Wild Bunch Holster

Started by Slowhand Bob, May 30, 2009, 04:30:17 PM

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Slowhand Bob

Had some time on my hands this morning so decided to do a Wild Bunch Holster Pattern.  I have not decided on a couple of options for the mag pouch yet but will add pictures when I decide on what I want.  I would have taken a few more pains with the finish had I known the first version would be this nice.  A great fit and I like the lines real well for an easy to make holster.  On the bottom picture you can see the excess belt loop, this would have been used for a sewn down belt loop without US holster loop.  The next one I make will probably be lined and the belt loop sewn down and a simple pattern on the holsters face. 

JD Alan

Well, here I go again, Bob, seeking your advice. Can you (Or someone) tell me what it takes to get that US stamped in the leather, and also the oval? The holster looks great. JD
The man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.


Just because you CAN ride the hide off a horse, doesn't mean you should.

http://www.youtube.com/artroland - The home of Backyard Horsemanship!

Slowhand Bob

JD, Rolling Thunder is correct on both counts.  The US version can still be obtained at Weaver Leather but the CS stamp was discontinued by them several years ago.  Perhaps there are other sources that I do not know of.  You can't hit it with a hammer and it does require a fair amount of pressure to set it reeeal good.

Johnny Dingus

Slowhand,  good looking holster, two tone looks great.  It also looks like it has some age to it with the wrinkles.  I like it.

And who did your stamp?

Johnny Dingus

edit should check for other posts before posting....thanks for the quick reply Slowhand
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Gun Butcher

  Great holster Slowhand, your practice is better than my 'last' try ;)
Lost..... I ain't never been lost...... fearsome confused fer a month er two once... but I never been lost.
Life is a Journey, the best that we can find in our travels is an honest friend.

Marshal Will Wingam

That looks nice with the two tone colors. The black and brown accent the pistol with the wooden grips. Good pattern.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Slowhand Bob

Actually the wrinkling was not intended and could be attributed to several things but mostly because everything was really rushed up.  I hope to get on and give some of my thoughts on changes that will be tried with the next one.  Mag pouches will be a big topic for me now also.  I really prefer the singles for practical reasons but do accept that the military look requires doubles and most pards seem to prefer that.  But then, as the holster depicts, I am not going for a military look here but rather more of a border ruffian look.   The dye finish is actually funny.  I just grabbed up an old wool swatch to apply dark tan with and there was an old dried out black dye spot in the middle.  Well as the Tan soaked in well the Black got rehydradrated enuff to start streaking into the overall disaster!!!!

Ace Lungger

Howdy SB,
AWESOME holster, I like evrything about it! I have to go along with the pards above that the 2 Tone, the wrinkles, ect. if that was a mistake look it ad's great detail to it!!

BUt you are KILLNG ME here we you say I had a little time on my hands this morning!!  I think alot of you guys could do a rig in your sleep ;D ; :D if you needed to! :) I guess years of practice makes a difference Big Time! My stuff that I make, takes me a long time, and if I tried to whip something out in a morning it would look like 4 year old did it!! ::) ???

That is a Great Looking Holster, I can only hope to be that good someday! Thank for sharing that fine looking peice of work!
That is what keeps me going!

member of the Cas City Leather family!
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The other thing you could do, JD, is have a stamp made in that size if it's something you really, REALLY, reeeeEAAAALLY wanted.
Just because you CAN ride the hide off a horse, doesn't mean you should.

http://www.youtube.com/artroland - The home of Backyard Horsemanship!

JD Alan

Once again, very cool looking holster, Bob.

Ace, I agree with you. "A little time on my hands" for me means sweeping out the shop, not building a holster like that (Or like anything)

RT, I showed a friend a picture of Bob's holster, because he wants me to make him a Wild Bunch holster. We keep looking at pictures, to find a style he likes, and that I think I can manage to build. He really liked the US Stamp. I figued it was a press of some sort, though I have no experience with them. The few I've seen, like at Tandy, don't appear to be of a size to handle that stamp.

He could go out and buy one, but he wants me to make it. Go figure! He's a patient friend. Good thing!

Bob's sure looks good!  JD
The man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.


I tell that to people all the time when they ask me to make them something. I tell them, there are cheaper more commercially made products. They all say the same thing. "I want one YOU made, not one a machine made."

