Another dumb Q for you guys

Started by Outrider #72622, April 21, 2009, 12:04:47 PM

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Outrider #72622

From the NCOWS web site:

"Gun Modifications:
Not allowed are the following:  Short-stroke kits for toggle link rifles, short stroke kits for revolvers, Lightning rods or similar devises, aluminum carriers for toggle link rifles."

What the heck is lighning rods or similar devices?   ???

Thanks pards.



  Don't quote me because I'm not even sure, but I believe it is a revolver cocking assist device with a roller which makes the single action easier to cock and maybe even shortens the stroke. Whatever the hell it is , it ain't 19th century!
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Irish Dave

My recollection is, this refers to firing pin extensions for rifles that are fitted with rollers or bearings etc. to reduce friction with the hammer and make cocking/levering faster and lighter.
Dave Scott aka Irish Dave
NCOWS Marshal Retired
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  Dave is probably right, For some strange reason I thought it was for pistols :-[
Aggressive fighting for the Right is the noblest sport the world affords. T. Roosevelt
NRA Patron/Life Member
  NCOWS #851, Senator
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  TAPS #26

Cole Bluesteele

The lightning rod was/is a firing pin extension with a roller on the very end of it to ease the pins transition over the hammer when cocking the Henry, '66 and '73 winchester copies.  It is neither NCOWS or SASS legal.

Daniel Nighteyes

Quote from: Cole Bluesteele on April 21, 2009, 04:10:12 PM
The lightning rod was/is a firing pin extension with a roller on the very end of it to ease the pins transition over the hammer when cocking the Henry, '66 and '73 winchester copies.  It is neither NCOWS or SASS legal.

Sounds like they shoulda called it a "rolling pin."  But that wouldn't sound very macho, I guess... :D

Professor Marvel

Quote from: Daniel Nighteyes on April 21, 2009, 09:46:14 PM
Sounds like they shoulda called it a "rolling pin."  But that wouldn't sound very macho, I guess... :D

thank you kindly for the explanation ...

I hesitate to venture what went through my mind (or what passes for my mind) when I read this...

a  Lightning Rod on a Rifle! Whyforhow would anyone wish to attract Lightning to their rifle! And then one would by necessity be dragging 20 feet of grounding chain behind them, and carry a bucket to continually wet the contraption down for conductivity....

your confused and befuddled servant
Prof Marvel
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