3:10 to Yuma

Started by Johnny Dingus, March 03, 2009, 09:10:04 PM

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Quote from: will ghormley on May 08, 2009, 04:15:37 PMI can't imagine enough material for it to last more than a season, but it would still be a valuable tool for illustrating our nation's history to folks who think hamburger is grown in stores. 
Are you saying it's not grown in stores? Damn, another thing Mom told me that was wrong.
Historian at Old Tucson
SASS #2171
STORM #371
RATS #431
True West Maniac #1261


Quote from: santee on May 09, 2009, 05:48:25 AM
Are you saying it's not grown in stores? Damn, another thing Mom told me that was wrong.

Puts me in mind of one of the posts in a thread (on a different forum) about the reaction of "city folk" to hunters and the eating of wild game ... 

One fellow had a woman (who was by no means a vegetarian) express disgust and horror that he had killed the deer his venison came from, to which his natural response was that the cow her beefsteak  came from had to be killed, too.  When she seemed horrified - and even skeptical - of that notion, his sarcastic response had been that, of course, she was right - the beef industry actually produced full-grown dead cows for butchering .....
Rattlesnake Jack Robson, Scout, Rocky Mountain Rangers, North West Canada, 1885
Major John M. Robson, Royal Scots of Canada, 1883-1901
Sgt. John Robson, Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, 1885
Bvt. Col, Commanding International Dept. and Div.  of Canada, Grand Army of the Frontier

JD Alan

Will, I can't imagine anyone involved in leatherwork being disappointed with the opportunity to meet you. I'm sure no one cares abut the size of your shop, or the number of tools you have. Your work stands as a testimony to your skill and abilities, and I for one (And I'm sure there are many others) would consider it an honor to meet you, and possibly learn from watching you work.

From a personal standpoint, I admire your stand for the Lord, and appreciate your writings. God bless you, JD

The man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.

Curley Cole


Will, thanks for the good words. I am gonna keep at it, altho we are gettin a lot of rattlesnakes this season, early at that. Guy here got bit at a local cemetery and took about 8 doses  of antivenom. So the dry stream is gonna have to wait. but the river is still callin.

Here is a link to my web page. hope you all get a chance to take a looksee.

And JD I agree, I would consider it an honor and a pleasure to visit Will in any place, and his workshop would be first on the list.

good shootin

Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang


Will - FWIW I found a bit of color in the upper Pine River just above Lemon - was up there a few years back dabbling my feet in the cool and kicked into some black sand, saw some glitter and using a pie tin I panned up a few grains - too many folks around at the time to do much more - have always planned on going back further up, but....... :-\
aka Nolan Sackett
Frontier Knifemaker & Leathersmith

will ghormley

Yeah Chuck, the upper Pine is pretty much overlooked by my estimation.  I use to pan La Plata Canyon quite a bit twenty-five, thirty years ago.  They had that big producin' mine up at the notch and I thought that was the place to be.  But, after lookin' at the old maps and studyin' the patterns, I think I'm headin' for the richest placer deposits to be found.  And, I'm goin' in deap enough I don't think there will be much sign anyone else has worked it.  It will be a grand adventure.

And Curley, I'd just take a stout stick with ya' ta probe some of those spots before ya' settle in.  Rattlesnake tastes just like chicken and you could cut down on the grub ya' had to tote along.  I don't think I'm goin' ta have much luck findin' rattlers above 8,000 feet, so I'm goin' ta pack slab baccon along with my beans, parched corn and trail bread.

As for you folks who think it would be nice to meet me?  Across the board, most of the nicest folks I've met are leather workers and cowboys, so the feelin' is mutual.  It's just a fluke that so many people have seen my name.  I don't really have any great talent to offer.  Most of you guys do as nice or better work than I do, I just happened to come up with a line of patterns that got me noticed.  There is so much we can each learn from others when we take the time.  Those folks who share what they know most freely will be the ones that are remembered.


