need opinions on shootin' kirst!

Started by Warren T Upp, March 03, 2009, 02:51:10 PM

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Warren T Upp

howdy! just gettin' started in sas shootin and am considering the kirst konversions in .45 for my 2 remmie 58's. any opinions? have been told by one vet of sass that they are "unreliable", any truth? would really like  to hear from you guys, i am thrilled with this site and all the knowledge and fun i am absorbing. i have two .45 lc ruger omv already and would like to shoot bp in all four pistols, sound feasible? lemme know!  i remain (old & near wore out) warren t upp  ;D
proud to be an American-American

J.D. Goodguy

 ::) ;D :D  Welcome!  I have 3 Kirst conversions in 45 and have only shot black in them.  Also shoot black in my new model vaqueros.  Have shot the Kirst in the last 2 Ky. State SASS shoots and had a ball.  Have had no problems at all with them but I don't set any records but do have a good time.  Also shoot 30 inch barrels on my 73 and 97 shotgun.  Only problem with black in either Kirst or Rugers is you need to use Ballistol or some other cleaner after a couple of stages if you don't use bullets made for black.  Being cheap, I load with regular cast bullets with smokeless lube.  Carry a spray bottle of moose milk ( half water & half Ballistol) and squirt down the cylinder pin and barrel at the unloading table and wipe clean.  Wouldn't have the problem if the bullets were lubed for black.  Shoot them and have a good time.  Those speedsters you ask will tell you that they don't work but if you are like the other 90 percent of us, shoot what you like and have a good ole time.  Best of luck.    JD

Dick Dastardly

Silas McFee, my shootn' sidekick, ran a torture test with his Rem 58 with Kirst Konverter cylinder.  It ran like a pink bunny.  After the test we continued plinking rifle targets with great accuracy.  You can read all about it here. . .

Molds for these bullets are in stock now.  Clicking the banner below will take you to my web site where you can learn more.


Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Pappy Myles

Howdy Warren,

I'm fairly new to shooting black myself.   I have a Ruger old Army that I bought a kirst converter for.   It shoots like a dream and I have a ball with it.   I shot about 30 g Goex behind a lyman 250 rnfp bullet with lyman black lube.  Went through 6 stages with no problems.

I liked it so much that I located a 2nd Old Army and reciently purchased another krist and a big lube mold from Dick Dasterdly.   The bullet was designed for the ruger old army so now I have an option to load it in the C&B cylender or load it in cartridges.  I'm looking at shooting this weekend with both of them and will keep you posted.  Anyway, I give the Kirst a big thumbs up!!!!!!!!!
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