Decided to start shooting Frontier Gunfighter....

Started by Deadguy, May 24, 2009, 11:33:03 AM

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After shooting Frontiersman for a while, I have decided to try out shooting Frontier Gunfighter (if only that was recognized by SASS as a category!).  I've been practicing my gun handling with my various revolvers, and found that the 1860 Army works best for my left hand, and my Colt Dragoon for my right.  This actually balances out the speed and handling between both my hands.  Apparently I must be excessively right handed.  Now I'm looking forward to the next shoot!  If only I could find decent percussion caps.....
Check out my website at for blackpowder shooting supplies and custom finished and tuned cap and ball revolvers!

litl rooster

I wish the best of luck them C&B's can be tricky shootin' duelist
Mathew 5.9


Welcome to the phantom class...I've been doing it for quite some time.  There are a few things you have to remember, practice and learn:

  • You are actually shooting in Gunfighter class in almost all SASS sanctioned events. So you need to register as such.
  • You need to really practice what you will do if you have a cap misfire.  The stage sequence still requires you keep the target order correct. Fortunately they changed the rules last year to allow changeovers which don't require alternating shots from your revolvers.  I have found it is best to shoot the target with the other pistol and move on to the next. Then on the last target you can advance the cylinder and re-attempt to fire that cap that didn't go off.   Don't sit there and snap off on empty cones, short cock the pistol until you see the unfired cap coming up, then cock and fire.

  • Don't skip a target you had a misfire on, some R.O.s will count it as a procedural penalty (targets out of sequence).  They'll never count one you hit in the right order as a penalty.  It's just easier never having to argue a point.

  • An "unfired" cap (a cap over a still charged chamber) on the pistol requires that you safely ground it, or hand it off to the Range Officer before moving on.  Never re-holster a malfunctioning pistol, never re-holster a pistol with or without a cap that hasn't fired all 5 rounds.  After the stage is finished, the Range Officer for the posse will either require you to remove the Cap on the firing line, bring it to the unloading table for you to remove the cap, or direct you to take it to the unloading area for clearing the Cap.  
  • A Match Disqualification will be awarded to the shooter if the loaded firearm leaves the firing line/unloading area with the firearm unless under the direct supervision of a Match Official.  Be careful here this can be construed in different ways, basically leave the pistol on the staging area  in front of you or hand it off to the R.O. and wait for them to tell you what to do after the stage is over.  In lieu of a horizontal staging surface, don't place it on the ground unless told to or if you have cleared it with the R.O. before you began.  I know of someone who was given a match D.Q. for "dropping" his loaded pistol on the ground (he bent over and laid it down muzzle forward because it was jammed up).  Fortunately it was overruled by the club S.O. with some sideways glances given to the R.O. for being a bit too zealous.

    We actually looked this one up afterwards because the R.O. insisted that the rules state place it on a prop or hand it off.  There wasn't a prop at this position and the shooter knew he couldn't move with a loaded drawn pistol to move to the closest prop.  Believe it or not, it does say put it on a prop. So it is an arguable point.
  • Once you become proficient and have proved yourself as a safe and experienced Gunfighter you can check with your R.O. before the first stage and ask if you can safely "stage" (put it down) a drawn revolver on a horizontal surface in the event you have a malfunction that requires both hands to clear and then  later retrieve the pistol.  You need to remember two things(1) the hammer of the "staged" pistol must be resting on an empty chamber (2) SAFETY, SAFETY, SAFETY.  If you have any doubts at any time,  ground or hand off the pistols and move on.

    Some clubs will not allow a grounded firearm to be retrieved.  This is a safety consideration and is part of the life as a Frontier Gunfighter.  It is better the ground the offending pistol that can't be cleared and taking the unfired rounds as misses than to be unsafe or disqualified.  It's all about awareness, and it takes a higher level to safely shoot Gunfighter style.  

I've been talking about what to do in the event of a misfire or bad cap, but now you need to concentrate on making sure your pistols fire every time.  Some tips...