"When Liberty is illegal, only the outlaws will be free."  Will Ghormley

"Exploit your strengths.  Compensate for your weaknesses."
Will Ghormley


Will, that's completely incorrect (and that's likely the last time you'll ever hear me say that).

You came up with some patterns that opened the doors for several of us who, without those patterns, might not have had the fortitude to take a knife to leather, much less to stamp, carve, stitch and wear it proudly.

Without people like you, Will, leather working would just simply NOT have as many of the good folks it has now.

I happen to frequent several forums, and the one I find myself coming back to, is this one, because of all the supportive, wonderful great friends I have met on here. And now that I'm looking into shooting black powder, I look to discovering even more great friends!

Thanks for making that possible, Will, because with out your spur strap patterns, I'd have never started making my leather stuff, and my wife thanks you too, because I just finished a set of Batwing chaps for her for Mother's Day. Without you, her Mother's Day present wouldn't have been made by a pair of really caring hands, it would simply have been bought someplace.

THAT, my dear friend Will, is your legacy in leather work. The incredibly generosity you have to come onto this forum, and post your comments and thoughts, your willingness to share your designs and techniques, and heck, even your willingness to sit down and answer my questions regarding the Meanea 14X saddle I'm restoring.

The world should be full of that kind of generosity. I think it'd be a much nicer place to live in!
Just because you CAN ride the hide off a horse, doesn't mean you should.

http://www.youtube.com/artroland - The home of Backyard Horsemanship!


Oh, and Bruce Camp's "Tres Cruces" belt wouldn't have looked anywhere near good without your white bronze buckle.

Once I settle in on what guns I actually want to buy for BP, and then buy them, I'm gonna get me one of them thar Ghormley buckles and do my own gunbelt up. :)
Just because you CAN ride the hide off a horse, doesn't mean you should.

http://www.youtube.com/artroland - The home of Backyard Horsemanship!

Curley Cole

Well, Will, I guess I too am gonna have to disagree with ya on this one..Your leather can only go so far on bein in the right place, then the rest is first, your talent, and second, what kind o person you are. You show thru as a good cowboy and that is what the people see....at least for my part.

Thanks for "communicatin' with me, I sorta have a string of unusual intrests, and it appears you are along the same lines. (besides that we share some of the same pains...)

anyways good talkin with ya, and I am gonna have to get me one or two of your good buckles. (ifn you strike it in Colorado, maybe you can cast a few in that good yeller stuff...)

Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

will ghormley

Well, Rolling Thunder and Curley Cole,

No disrespect of your opinions intended. ;D  Everyone is welcome to think what they want.  I'm sure we would all have a great time around a campfire!  I wish we could figure out a way for that to work out.  However, don't sell yourselves short and think too much of other folks.  After all, we are all human.  If you knew me well, you wouldn't think so much of me, (I should know, I've known me all my life!).  You could even ask my wife.  The only reason she tolorates me is she loves me and can't help herself, otherwise, I'd be out on my ear.  You could ask me buddy Dave Ellis up on Florida Mesa, (just east of Durango, Colorado).  He's known me since we were both kids.  He'd straigten you out.  No, we all have our strengths and weaknesses.  As it is, I'm not near as good at leather craft as I used to be.  With the arthritis in my hands and my eyes growing dim, it's only a matter of time and I will only be good for advice, and that's the way of it.  That's the way it should be.

The only regrets I take with me are for the things left undone.  So, if I can pass on a little more than my patterns, here's some advice from one who can see a far ways to the end of the trail:  Make the most of yourself and your abilities today.  Tomorrow they will be pleasant memories.  Not only for you, but for the ones you share yourself with.


