Swiss BP loading

Started by Max Doolin, February 15, 2009, 12:36:07 AM

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Max Doolin

On my last BP order had em send 1lb of 2F I'v been using Goex in my 45/70 with a 380 and 400 grn pill with a flat base and a hollow base pretty happy with the loading but when a good (weather) day comes up soon I'm gonna spend it at the range shootin my rifles and was gonna do an actual on paper accuracy type practice. My Goex load is 60grn compressed .25 with a .030 card. I heard Swiss doesnt work well with compression.....input very appreciated since ya'll have helped me out of many problems before. thanks

Dick Dastardly

Swiss is black powder.  Treat it like you would any other black powder.  It's more expensive, it burns well, it has less fouling.  Whether or not it's more accurate or performs better remains to be learned by yourself.

I've loaded and shot Swiss for years.  I like it in my 1000 yard guns, but otherwise I find it a waste of money.  The new issue Schuetzen powder may be a more economical powder that performs as well for my very long range shooting.

The proof is in the shooting.  If you had a load that worked well before, duplicate it with Swiss, take notes and report back.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Max Doolin

Well now that makes it easy.... thanks DD
I plan a day of mostly from a bench using a lead sled
with 5 shot strings when this cold, wet weather leaves.

Fox Creek Kid

I shoot a lot of Swiss in BPCR and I do not compress at all. Only slowly drop tube. However, I use Fg in my 50-90. A few people have had SOME luck compressing Swiss but it's a lot of work to find that "sweet spot" and even then it maybe shot as good as an uncompressed load if that. Actually, Swiss 1 1/2 Fg usually shoots better than FFg in a 45-70.

Max Doolin

I can load some uncompressed to try....should I still put a card in there ?
Thanks for the post FC kid

Fox Creek Kid

Quote from: Max Doolin on February 16, 2009, 01:20:30 AM...should I still put a card in there ?...

Yes. It doesn't have to be a thick wad. I use Circle Fly over shot card wads (they make these in rifle calibers as well) as they are very thin & very rigid.


Circle Fly does have the correct wads and the nice thing is he will take time to discuss different loadings with you. When I first started to load BP shotshell he was a big help. You might want to try some Goex Cartridge if you have access to it. A lot of shooters have good reports about it, enough so that I brought some in with my last oreder.
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