  • Replace your tubes with Treso tubes.  
  • Find one cap that works and then use it.  I use Remingtons, the #10s and #11s differ only in length.  They have exactly the same internal diameter (~Ø.166)  the #10s are roughly .175" overall length and the #11s are about  .145" overall.  (The internal diameter was determined using gage pins they would fit on.)  The reason one is tighter than the other has to do with the taper on the cone itself.  As it goes over it finally engages the taper on the cone unless the cone is "under sized" for that cap.  You can put a #10 on a cone and have it fit snuggly and bottom out or have to use a pinched #11.  Which seems like a better idea to you?  That's not to say you should use a #10, some cones are larger and you will never bottom a #10 out against the flash hole face.  A  #11 is the answer for those.
  • Always use a capper.  Ask Cuts Crooked where the picture is of his thumb is (I've seen it on this forum).  Learn to use it without feeling hurried. You will use it at the loading table, or if you ever have a reload on the clock.
  • Always use a seating stick to make sure your caps are bottomed out. DO NOT use your fingers (see the bullet above).  When using it make sure the fingers of the hand holding the revolver are behind the cylinder gap.  If it did go off make sure you are just embarrassed, and not hurt by the cylinder flash.
  • Clean your revolver between stages.  I know there are shooters on this forum who go for years between cleaning (I'm exaggerating of course) but they aren't shooting gunfighter.  They are shooting duelist and have their off hand to help them get that sticky pistol to shoot two more matches before they clean it.  Clean your cones!  If the cap doesn't seat it often doesn't fire.  Clean the hammer channel, you will find caps or cap debris in there at least once a match (I guarantee it).  Clean your hammer face.  You can go a match without cleaning the bore or the chambers if you use a good lube or lubricated wad, but it is the caps that have the problems from the fouling and debris that will hang you up.
  • Pay attention while charging your chambers, people want to talk to you and watch.  Learn to stop if necessary.  Keep track and get a strong cleaning/loading routine worked out and adhere to it.
  • If a stage requires a one pistol reload then do this: Charge all 6 chambers, cap five at the loading table and upon the buzzer draw the pistol with one un-capped chamber and cap it with a capper. ( I have tried it with and without a follow up with a push stick) Pick your method and live with it.  DON'T fire the pistol and cap after the fifth round.  SASS rules allow this but even though I have never been able to initiate a rear flash over  to an uncapped chamber I am still safety conscious enough not to tempt fate. It probably wouldn't hurt you, but if it happened you lose everything you hoped to gain by doing it.  After capping you can now draw the other pistol and engage in a true Gunfighter pattern or shoot the one in hand first and then shoot the other in "Double Dualist" style as allowed by SASS.
  • If the stage requires reloading one in both pistols do not attempt to shoot Gunfighter style, shoot one and then draw and cap the other in Double Duelist style.
  • If  the stage requires a full reload then you will have to stage a charged but uncapped revolver on the stage in the position the R.O. tells you, then cap it on the clock before firing it.   I only ran into this once, I didn't expect it and I always carry either Open Tops or Conversion Cartridge guns as back-ups or if it rains.  I was allowed to stage an Open Top and reload it from my cartridge loops.  Looking back on it I probably should have staged one of the '60s and started with one cartridge pistol and one C&B.  That way I would have gotten "mucho vaquero punto estilos."
  • Learn to start with either pistol, this way you don't find yourself trying to figure out how to shoot a left to right or right to left sequence.
  • Don't favor one hand over the other...This is easier said than done.  At our close ranges this really shouldn't be an issue.  Besides if you can't shoot weak handed you shouldn't be a Gunfighter.  At clubs I shoot at we have a several swinging targets and sometimes stages with a bank of plates and a large fixed target. The situation usually calls for something like this: Five smaller plates and a large P6 plate.  The sequence is usually P1, P6, P2, P6, P3, P6, P4, P6, P5, P6 and I can lay you odds the smaller rack is on the left.  If we have a swinger and an alternating  fixed target,  the swinger is invariably on the left.  I am so tempted to shoot the smaller ones with my right hand and cross over for the P6 on the right with my left.   The swinger is even a bigger temptation.  But, you gotta' get over it... Don't cross over unless you have to.  In this case it is a relatively large angle not like just moving down the line of targets.  Practice more with your weak hand and learn that it is a mental challenge more than a physical one.

Well that's all for now, this is getting a bit long.  Ask or PM if you have any more questions, someone  on here will have an answer, or at least an opinion...

