Marlin 1898 converted from 44 mag 44 spl to 45 Colt

Started by Jubel, March 09, 2009, 10:09:02 PM

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Recently I purchased a Marlin 1898 that was converted from 44 MAG to 45 Colt. I intended to use it with
either 45 Schofield or 45 Colt. This rifle feeds and shoots 45 Colt without fail smooth and flawless. So what is my
problem? When I try 45 Schofield it shoots wounderfully but will not feed from the magazine. One round in the magizine
will feed like the Colt round but add a second round it tries to feed both and jams the action. Considering the size OAL
difference in 44 mag and 44 spl and both cartridges working in the 44 version what alteration will it take to make
the 45 Schofield work compatibly with 45 Colt in this rifle? Or am I reaching for the moon?
Cousin we been ashooten at each other all day! How about we stop for a beer then we kin go home and get our axes. Or just as good, lets forget this whole dang feud, I'm agetten too old for this anyhow!



The Carrier and Cartridge Stop may need to be modified for a "short" cartridge.  It isn't a modification that I do, but there is another rifle builder who does.  I don't remember who he is.
Adirondack Jack deals with him as Jack specializes in short cartridges.  I'll see if I can find the link to AJs web site and post it later.



Cousin we been ashooten at each other all day! How about we stop for a beer then we kin go home and get our axes. Or just as good, lets forget this whole dang feud, I'm agetten too old for this anyhow!

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