"When Liberty is illegal, only the outlaws will be free."  Will Ghormley

"Exploit your strengths.  Compensate for your weaknesses."
Will Ghormley

Slowhand Bob

Dang Will, you is shore starting to make the adventure sound inviting.  My problem is figuring how to pack in half a cow, one pig, and a dozen chickens.  BUT them beans and corn might come in handy fer the chickens!  Another problem would be finding a full grown Clydesdale to pack me wholeself in thar.  On second thought you just take care and brang back some good stories fer the dreamers amongst us. 


With apologies to Bob and Will. And even to Bob Wills. The meter ain't right, but you guys get these things for free, so I hope ya don't mind! :D

Packin' Bob
Copyright 2009, Roland Millington, All Rights Reserved

Scrappy Will Ghormley set 'bout makin his plans
To head up to the mountains, carryin' his pans
For the findin' of them wondrous perdy gold pieces
That was yellower than a stack of old Tandy fleeces.

Well, Bob come up with a great ol' idear!
Says he to Will, "Come listen here!"
"I bet's I could muster up enough pluck,
To come with ya pannin' ..."

And Will know'd he was stuck.

So he agreed politely, for Bob was a CAS friend.
The kind that'd stick with you through thick or through thin.
So they set a date, and a place to meet,
Packed their rigs, and went ta movin' feet.

Will got there early, and figgered to rest,
When in comes this clankity, grunt-cluckin' mess.
There was a passul o' chickens, and they attacked Will's bread
And two of them roosted on poor Ol' Will's head.

The hog went to rummaging, through all of Will's vittles
And came up with a sack of beans ... and a pack of Skittles.
Will just sat there, with banties on his bonnet,
And stared up at the big Clydesdale, with Ol' Bob on it.

"See will, I told you for shore that I could pack well!
"We'll find color no doubt, and be comfy as ... ahem.
Poor Will didn't know whether to laugh or to cry
When he saw that hog with a bean and Skittle smile.

He sighed a big sigh, and just shook his head
And down came the banties, landin' where the hog fed.
"Now Bob, what are we s'posed to eat out here now?"
"That's simple, Will. ...

"See, I brung us along half of a cow."
Just because you CAN ride the hide off a horse, doesn't mean you should.

http://www.youtube.com/artroland - The home of Backyard Horsemanship!

will ghormley

Well Rollin' Thunder,

That's a pretty fair bit of poetry.  Not exactly Wadsworth or Poe, or Shakspear or some of that stuff you read on bathroom walls, but pretty good rymin' none-the-less.  I mean, given the subject matter you had to work with, what are ya' goin' ta do?

Now Bob, Thunder sets the stage just about right, ('cepten I don't like Skittles), but I think it would work best if you left the Clydesdale behide, rode a whole cow and shooed the chickens on in front of ya'.  If we eat sparingly, we might even be able to spare the cow and pack our color out with 'er.


"When Liberty is illegal, only the outlaws will be free."  Will Ghormley

"Exploit your strengths.  Compensate for your weaknesses."
Will Ghormley

Slowhand Bob

Thats great Rolling Thunder, are you sure that we arent close frinds from a past life?  Seems you got me down pat.  As to leaving the meat behind and packing beans, well, anyone who knows anything about me eating beans would enlighten you as to the folly in that venture!  At any rate I gots to stay home and check my lottery numbers out.....

will ghormley

So Bob,

If you win the lottery, are ya' just goin' ta keep toolin' leather till it all runs out?

And Thunder, those were some great poems you sent me.  Out of the whole passel, I like the one about me 'n Bob best, but my second favorite is "I's The Best Cowboy in This Here Camp".  You aught to share that one with folks.


"When Liberty is illegal, only the outlaws will be free."  Will Ghormley

"Exploit your strengths.  Compensate for your weaknesses."
Will Ghormley


It seems kinda appropriate that Will Ghormley is the preceeding post ... I tried to post this last night, but I had left my camera on (a first) and the battery was deader than a doornail.

So I got up this AM and took this pic .... geez Will does great work! He even rounded over the lips of the holster to allow the gun to be put away quicker and slicker ....