Frontier Gunfighter #1 (self given title)
A brace of 1860s, a Yellowboy Saddle Rifle and a '78 Pattern Colt Scattergun

Cuts Crooked

Dark Lord of the Soot
Honorary member of the Mormon Posse
NCOWS #2250
SASS #36914 like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody is watching..


I don't shoot Frontier gunfighter for two reasons.
1. I can't hit squat with my left hand.
2. Running into ROs that do not know the rules and have never been exposed to any quantity of black powder pistols.
Too much hassle!!
Item 2 is the same reason I don't shoot a crossdraw.

Dick Dastardly

Just because I didn't know any better, and no one said not to, I've shot GF from the git go at SASS matches.  I'd been doing it for some over a year when I was told I needed a years worth of SASS experience before I could shoot GF.  By then, I'd had that.

Anyway, I started with ROAs, then got a brace of RVs and lately a brace of 60s.  I love shoot'n 'em GF.  Since I've never shot anything but Holy Black, it came natural to me.  So, yes Deadguy, BPGF with front stuffers can be done.  It's a hoot.  Just don't expect to accumulate many fancy belt buckles. ;D

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Paladin UK

DD says.........

QuoteIt's a hoot.  Just don't expect to accumulate many fancy belt buckles.

Yer Sooo right pard!! But like you, I jest lurv ta shoot with THB in all my smokepoles, `n` iffn ya jest enjoy the `experience` then its the only way ta fly!!

Ned `n` me wuz talkin (Like ya do  ;D), `bout how long it takes ta load BP shotshells `bout a minute or so ta make each one `n`  it takes a only milli-second ta use it!!  BUT its the JOY of shooting it that makes it all worth while!!

Paladin (Whut LURVS ta shoot THB  ;D ) UK
I Ride with the `Picketts Hill Marshals`..... A mean pistol packin bunch a No goods

The UK`s 1st Warthog!!... Soot Lord, and Profound believer in tha....`Holy Black` 
MASTER... The Sublyme & Holy Order of the Soot (SHOTS)
  BWSS#033  SCORRS  SBSS#836L  STORM#303

Real Cowboys Shoot with BLACK POWDER!!

 Paladins Web Site

     Paladins Very Own Shotshell Loader This is an animaton so it takes a while fer the 1st page ta go..

Fingers McGee

Quote from: Noz on May 25, 2009, 11:00:22 AM
I don't shoot Frontier gunfighter .
1. I can't hit squat with my left hand.

+1  I tried shooting Gunfighter with C&Bs a long time ago.  I dont think I hit more than 3 targets with the left gun the whole match.  Maybe if I practiced shooting left handed............................. Nah  :P
Fingers (Show Me MO smoke) McGee;
SASS Regulator 28654 - L - TG; NCOWS 3638
AKA Man of many Colts; Diabolical Ken's alter ego; stage writer extraordinaire; Frontiersman/Pistoleer; Rangemaster
Founding Member - Central Ozarks Western Shooters
Member - Southern Missouri Rangers;
NRA Patron Life: GOA; CCRKBA; SAF; SV-114 (CWO4 ret); STORM 327

"Cynic:  A blackguard whose faulty vision sees thing as they are, not as they should be"  Ambrose Bierce

Mule Ear Mortensen

This sounds like a hoot! :o

So is there anyway to shoot a plainsman side match gunfighter style with in the rules?
STORM # 360
HENRY # 145
RATS # 680



Quote from: mule ear mo on December 04, 2010, 02:02:42 PM
This sounds like a hoot! :o

So is there anyway to shoot a plainsman side match gunfighter style with in the rules?
Unfortunately the answer is no.  As you can see from my Bona Fides I have a vested interest in that answer.  You can ask, they may make an exception, but so far "no joy" for this cowboy.

A brace of 1860s, a Yellowboy Saddle Rifle and a '78 Pattern Colt Scattergun

Dick Dastardly

Were I to do it again, and I may well do, I'd use my brace of very old ROAs.  They are utterly reliable, bigger and heavier but most reliable.  When shooting Frontier Gunfighter, reliability counts for more than any other SASS discipline.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Mule Ear Mortensen

Thanks for the response Mako!

I did a search and found a thread where you got a discussion going about this idea. I must say that I'm with you on it.
STORM # 360
HENRY # 145
RATS # 680

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