LOL. Sometimes getting something nice is not as important as getting something nice with a personal touch.
Just because you CAN ride the hide off a horse, doesn't mean you should.

http://www.youtube.com/artroland - The home of Backyard Horsemanship!

Slowhand Bob

The two logos, US and CS, can be carved and stamped.  I had the patterns for them some years back and did a couple or so but my tooling skills are not great and they were 'so so' at best.  Next time I am out at the shop I will see if I can find those patterns.

Slowhand Bob

Guys, I was able to hide from the wife for a couple of hours yesterday so decided to update the WB holster and take a few pictures of my knives and some other stuff for JD to look at.  Well when I started to fix the pictures fer posting they were terrible and I remembered the camera did act a bit funny.  I thought I must have broken my wifes new Nikon D90 and my life would now be worthless, obituary time for sure!  Well a bit of examination proved it to be the lens was just a tad slight of clicking into the locked position and it had played havoc with the auto focus.  Well while she wasnt looking, just moments ago, I did retake the WB holsters and JD, I do promise to get some pictures for you very soon.

The changes you can see are centered around the trigger guard and holster loop.  This size did not allow use of the US embossing plate but I like it better anyway.  The change you can not see is that the belt fold was widened by a good half inch where the belt rides.  I am still not satisfied with a couple of the lines and I think I know why, it is still not quite a true reproduction of my favorite.  Compare it to the Wild Bunch Holster that Chuck Burrows made and I think you will see where this is going!  With that said, I think my next one will be a full skirted model though.   

Gun Butcher

  Okay Slowhand , first let me say that both are great looking rigs.

If I were doing one I think I would combine some of the various details.
#1. I love the US stamp and the oval style of the loop on the first rig.
2.  I really like the change you made at the triggerguard on the new one
3. I prefer the line of the bottom of the holster on the first one

There you go, if you don't mind I might use the things I pointed out on a rig  of my own one of these days ;D
Lost..... I ain't never been lost...... fearsome confused fer a month er two once... but I never been lost.
Life is a Journey, the best that we can find in our travels is an honest friend.

Slowhand Bob

Feel free to copy this mutt from uhhhh whomever I copied it from.  Our differences in taste is what accounts for lots of custom leather workers and this is great.  I do have a relatively cheap little USA stamp, GOMPH I think, that was Purchased years ago that I might try on the narrow loop.  The first holster is promised to a pard but I plan to keep the second one for me and can retro experiment with it a bit.  I have even been thinking about running the stitch groover around the toe and mouth of mine for a single decorative cut line look.  Actually my taste does not run much fancier than that on my personal stuff.

JD Alan

Hi Bob, I sure do appreciate you thinkin of me, 'cause I need all the help I can get. I read my wife the part about your wife's camera. I'm very careful with her camera stuff, believe me. We are on a photo trip today, to Crater Lake, in southern Oregon. It's about four hours from home, but worth the trip, 'cause she appreciates it, and that always helps me down the road.

I do look forward to some pictures of whatever you have. I will start on the holsters from the pattern you posted in a day or two, Lord willing.

Thanks, JD 
The man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.


im working on the pattern you posted as we speak but i did a little modifing on it im not putting the skirt on it and am gonna do a deco cut pattern on it with a double loop lacing on the edge hope it turns out like i picture it in my mind LOL ill post pics later today as it takes shape
  thanks for the pattern lookin forward to more patterns like that

Slowhand Bob

The wife leaves for Illinois tomorrow morning and the kids and granduns come in tomorrow night for pappy to deliver on a weeks worth of promised kayaking and swimming.  Ocean, water parks, rivers to creeks, all abound in the Charleston area and it is a water lovers paradise!  Anyway I have to leave Tuesday by plane to catch up with the wife while the kids spend an extra week babysitting the little dawgs.  Can any of you guys tell me what to expect or look for in Peoria??  Just in case I get out of class early where does a wannabee cowboy go of interest??   

Slowhand Bob

Weird (to me), everyone, to a man, who has contacted me with an opinion has selected the first WB holster over the black one.  Is it just the US stamp perhaps?  There is just not that much alteration between the two designs.  I would really appreciate any comments and if your taste is not towards either style let me know, it would really help and I am a big boy so fire away and please give reasons.  Gun Butcher, I appreciate your comments as they let me know how others see things.

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