I just got my finished holsters from him and they are everything I had hoped for. Due to the Range Officer telling me that 'double crossdraw has been made illegal for SASS   (I know, I know; it is not illegal but I have to live with this RO), I have set them up to be double strong arm rather than the original double crossdraw .... but the forward barrel cant seems to help get these long barrels out of the holster ....*S*
My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

   Wadd it looks like Will did you good, NICE RIG...... :o 8)


                 tEN wOLVES  ;) ;D :D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About


At Will's request ... and some of you may have read this before ... the poem.

I's the Best Cowboy in This Here Camp
© Roland Millington 2008, All Rights Reserved

Widduh Larimer came out to camp last week
While we was parked up by Steelehead Creek.
She said to us, "Boys, Now I need to know,
Seein's how it's me that'll be runnin' this show,

"Which one of ya'lls the best in the bunch
I gots my feelins, but I don't play to no hunch.
When it comes to headin' up my whole outfit
I wanna feller who's dadgum pert near with it."

So she looked over us all, then to old Tall Bill
And the rest of us boys, we got mighty still.
She finally came out with her curiosity
"Is there a cowpoke here, better'n ye?"

Well, old Tall Bill, he's mighty lean on words.
He said he figures most aren't fit for the birds.
"Ma'am, when it comes to just who's the cowpoke champ,
Well, I's the best puncher in this here camp."

She spat on the ground and eyed him again
Just like she was a'fixin' to flatten his grin
"You sorry old oaf, I done seen you ride
You couldn't pull leather, much less pull hide

Nor hair off any old pony here,
And rid'n's perdy 'portant to me, I fear.
Not ta mention yer a pretty old sort
But I doubt you's much good when you's a young little sport.

"So don't let me hear ya braggin', ya blustery ol' fool.
There's six or seven men here could take ya ta school.
So if somewhere here, I find me a champ,
It won't be you who's the best in this camp."

Now Tall Bill looked mad, his face was all red.
And jes when we was feared the widduh was dead,
Tall Bill tipped his head back and roared
And we was plumb flattened like an old washboard.

The widduh looked downright corn-fuzzled
And shoot, we too, was all sorta puzzled
'Bout what old Tall Bill found so funny
What was it that turned him from burnt to sunny?

"Ma'am, I think you mistook the words that I said
I don't think they settled quite right in your head.
See this here cowpoke, come in with Gonzales?
Well his name's Ingnatio Hernandez De La Meneo ...

... Up from Nogales.

"And a five-dollar handle like that's a whole mess.
So we shortened his name up, cause we thought it was best.
We got it real tiny, and got it plumb simplified.
We here round camp, well we just call him "I."

"He's a roper, and a rider, and a judge of horseflesh.
When it comes to cow work, well, he's simply the best.
Ma'am, when it comes to who here is the cowpoke champ,
Well, I's the best cowboy in this here camp."
Just because you CAN ride the hide off a horse, doesn't mean you should.

http://www.youtube.com/artroland - The home of Backyard Horsemanship!


I really enjoyed the poem .... it's really hard to put that surprise ending in such a compressed amount of poetry.

Kinda reminds me of Rudyard Kipling or Robert Service .....

And I always think that the Vaqueros never get enough mention when someone speaks about cowboys ... it seems like everything that we identify with cowboys we got from south of the border ... saddles, chaps, lariats, roping ...
My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403


Reminds me of the research I've been doing on the Meanea saddle and all the developments regarding saddles from the early 1800s to the early 1900s, and specifically the 1870s to the 1890s. It's really fascinating to track how the technology developed in that small timeframe. Steel horns, rounded skirts, different styles of rigging for different styles of roping.

Really cool stuff!
Just because you CAN ride the hide off a horse, doesn't mean you should.

http://www.youtube.com/artroland - The home of Backyard Horsemanship!

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