOP  Lt. Col  Grand Army of The Frontier, Life Member CAF
   Col.  CAF  NRA  TSRA   BOA  Dooley Gang  BOPP  ROWSS  Scarlet Mask Vigilance Society Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company  Cow Cracker Cavalry   Berger Sharpshooters "I had no Irons in the Fire". "Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie"?


Quote from: Texas Lawdog on July 23, 2009, 05:29:33 PM
The only thing she didn't like was when they took the fecal sample.

Well would you like a stick stuck up yer butt? ;D
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


Quote from: Delmonico on July 23, 2009, 06:14:03 PM
Well would you like a stick stuck up yer butt? ;D

Pends on who's got the stick?  ::)


Oh, You know that's funny, go ahead and laugh, it's good fer ya!

Leo Tanner

What makes it even funnier is that I just posted in the coffee place how much I love ta laugh.  Then I come over here an see that.  Frikkin cool.

"When you have to shoot, shoot.  Don't talk."
     Tuco--The Good the Bad and the Ugly

"First comes smiles, then lies.  Last is gunfire."
     Roland Deschain

"Every man steps in the manure now an again, trick is not ta stick yer foot in yer mouth afterward"

religio SENIOR est exordium of scientia : tamen fossor contemno sapientia quod instruction.

Texas Lawdog

I can't attest to stick up my butt, but I have had a few fingers stuck up my butt at prostate exam time.
SASS#47185  RO I   ROII       NCOWS#2244  NCOWS Life #186  BOLD#393 GAF#318 SCORRS#1 SBSS#1485  WASA#666  RATS#111  BOSS#155  Storm#241 Henry 1860#92 W3G#1000  Warthog AZSA #28  American Plainsmen Society #69  Masonic Cowboy Shootist  Hiram's Rangers#18  FOP  Lt. Col  Grand Army of The Frontier, Life Member CAF
   Col.  CAF  NRA  TSRA   BOA  Dooley Gang  BOPP  ROWSS  Scarlet Mask Vigilance Society Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company  Cow Cracker Cavalry   Berger Sharpshooters "I had no Irons in the Fire". "Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie"?


Quote from: Texas Lawdog on July 23, 2009, 07:11:32 PM
I can't attest to stick up my butt, but I have had a few fingers stuck up my butt at prostate exam time.

Git ya ah Lady Doctor then..... then ya might like it.

That was so wrong.

Fergive me, an' bless dem starvin pigments in South LA.

See dare Leo, Tolt ya about dem lady Dr's.

Leo Tanner

Quote from: Wireman on July 23, 2009, 08:31:34 PM
Git ya ah Lady Doctor then..... then ya might like it.

That was so wrong.

Fergive me, an' bless dem starvin pigments in South LA.

See dare Leo, Tolt ya about dem lady Dr's.

Bet ya didn't think things would go that far, did ya?  Lil thinks it's funny as heck so it must be ok.
"When you have to shoot, shoot.  Don't talk."
     Tuco--The Good the Bad and the Ugly

"First comes smiles, then lies.  Last is gunfire."
     Roland Deschain

"Every man steps in the manure now an again, trick is not ta stick yer foot in yer mouth afterward"

religio SENIOR est exordium of scientia : tamen fossor contemno sapientia quod instruction.


Quote from: Leo Tanner on July 23, 2009, 10:03:04 PM
Bet ya didn't think things would go that far, did ya?  Lil thinks it's funny as heck so it must be ok.

That post by LD is what started me to rememberin'....

Dis threads supposed ta be about kids and Dogs (who are kids, least they think so) Not this kinda stuff.

I'll tell the story some other time. Someone will be offended, even if it's just a fingers worth.

Leo Tanner

Thread drift is one of the joys of Tall Tales.  A topic aint right if it don't go off course every now an again.  It's written in stone somewhere.
"When you have to shoot, shoot.  Don't talk."
     Tuco--The Good the Bad and the Ugly

"First comes smiles, then lies.  Last is gunfire."
     Roland Deschain

"Every man steps in the manure now an again, trick is not ta stick yer foot in yer mouth afterward"

religio SENIOR est exordium of scientia : tamen fossor contemno sapientia quod instruction.


Quote from: Leo Tanner on July 23, 2009, 10:45:25 PM
Thread drift is one of the joys of Tall Tales.  A topic aint right if it don't go off course every now an again.  It's written in stone somewhere.

Wrong again, we wrote it in west cement. ::)
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Leo Tanner

Quote from: Delmonico on July 23, 2009, 10:58:21 PM
Wrong again, we wrote it in west cement. ::)

Sure it wernt the east cement?  Don't even get me started on the north an south.
"When you have to shoot, shoot.  Don't talk."
     Tuco--The Good the Bad and the Ugly

"First comes smiles, then lies.  Last is gunfire."
     Roland Deschain

"Every man steps in the manure now an again, trick is not ta stick yer foot in yer mouth afterward"

religio SENIOR est exordium of scientia : tamen fossor contemno sapientia quod instruction.


Quote from: Delmonico on July 23, 2009, 10:58:21 PM
Wrong again, we wrote it in west cement. ::)
Quote from: Leo Tanner on July 23, 2009, 11:14:20 PM
Sure it wernt the east cement?  Don't even get me started on the north an south.

Yer Killin' Me!



Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Texas Lawdog

Leo, you know, that wet kind that they use for overshoes in Chicago and New York City!
SASS#47185  RO I   ROII       NCOWS#2244  NCOWS Life #186  BOLD#393 GAF#318 SCORRS#1 SBSS#1485  WASA#666  RATS#111  BOSS#155  Storm#241 Henry 1860#92 W3G#1000  Warthog AZSA #28  American Plainsmen Society #69  Masonic Cowboy Shootist  Hiram's Rangers#18  FOP  Lt. Col  Grand Army of The Frontier, Life Member CAF
   Col.  CAF  NRA  TSRA   BOA  Dooley Gang  BOPP  ROWSS  Scarlet Mask Vigilance Society Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company  Cow Cracker Cavalry   Berger Sharpshooters "I had no Irons in the Fire". "Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie"?

Leo Tanner

Ahh, the special East River mix.  I knew I was on ta somethin with them points o the compass.
"When you have to shoot, shoot.  Don't talk."
     Tuco--The Good the Bad and the Ugly

"First comes smiles, then lies.  Last is gunfire."
     Roland Deschain

"Every man steps in the manure now an again, trick is not ta stick yer foot in yer mouth afterward"

religio SENIOR est exordium of scientia : tamen fossor contemno sapientia quod instruction.

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